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Messages - ozz

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Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: Custom Object limit?
« on: December 09, 2010, 23:31:08 »
Thanks very much to both of you. And apologies again for the stupid question!

edit: Just checked out the file on the linked page, but the download has been removed. Anyone have the 255 object pack lying around?

Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Custom Object limit?
« on: December 09, 2010, 12:13:12 »
Apologies if this is an obvious question with an obvious answer, but I can't seem to find any information about this. When I try to add a 49th custom object, an icon does not appear in the level editor and the object does not appear when the level is tested. Is the amount of custom objects capped at 48? Is there any way around this?

Sure thing, use away.

Talps: Thanks. I'm with you on the cutscenes comment - they were a last minute addition. I had originally planned to hand draw the opening and ending scenes, but in the end decided that I wanted to keep the cutscenes in the graphical style of the level. I would have preferred to actually incorporate them into the level - ie, you get to play through the endings - but that seemed like a bit too much of an effort at the time! In my next level I'm experimenting with this 'no cut scene' idea though.

green.cookie: Thanks very much. Funnily enough, my original idea for the level was to add a third 'realm' - the 'before-life' (to contrast the after-life), where you'd get to wander through the pyramid when it was inhabited thousands of years ago. But I couldn't think of a way to make this section interesting or add to the level! So I kept it to two realms.

And once again, thanks everyone for your comments. Keep em coming!

Thanks for the feedback all. And a tip of the hat to you, egomassive - A Knytt in Time and Shipwrecked were two of the games that inspired me to get cracking on level making. So thanks!

The ghost blocks I had seen before somewhere, but in that case they fully obscured the player. I initially made a kind of transperant pixel net over mine to make them see-though, but that ended up looking a bit clumsy so I just adjusted the transperancy in Photoshop. A bit time consuming but it was the effect I was after, and ya can't argue with results!

Oh, and rivenwanderer - check out the last minute or so of ortoslon's video to see how to get the alternate ending. You can find it at:

Thanks for the feedback all (and the vid, ortoslon - interesting to see someone else play through!).

indemand: It took about 20 hours (or thereabouts) to make the level, from planning stage to upload stage. The graphics were definitely the most time-consuming part, and I think you could make a level this size with non-custom graphs in a quarter of the time.

Thanks! I had a good time putting it together so I'm glad ya'll like it too.

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

After a few months trawling through the Knytt worlds, I found that I'd run out of levels to play. The solution: whip up something myself!

The result is my first level, called Realms of the Pharaoh. My main aim with the project was to create a level that isn't geared towards hardcore players - it does get tricky at points, but (I hope) it stays at a degree of challenge that's achievable for everyone. It also features 100% original background graphics.

Comments and suggestions most welcome. I hope that you all enjoy it, as much as I've enjoyed playing your levels. Thanks!

Slight update: v1.1 makes it possible to return from the underworld, tones down difficulty in a few sections, and fixes a couple of graphical glitches.

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