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Messages - TheANIMAL

Pages: [1] 2
Knytt Stories / Re: Replayed Gaia again
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:51:06 »
including what i consider the proper and good ending.

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Knytt Stories / Replayed Gaia again
« on: February 04, 2010, 01:44:59 »
I forgot how good this level is.

Also, this being my second time i found 2 endings that i didn't find before, including what i consider the proper and good ending. I'm not sure how i missed it the first time round. Anyway, what really struck me was that it felt half the size of the same level i played last year, maybe i spent less time looking for secrets but it just seemed smaller.

I wonder if this level will ever be expanded on, i do hope so.

Knytt Stories / Re: Hardest level you've played?
« on: February 01, 2010, 13:41:34 »
Those spikes aren't that hard. A low corridor with shooting fish on each ending - it's almost impossible to escape it, without hitting those spikes :<


I don't think we are talking about the same section.

This section is a total bastard.

Knytt Stories / Re: Hardest level you've played?
« on: February 01, 2010, 01:12:44 »
I completed Panacea on V.hard mode, normal and secret endings and i though it was incredibly hard.

Later i went back to levels like Spiral and Assention only to find that i breezed through them, they felt pretty easy.

Panacea on Lunatic mode is roughly the same difficulty as V.hard except for one bit where you have to climb up through some spikes and they are positioned so damn awkwardly its unbelieveable. I've been stuck on that bit for quite a while.

Knytt Stories / Re: Fullscreen or small?
« on: January 11, 2010, 00:19:14 »

I prefere full screen, it looks great for me. I can see for people used to resolutions of 2560*1600 would have a problem with the blurryness but ive got a modest resolution monitor and i don't mind.

Knytt Stories / Re: Help with Travel Eastward
« on: January 05, 2010, 00:48:22 »
I am stuck in a pitch black room where the wall floor and ceiling are all spikes and i keep dying the instant i  respawn, it happened just after a wierd bit with a load of lego jedi.

Edit: nvm, i just restarted the level and made sure i wasn't such a prat the second time around.

Knytt Stories / Re: Return to Luminous City
« on: December 29, 2009, 02:10:14 »
Its easy to get stuck in levels like this where you go round in circles quite alot.

Knytt Stories / Re: Return to Luminous City
« on: December 28, 2009, 17:45:27 »
I found it on the old forum but it seems that has been taken offline for good. Not sure what i did with it my self.

Knytt Stories / Re: Whew!
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:47:58 »
Getting the good ending for Infestation is taking me quite a long time.

Knytt Stories / Re: Lost levels?
« on: December 15, 2009, 23:12:40 »
The Hunt is a great level.

Knytt Stories / Re: Whew!
« on: December 15, 2009, 23:11:47 »
Sometimes the difficulty rating is difficult to define itself.

How you play a level effects the difficulty.

For example Spiral which i heard people mention in this thread i would call hard rather than very hard, because its luck based gameplay quite alot of the time with enemies which have random movements and random spawn points. If you go into the level expecting to die 20 times per screen then its just a matter of patience but if you go into it trying to do a time trial then i'd say its very difficult.

Panacea is also a very difficult level but i'd describe it as Lunatic to be honest because every single difficult screen requires pin point precision and doesn't rely on randomly moving enemies so much.

Knytt Stories / Re: Whew!
« on: December 15, 2009, 16:08:46 »
Ascention i would say is hard for about 90% of it with 1 or 2 very hard parts in it.

Knytt Stories / Re: Knytt Stories Online 1.2.1 is out !
« on: December 09, 2009, 23:00:21 »
Well unless there are a thousand people who are playing it, which there aren't, then a bit of organisation is required i guess.

I'm most likely to be playing between 10pm and 12pm GMT.

Knytt Stories / Re: Knytt Stories Online 1.2.1 is out !
« on: December 09, 2009, 01:40:27 »
What time does everyone/anyone play?

Knytt Stories / Re: Hi, is this even possible?
« on: December 09, 2009, 01:21:44 »
Ahh rite sorry - i have everything except umberella, hologram and 2 keys.

Thanks for the quick reply btw.

Ahhh, great ive just got past it, its only taken sinse saturaday. Well now i look like a prat for posting about it here. Yay for funny ending.

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