The Messville Chronicles Ep. 2: This One Doesn't Really Have A Proper Name

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Offline Firecat

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The guy from the 5th floor gives to the clerk in the desk the boring reports from episode 1 that looks like this:
Spoiler: Boring reports (click to show/hide)
Why would a guy from the 465th floor a lot of closed and open folders? they are not even monospaced!
Also he decides to complete the badge renewal form.
There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.

Matt talks to everyone on the 1st floor, then the second, third, fourth, and so on until the 100th. Also, he wonders how the elevator went straightly from 1 to 5 to 493 and skipped 9. Oh. Right. Matt put the elevator in Express Mode because he was in a hurry.


Offline Yukabacera

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The sysadmin focuses on his computer. He says: "ISPEZ...ISPEZ...ISPEZ...Ah, here we are! "ISPEZ is a network of computers used for a variety of purposes on the MechaOil platforms. ISPEZ is the brainchild of Prof. Dr..." Okay, I think that answers your question. ISPEZ-5 would be the ISPEZ on MECHAOIL-5."

The guy from 5th floor gives the reports to the clerk, who thanks him and disappears in the maze of filing cabinets. He then decides to complete the form and starts answering the weird questions:

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Matt starts talking to people. 25% have no idea what's he talking about, 25% are elderly people who invite him inside for tea, 25% dismiss him as an insurance salesman, and 25% are paranoid and don't even open the door.

Perhaps that was a waste of time.

Vegetal's radio blurts out what seems to be an advertisement: "Give your smile that special glow, try the sparkle action of DentaPro!" and then starts playing a song about lollipops and a man whose hands are sweet as an apple pie.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 12:59:19 by Yukabacera »
:hiddenstar: My only one.


Offline Vegetal Gibber

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Hooray for radio spam!

Vegetal speaks:

"Interesting. I guess I'll just block incoming messages and get my work done before the boss comes and tells me he suddenly changed his mind about the project. The last time that happened... well, my memories of that event are a bit hazy for some reason... but you might remember that day when the Messville Seismological Centre contacted us about a small earthquake centered in this area. It wasn't pretty."

"Oh, and thanks for the radio and the info. And to think I came here...

--cough cough-- I mean, feeling a little resented about the pr0n incident. Here, have a candy bar, man. It will give you that sugar rush you need to play ME2 all night."

Then, Vegetal text-messages his comrades via PurpleBerry and reports this new info to them.

Spoiler: @Yukabacera (click to show/hide)
Some KS levels by me:

No details this time; Matt wonders what you can do in Turnvale and takes the CMR. The one that goes to Turnvale, of course.


Offline Firecat

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Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

The guy from the 5th floor answers the questions like this:
Spoiler: form (click to show/hide)
There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.


Offline Mochaalatte

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Staring at the $100 in his briefcase, Sir Leroy remembers the hard work he put into get it. Opening his wallet, he also finds a couple of spare buttons.

Good times. Sir Leroy reminisces on the good times past and decides to do something progressive.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
Bluh bluh. I have this thing now.


Offline Yukabacera

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Vegetal gives the sysadmin a candy bar, who immediately unwraps it and stuffs it in his mouth. He also sends a message to everyone telling them of the ISPEZ computers.

Spoiler: @VG (click to show/hide)

Matt passes the same girl who was watching Suddenly, the Trains Departed. She's not just sobbing anymore, she's crying like her whole family got killed in a freak accident on the open sea. Occasionally she mutters things like "She didn't have to die!" and "Why did he do it?". Matt just ignores her and takes the CMR to Turnvale Tower. Turnvale is a tourist attraction: it's full of restaurants and shops. It's the same height as Eyrie, is connected to the other towers with walkways, and it's got an observation room on the top floor.

The guy from 5th floor fills out the form, signs it and leaves it on the filing clerk's desk. He emerges from the maze of desks and filing cabinets, takes the form and disappears again.

(I really don't know what exactly you want to do, Mochaalatte. Sorry.  :P2)

:hiddenstar: My only one.

I try to look for clues about Joseph Swagglebar's true identity. After asking it to everybody on the first floor, i give up (incase i don't get lady luck on my side) and take the CMR to Tipoca Central.

Also, Yukabacera, what is MechaTec?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 19:20:47 by StraightFlame »


Offline Mochaalatte

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 I make what I wanted to do more specific.
Sir Leroy goes to the 413th floor to get back to work, whilist reminiscing on the $100 he got in the first game.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
Bluh bluh. I have this thing now.


Offline Firecat

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Also, Yukabacera, what is MechaTec?
I think its the Black Mesa/Aperture Science/Massive Dynamics of Messville.

413th floor.
Yay for references!

Anyway, the guy from the 5th goes to the 5th floor to find his AK-47 hidden inside his computer cabin personal items.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 21:01:24 by Firecat »
There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.


Offline Vegetal Gibber

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Indeed, logic is overrated. Onto the crazy stuff!

Suddenly, Vegetal remembers that e-mail from the real Yukabacera (which Matt generously shared with the other characters, even if SF didn't say so :P)... and he realizes an helicopter is about to leave for MECHAOIL-5!

He storms out of the sysadmin's office, grabs the first unguarded coffee cup he sees and pours its content down his throat. He feels extreme pain for an moment, as the hot beverage scalds his innards... but a few seconds later, Vegetal's pain receptors become numbed and he shouts "LEEERROOYY JEEENKIIINS!!", thus activating his special ability: Office Adrenaline Rush!! :nuts: It took Vegetal years of training to be able to control this power, which gives him the benefits of the berserk state without the mass destruction and the "must-destroy-all-lifeforms" side effects. During 1D6+2 turns, Vegetal's stats will receive the following boosts:

Spoiler: Stat bonus (click to show/hide)

Then, he just runs. He runs like a mad bull and rushes to the elevator, intending to go to the top floor (if movies have taught him something is that every building has an helipad on the roof!). And then... ???
Some KS levels by me:


Offline Yukabacera

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Matt takes the CMR to Tipoca Central. Tipoca Central is an ancient ruin of a technologically-advanced extinct race that apparently lived on Arvel before any significant life existed there. Oh and, it's in the middle of the ocean so the CMR has to go over an elaborate network of bridges. The train arrives at the platform and Matt exits. There are several buildings close to him (nicknamed The Memorial, The Arcology, The Apartment Block and The Office Building) and he can enter any of those. Not far from here is one of MechaTec's oil platforms. It's got a huge "05" stenciled on it. A monorail bridge that presumably leads somewhere that isn't Messville passes it and gets all personal with it at one point.

Sir Leroy, Firecat and Vegetal press the call button for the elevator at the same time. The elevator starts going down to the lobby, but then Vegetal and Firecat call it again. It starts going up to floor 9, but then Sir Leroy calls it again. This repeats several times until the elevator just (figuratively) says "f**k it", snaps the cable and plummets down to the lobby. Oops. Corporate is gonna get pissed.


Firecat's description of MechaTec is pretty accurate: they've got the, uh, innovativiness of Black Mesa, the sinister aura and absolutely no respect for morals or ethics of Aperture Science, and the money of Massive Dynamics.

They also provide a free email system, own a whole fleet of spaceships, are the ones who established first contact with both the Nirnians and the Parnathens and are currently sending a probe into the deep reaches of space to see if there's any more aliens they can use as slave laborers employees.

:hiddenstar: My only one.


Offline Firecat

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Look what i made!
Spoiler: Fan made prologue (click to show/hide)

There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.


Offline Vegetal Gibber

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That was great. I LOLed XD

Edit: I forgot to copypaste my next action :P


Ha! Taste my sweet revenge, you evil elevator! How do you like them apples??  I mean... oops... :oops:

Unaware of what really happened, Vegetal keeps mashing the elevator button so fast it's starting to melt. Then, after trying in vain for a whole minute, he lets out a series of expletives that would make a lumberjack blush. He then says (non figuratively) "polkaf*** it!" and starts running up the stairs. He'll worry later when the adrenaline rush wears off and the nasty after effects kick in.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 22:05:42 by Vegetal Gibber »
Some KS levels by me: