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Messages - smeagle

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Happy Birthday!
Good luck with everything this year! :)

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Knyttlevels archive update?
« on: January 06, 2016, 12:33:20 »
I recently dug up my old worlds folder and have been playing through it, I'm glad to see that there has at least been some progress with the website.

Forum Games / Re: Reviewing music
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:16:18 »
Wow... heaps of vocaloid and touhou music. Funnily enough my friend has been sending me links to those exact songs.  :P2

Anyway, the song is pretty good. It gets a bit "dreary" at times, but maybe its because I'm tired. But you can't really go wrong with slayer, even if there is no video. The intro is quite good, with a dark sinister lead up to the rest of the song. It does a good job of pacing. Whilst I'm not a particular fan of thrash metal (particularly the vocal style), the vocals do fit the style well. I give it a 7/10.

Anyway, here is my song:

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Need help with CO animation
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:35:19 »
Sure, go ahead! If you want me to add anything else to it (maybe motionblur?) just ask, I can easily add it to the spritesheet from the project file.

Happy (late) Birthday Nifflas!

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Need help with CO animation
« on: January 04, 2013, 00:23:16 »
Making a 3d effect like this is where blender shines. Attached is an example (it is probably too dissimilar to what your initial post had) of what can be done in blender in about ~5-10 minutes.
Blender also antialiases it, so it should look nice. I also added an effect where the back blade becomes lighter when it is further away, otherwise it would just be as 2d as GrayFace's spritesheet.
Seriously though, most game art nowadays has some sort of 3d package used somewhere in the workflow, because it makes some operations (such as animating 2d sprites) much easier.

Edit: yes, the picture does have an alpha channel. it just doesn't look like it in the preview.

Knytt Underground / Re: Linux Betas
« on: December 26, 2012, 23:42:01 »
I would think that steam will see that Knytt Underground is on the PS3 store, and quickly add it to their own. If Nifflas/fastspring/whoever published or does the communication with steam makes it clear that there is a linux version in beta, there is a good chance that it will be added to the linux catalog.
At the moment, steam is only "supported" (ofc it can be made to run with differing levels of success on other distros) on ubuntu. As such, if steam adds it to the game library, many of the casual linux users of ubuntu, who would also have steam installed, would be attracted by it.
Has anyone tried using wine to run it? Occasionally wine can almost perfectly emulate programs (see trackmania, ableton live etc).
Ps. I played through the demo on my winpc, and it is the most ambient and interesting game I have played since WADF. The atmosphere is spot on, Nifflas, you have created a masterpiece  X-P.

I installed Mint 14, and it runs flawlessly. When in fullscreen, it runs at ~30 fps, but this is due to the bad integrated graphics on my linux computer. When in windowed, it runs at fullspeed (60 fps). Once again, great work Nifflas, the game plays and looks amazing!

Knytt Underground / Re: Linux Betas
« on: December 26, 2012, 15:30:45 »
I tried the 64 bit demo.
It is not usable on the distro "Crunchbang Waldorf" (the testing branch). This is because it is a fork of Debian Wheezy, also the testing branch. At this stage, it seems that Wheezy has a libc version of 2.13, whereas the libraries that knytt underground needs require atleast 2.15. This will probably only affect few people, as most people use Ubuntu, which has the required libc version.
I love Crunchbang, but I may swap to mint, ive heard good things about it.

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Virus problem
« on: April 01, 2012, 13:22:39 »
This prank was probably the best today!
Aside from adblock plus replacing adverts with pictures of cats, of course  :D

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Virus problem
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:06:35 »
Best April 1st ever  8)

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Summertime for EU notice
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:01:47 »
Gah, got that a bit mixed up! I have never really lived anywhere where daylight savings are used, so I do not really know too much about it  :oops:.
I feel really silly now  :P2

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Summertime for EU notice
« on: March 25, 2012, 00:45:19 »
Im guessing this is for daylight savings?
Unfortunately, there is not daylight savings where I am, but I really wish there was... It gets dark at about 5:00 during winter, which is really annoying  :/

Creativity Support / Re: Synthesizing sound effects
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:09:36 »
I would first like to say that I am no expert at this sort of thing.

I think the way which it would be best to try and make the sound fx depends on what sort of sound effects you want. If you want distorted "retro" sound effects like those in cave story, it might be an idea to learn how to use some sort of synthesizer software. From here you can choose a wave form such as triangle or sine, and modify it with LFOs and the like. You can get some pretty diverse sound fx from experimenting with synthesizers!

A second option, which could be used, would be to use already existing VSTi instruments. The best example I can think of atm is the "Peach" and "Toad" VSTis, which are SNES instrument and drum emulators respectively. Especially the "Peach" VST, which I have used before, would be invaluable for making 8-bit sounding fx. There are probably many VSTs, which may be designed for making sound effects.

Finally, if you want "realistic" sounding effects, you could download or record actual sounds, then edit them with audacity. One website which is really good for this is

Just my 2 cents, good luck  :)

Forum Games / Re: Adjectives
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:46:59 »
Classy Nifflas

Development Showcase / Re: Some 3d art
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:19:14 »
I had not actually previously known about slayradio, but, as I listen to it at the moment, it sounds great!
As the Commodore 64 is a bit before my time, I have not actually heard a lot of the songs from its time, just a few of them. But its amazing how even without any other stimulus, such as a game or video, the songs which were created still stand by themselves as an entertainment as good as the actual production that they came from.  :^^:

My favourite MaSu songs are the "sidology experiments", remixes of songs from C64 games, such as monty on the run (My favourite bit of the song) and bubble bobble.

Edit: Just then sidology experiment 1 started playing on the radio, and I was confused thinking I had accidently pressed play on my music application, but then I realised I didn't even have it open.  :P

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