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Messages - tinatoerat

Pages: [1]
Thank you... with that encouragement I have finally got past the four blue drop-downs and have now made my way to Faeries' Pond.  :)

Well call me a dummy, but I just can't see the magic for the Owl Maze. I've gone to the east. I've got onto the ledge with the blue droppies. I can't get past them (my feet get stuck in the first one or I jump into the second one) so far. I just don't know what is amazing here that I should see. There is a bone pointing NE in the ground. (should I go NE in the maze). There is a tree that sorta looks like its shaped like the maze - but it doesn't have a hint there that speaks to me.
There are four blue droppies. There is a tree stump in the middle of them.

None of this seems to relate to the Owl Maze to me. (The tree? maybe there's an owl in there. Just a minute.... no, pressing down at the tree doesn't produce an owl or an explanation.)

Can someone give me a clearer clue?

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