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Messages - mechamind

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I'd easily believe that there are 26.

After my moment in the clouds, I also believe one more thing for all those times I got "exploded" - not everything in KS+ should be yellow. :oops:

It's not always easy to remain active on a forum. It feels like worldwide expectations for quality are getting a little higher each year, so any creator would feel the need to put more effort into what they're making.

But the note about making algorithmic music really caught my attention. I could probably understand this, though I haven't actually had the chance to develop any games yet.

Yeah, I guess I'm a little later on this one, but I still played it.

I did find it weird that the piano plays 1/2 a second after you jump, instead of right when you land (or possibly right when you jump). Still, I agree that the mood works well with this and that it can be a good art game. :)

EDIT: Forget about the time delay. That's just my browser. At least I know this game works on Linux. ;)

This is the best one that I've been able to play so far. Gameplay, customization, rewards, extras, and the humor all exceeded my expectations.

It's going well. There seem to be a lot of places where you can die almost immediately after moving to another screen, but this is very minor as it's not a bug or anything.

I also look forward to more!

Another thumbs up to the tileset.

It feels like we could have an additional outcome involving the chips.

Now I'm actually surprised what one can do in less than 4 hours! That was a fun challenge, and the ending was funny too.

(Maybe if the food could stay right where it was, the level would have been finished in 4 minutes.)

Pretty good choice of elements for a short level like this! Now, one thing...

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Eh, some of the jumps were probably epic from Juni's perspective. ;)

Nice use of the music and other assets.

Thanks. Well now, it appears the difficulty has exceeded my levels of skill and patience. Of what I did play, I did like the colors, the storyline, and the audio track used for the flood "scandal".

1st Picture: I did notice one of the spike floors is not deadly at all (2 screens left and 1 screens down from the one I already included where you can choose your route). They just act as an ordinary floor. And to the left of that, I can somehow walk through the wall as if it doesn't exist.

2nd Picture: This is the point where it became so difficult that I decided to stop. You'll have to rely on someone else to comment on anything beyond this point. Nothing wrong here, just extremely difficult.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Easy, Maze, Small] Dim Square
« on: March 14, 2012, 05:38:55 »
They're both good skins. My only issue with 3 Square is that the "Ghost?" blocks (that appear once you pick up the eyeball power) are somewhat hard to see. Just a minor issue, though.

The same "Ghost" blocks are much see to notice in Dim Square.

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Agreed, it is difficult even for a Lunatic level. I want more! >) Good thing for the save points, otherwise this would be impossible.

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I really enjoyed this level. An interesting reward for beating Retro-Hard mode. Note:
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Overall, I enjoyed it.

Great level, and I do think Medium/Hard difficulty is accurate for this level. Some areas can get a little tricky at times, but I do consider them to be fair.
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Personally, there are only good things I can say about this Knytt Story.

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