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Topics - saba

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Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Misc] Bitter Liver
« on: June 07, 2011, 02:41:01 »
Hey there.

For several reasons I'm not able to knytt anymore and my level 'Bitter Liver' has been unfinished for many months. I just thought of it, played through it again, and realised that it will never get finished. I just don't have the time anymore and I'm busy with many other things.

But since I did work quite hard on it for a while, I decided to release what I got. So unfortunately it will just end abruptly. Some of you might know the part at the end. I already released that as part of a leveling competition at some point. It was called 'Melanchoholia'.

Some people didn't like how the path wasn't always clear. If you are one of those then be warned, because there's more of that here  :^^:. Keep in mind that this is quite an abstract level, consisting of several sections.  The objective always is to find the grammophone to reach or unlock the door, which leads to the next section. Also there are some placeholder graphics. I never quite figured out how to make them better  X).

Sound is very important. The story is told without words. Also there's some World War I era music. No copyright needed  C).

Take a look at the screenshots from the preview thread.

                                     Get it here.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Environmental, small] Melanchoholia
« on: January 03, 2011, 13:48:23 »
Okaaay, so after I declared in the preview thread for Bitter Liver that I wouldn't enter the current level competition, I've decided to anyway.
It's one sequence of the bigger level and I thought it would work quite well on its own, even though it isn't very big.

It's like a preview, but it is a level in itself.  :^^:

Grab it.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Miscellaneous?] Bitter Liver
« on: December 18, 2010, 16:38:54 »
Originally this level was going to be for the current level competition. I'm not so sure anymore if it will fit. Maybe it will. Maybe it won't.  :^^:

Basically this level will be like a dream world or a distant memory.  It will consist of several segments. The story is told through cutscenes and sounds which is why the music is very important.

There will be something like a maze and puzzles, though I don't think this level can be classified as either.

It will be mostly in black and white.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Challenge/Maze] Mazelenge
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:11:49 »
Hey there. This level is a little old, but since there's not so much going on here, I thought I'd just throw it out there. Not sure why I didn't when I first made it. It has been on since then, so some of you might have played it already.

As you can gather from the name  ;), it's both a challenge and a maze, a mazelenge!

But it is not both at the same time. One part is challenge, the other is maze. The challenge takes place in inverted parts of the maze, which means that what was solid in the maze, is free space in the challenge and vice versa  :).

You get to choose which one you would like to do first.

If you choose the maze first, the challenge part will be easier, if you choose challenge first, the maze will be easier.

There are two different endings, depending on which you chose first. Also, please don't take the ending too seriously  ;).

The author name is 'lamb' (that's a lower case L), just so you don't have to search for it.

Here's the link:

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Normal/Hard][Challenge] Hypoxia
« on: July 04, 2010, 21:52:25 »
You drowned. Now your restless spirit wanders the underwater landscape. Find the keys so you can finally step into the light and let your soul be at peace.

Yes! A small/medium sized level that is completely underwater.  :) I always wanted to see more of those, so I thought I'd try to make one myself. Let me know what you think!

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Challenge][Very Hard] Golly
« on: May 04, 2010, 16:02:23 »
Golly aka The Tileset Party


Hey there. I've been working on this level for a while and now that it's finished, I might as well release it (hope the whole downloading thing works  :huh:)

  • It is constructed entirely out of non-custom tilesets, and that's to say, all of them. It starts with tileset 1 set to background 1 and so forth, using all 254 of them. I think there are only 254, since one tileset appears to be a duplicate. Except for one screen, there is only ever one tileset per screen. Additionally, I tried to use every single tile of every single tileset (except all corner tiles, most of the time), which is why some screens may look a little stuffed.  :^^:
  • The challenges actually range from easy to very hard. I don't think it ever becomes lunatic. There are some puzzle elements here and there.
  • If you find and collect the keys, they will help you and make it easier for you along the way now and then, allowing you to skip a challenge, to get an extra save point, to get a power earlier than usual, and so on. Collecting the keys is optional and not required to finish the level.
  • I do hope that I've ruled out all glitches, unintentional voids, etc. If you find one, just let me know.  :)

Oh and, sorry for the size, it's mainly because of the music (I do have permission to use everything I didn't make myself).

EDIT: Okay, I was just informed that golly is apparently not only an exclamation, but also an offensive slur for a person with dark skin. Since Juni happens to have dark skin in this level, I just wanted to let everyone know that this wasn't intentional at all.

Here are some pictures, which don't say anything since every screen is completely different:  :shifty:

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Blank and White [Normal] [Challenge]
« on: August 15, 2009, 23:56:21 »
Well I've decided to put this one out. It's a pretty small one.

 It was my very first level, so don't be too hard on me.
If you find any errors or glitches or things you generally like or dislike, feel free to tell me  :)

Get it

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