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Topics - CheezyWEAPON

Pages: [1]
Knytt Underground / Do item payoffs add up? (Trading madness!)
« on: February 08, 2013, 00:36:36 »
I notice a lot of the Bell Door guards want either this OR that, and I'm afraid if I chose the alternate option, I'm not going to have the items for ANOTHER door person!

Do all the items you find fix this? If I spend my items on one guy, can I find more to pay off the other?

Is there any moments I should worry about that might screw myself over from 100%? These sprites are quite.. finicky.

Is there any way to turn on a visual tiling like Knytt has? I know most of the tiles laid down repeat, but I have no idea what I'm placing down or editing.. And what happens when tiles overlap?

Also, delimit?

I have a feeling there might be a faq soon.. haha

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