The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]

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The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:19:11 »
Hey, everybody!

I am new to this forum and after learning most of the level editor, I have decided to make my first level. Currently, I haven't fully mapped out the level in my head but I have an opening story and a screenshot for you. The idea is pretty simple and I think once I am done, it will turn out the way I (somewhat) envision it  :).

"On a small planet given the name Knytt, there are many towns and villages that give the miniscule planet activity. The owners, constructors and inhabitants of these places are called 'Knyttes' (pronounced Knights). These Knyttes, over time, built a wonderful village they simply decided to call 'The City'. Under The City were tunnels, called 'Catacombs' by the natives. They were soon explored, becoming a simple route to other landmasses on Knytt. But soon, the explorers began disappearing rapidly, until no one decided to venture into the abyssmal maze. But, one young girl would end that trend. Her name was Juniper and her parents were once explorers who disappeared within the Catacombs. So, one day, she made a decision many would conjure up but few would actually do... She decided to explore and find her parents in the dark tunnels.

This is what happened next..."

So yeah, I hope you like it!  X-P

Also, this screenshot is on the way to the catacombs. Pretty much the whole level will be dark.
EDIT: Screenshot 2. :3

Edit 2: Does anyone know where I can get other tilesets that relate to catacombs besides the one in the screenshot? Thanks for the help!

Edit 3: OKAY it's been quite a while... I've been working. I have been working on it a lot. But, I changed quite a lot. It'll be more of a from a cave to nirvana thing. I'll update more on a later date.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 21:41:55 by Esoteric »



Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 03:24:50 »
Welcome! I, too, am relatively new. We're both working on levels, it seems.

Your storyline is nice. Most really good levels have plots that are slightly more complex than average, so you're set there.

The screenshot is clean and simple, though a slightly more interesting one would have been better to present. It also suffers from JPEG compression, so you should sort that out.

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 03:29:22 »
Thanks for your input!

I'll fix the .jpg and make it a .png and I guess I'll add another screenshot of the catacombs.  :^^:


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Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2010, 17:14:42 »
I like the top screen.  The bottom one looks very plain... probably because of the gray background.  You might want to do something with the water too.  If you make a tile that is the same color as the blue water, then you can put some of that black stone over the blue and make it look not so precisely cut out.

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 01:22:22 »
I am not very good at using Gimp or anything but I'll try and do what you said. Thanks for the comment and for the advice.

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 02:22:01 »
I wanted to update this because it was seeming pretty dead ><. But, I am working on this still and it is coming along okay. I have a few new screenies for you all. I have been trying really hard to make my detail more eye-catching. Still, the "catacombs" part of it is... meh. I'll probably re-do some of it. But, as it is my first level, I will try my hardest to please. ANYWAYS... screenies.


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Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2010, 02:48:53 »
Top screen is nice.  I like the colors and the clouds.  Good solid scheme for an area.

The bottom is just the opposite.  There is nothing wrong with the bottom screen, other than it does nothing new with the tileset.  It would probably help to combine it with another tileset in a unique way.


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Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 20:18:10 »
Looks nice. (OK, I cannot create a very good plot like this [envies...])
All of the screenshots are totally amazing...
:turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:
Spoiler: Archievements (click to show/hide)

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 23:32:03 »
Top screen is nice.  I like the colors and the clouds.  Good solid scheme for an area.

The bottom is just the opposite.  There is nothing wrong with the bottom screen, other than it does nothing new with the tileset.  It would probably help to combine it with another tileset in a unique way.

Looks nice. (OK, I cannot create a very good plot like this [envies...])
All of the screenshots are totally amazing...

Thank you both for saying such nice things about my level. I will definitely change up what I have done on the 2nd screenshot, once I find a suitable tileset for it. Thanks again for the positivity and even though I am having small issues, I'll make this the best it can be.

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 01:20:50 »
I'd hate to two posts next to each other again but I just want to update and say that this level is still going. Slowly but it's still something. I needed to get it out of my face for a bit, though. So, I began doing another idea of mine... And along with that, I've been attempting to learn Gimp. So, I don't know how many will be waiting for this but if you are one of those people, I apologize.

94 screens down... About 80 with full detail in, the other 14 is just sky...


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Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2010, 00:42:16 »
Just keep plodding.  I think I get around 2 hours a week to work on my stuff.    :shocked: :crazy:

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2010, 02:19:27 »
The whole summer I was without my laptop so I'd go on at my dad's during my free time. But I already put in so much time, I did a few screens today but I felt kind of okay about it. I might attempt to create a catacombs tileset and re-do that area...

Re: The City's Catacombs (working title) [Scenic/Maze?]
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2010, 22:22:48 »
This is a long-due update...

Sorry everyone but for now this project is on hold. I have been having trouble finding time for this level or KS in general. Things have been very stressful and the free time I do get, I haven't been able to spend on KS. Sorry again, I'll update again once I get back to working on this.