Nifflas' Support Forum

Level Editing Support => Knytt Stories Level Editing Support => Knytt Stories - Custom Content => Topic started by: Eris Constance on December 03, 2010, 08:48:45

Title: Regarding Making Tileset Into Custom Objects...
Post by: Eris Constance on December 03, 2010, 08:48:45
Hi guys, I'm making a new level, and I am using Elders Woodcutter tileset, and I really want to use the people in the tileset--but if I use them, I would have to sacrifice other tileset elements, because I've used up all the layers. The grass is in layer 2, the houses and trees are in layer 1, and the background mountains are in layer 0. I really want to use the people as standing under the trees or in front of their houses, but I can't do that unless I make the people into custom objects.

Is it okay for me to make them into custom objects? Elder will still be credited and everything, of course. Does anybody know if I should contact him/her for this? Does anyone know how I may contact him/her?

And thanks! :D
Title: Re: Regarding Making Tileset Into Custom Objects...
Post by: egomassive on December 03, 2010, 11:05:15
Here is the Policy on making COs from Tilesets (

For this particular case you may be interested to know that Elder goes by Salmoneous these days, and according to this topic (, Salmoneous gives permission to edit his Woodcutter tileset so you don't need to ask for it.