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Messages - kevindubrow

Pages: [1]
Saira / Re: worst controls in the history of all platformers
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:23:24 »
I also had problems with the controls in Saira, but it did not make me dislike the game at all. I changed the buttons and moved on.

Although I get what Exp HP is saying, Nifflas does not need to refrain from emotion when someone attacks something he is passionate about.

People are entitled to criticisms and opinions, but show the artist some respect.

Saira / Will there be more episodes?
« on: December 19, 2009, 23:22:13 »
Hi, I just finished Saira and I was wondering if there were going to be more official episodes?

I'm not trying to rush anyone. I'm just curious. I haven't heard anything about follow up episodes.

Also, if there are going to be additional episodes, will they be free to download or will I have to buy them? Thanks!

Abandoned Projects / WADF2
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:36:14 »
So, I got around to downloading all of the beta games including Within a Deep Forest 2.

The problem is that I can't play WADF2 because whenever the ball spawns, it gets thrown to the left immediately. Does this happen to anyone else?

Help! I'm Stuck! / Re: Mihica battery?
« on: December 18, 2009, 03:34:05 »

Help! I'm Stuck! / Re: Mihica battery?
« on: December 18, 2009, 02:36:02 »
Ok, well I guess that means that I should find one on Mihica. I've looked all around and I can't find a thing. The flowers looked interesting, but they did nothing. there is an area in the far right that I can't get to.

Help! I'm Stuck! / Re: Mihica battery?
« on: December 18, 2009, 02:24:34 »
If its not there, where is it? I finished Hulton and looked all around that area but I can't find a way to charge.

Help! I'm Stuck! / Terminal 2 on Josephine
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:50:52 »
Hey. I got past the first terminal, but I have no clue whats going on in the second terminal.

Edit:Never mind, I figured it out.

Saira / Re: Conrtol problems
« on: December 17, 2009, 23:06:10 »
Hey, well I have jump assigned to "S," the PDA assigned to "D," quit assigned to "Q," and photograph assigned "A."

I'm using a new Dell USB keyboard on my new computer. I'm running Windows 7.

But anyway, I moved jump to "W" and that seems to work. Hah, its a shame because I got really used to the regular setup. I wonder why the "S" button didn't work while using up and left while up and right worked.

Ok, thanks so much guys!

Yeah, I'm really not doing well with switching the keys around. So, unless I'm wrong having two direction keys pressed does not change the jump, right? If thats right, I'm just going to keep the keys as is. I have gotten used to not having two direction keys pressed at once.

Saira / Conrtol problems
« on: December 17, 2009, 21:35:21 »
Hi, I know that this sounds like a small issue, but it can get a little troublesome.

Holding the left arrow and the up arrow at the same time makes it so my character can't jump. I know that holding both at the same time does not make the character jump any differently, its just force of habit. I'm just trying to hold up so I have momentum while going up cliffs and such. Also, I'm used to being able to do that in games like Knytt Stories and Within a Deep Forest.

This is especially weird because I can jump while holding right and up. Its just a problem because I'm expecting to jump, and it just ends up killing my character haha. Is this a problem for anyone else? Is it possible for me to fix this myself.


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