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Messages - SC

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Looks really good so far. Can't wait to see the finished product. Love me a good short aimless nice-looking level :P

extremely cute level.
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Knytt Stories / Re: There is now a Knytt Stories podcast
« on: July 31, 2023, 19:51:39 »
Marcel is in Japan until October.

ixMarcel, I demand you track down and interview 14.

Oh my god I had NO idea he had a website. :O Sergio blowing everyone else's minds way open again, as per usual :P

This was a really nice level! I am mostly in agreement with the other posters here though in that the level could have easily gone with less enemy-based challenges and it would have been just as good, IMO. I'll even be honest and say that I did ran into a few problems near the beginning of the level that almost turned me off of it, but I am really glad I stuck until the end.

It's weird -- I think this is one of the few narrative levels I've played where I feel the earlier bits are actually harder than the later ones. It's funny. But hey, nothing that can't be fixed with a patch or two! :P Great work, Lucinda, and I can't wait to see what else you've got for us.

really cute level! i did get lost a bit trying to find one of the keys but i thought this was a nice little journey of whatever. i thought the custom tilesets were really good, for what it's worth.

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So... I actually kinda like this level! I can tell you put a bunch of effort into it, and it shows. Although I've only got one ending so far, but before I (eventually) post my final thoughts on the level, I want to ask you a question: are there any music/tileset credits for the level anywhere? I didn't see any in the level folder or in the OP...

So. It's been over four years since the last post. Any updates on this level, Ego?

Dang, good level! I'll admit I did cheat a little bit to get past a few of the challenges because honestly I was not in the mood to re-do screens without the run powerup, but overall? Great level. Great atmosphere, great music, good story. Wasn't expecting that ending, but the atmosphere pretty much made up for it. The only thing I'd change is that I'd classify the level's difficulty as Hard and not Medium, but that's just me I guess. :V

Y'know what? Why not. No guarantees that I'll be able immediately provide feedback (b'cuz ADHD), but I should have some free time later today and tomorrow. Sign me up!

Well, I finally completed this level start to finish (and to other finish), so I think it's about time I give my two cents on this level: it's good. It's really, really, good.

Petals II is a nice-looking, yet challenging level that definitely lives up to its predecessor. (Although to be honest, I hadn't even played Petals I until a few weeks ago when the new patch for it dropped. Despite being in the KS community since around 2011, it must have missed my radar somehow.)

I can tell there was quite a bit of time and care put into each of the areas, both graphics-wise and challenge-wise. I feel this level's difficulty toes the line between Hard and Very Hard, and while I was able to complete it all the way through, I won't lie and I'll say that there were quite a few screens that gave me some trouble the first few times around. It's a beast of a level, but if you're an experienced KS player (or platformer fan in general), it is definitely worth playing.

Spoiler: Secrets!!!!! (click to show/hide)

All in all, this level proves that Talps has still got it. I will be adding this level to Juniverse as soon as I can!  :^^:

EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I actually quite liked the chase section/"hive", as it were. Quite challenging, but quite fun, imo. Keeps ya on your toes. :P

Really liked both of these. I had the same problem that Ego did with Plants but other than that, it was a nice small level. I feel the tileset could use some tweaking imo, but that's a minor nitpick. I'd love to see this level expanded, possibly. Fishy was also good. My only major complaint about it is that there's no music or ambience, but other than that it was also a nice, small level. Good stuff all around!

I'm with pfrangip on this. I feel the difficulty does tail the line between Normal and Hard (much like how Petals II tails the line between Hard and Very Hard imo). Good level! I only have a couple of complaints, though:
1. I didn't realize there were save points at first since the background behind them uses a color that doesn't contrast that well with the point itself. I feel using a darker color would have worked better in terms of visibility.
2. The holo powerup makes some of the challenges later on a bit easier than they should be. There were a few points where I could easily just sneak past half-a-dozen-or-so enemies that would usually kill me if I didn't have holo on, and it made some of the challenges feel a bit lopsided, imo. Not sure if that was on purpose, but at least the level wasn't too hard!

Either way, it's still a good level. Really dig the unique aesthetic style. Can't wait to see what you make next!

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Teaching without words
« on: January 31, 2021, 18:13:38 »
Regarding Mimir: I actually did pick up on that hint eventually when I got there. At first I was like: "wait, did I just softlock myself by saving here? I'm not softlocked, right?" It took me a few deaths to realize WHY the gap between the two enemies was slightly to the right of the left wall. I completely forgot that Juni did that when jumping off of walls. I guess I don't see levels making use of that mechanic often.

Really, really, really, good level. The very definition of 'short, but sweet'. I looove how this level looks and feels. Maybe Ego should finish unfinished levels more often... X)

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Forum downtime
« on: December 06, 2020, 18:31:43 »
That's all fine by me. How come you're moving to a new host, if I may ask?

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