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Messages - OSad

Pages: [1] 2 3
As much as I'd like to test this level throughly, I seem to be unable to decypher those messages. The code is too much complicated for me, and I have to do a bunch of them.

If you could give me the whole thing already ready, I'd appreciate.

Ohh... this code is incredibly hard... I'll literally have to get pen and paper to solve these messages.

By the way, any specific, fast way to communicate with you?

So I got another look at those messages and the first one says "The first chance you get, enter", and the other one says "Go back the way you came, death awaits you if you go left".


By the way, I can beta test. I provide awesome critisizm and am great in improving your level design! Do consider that sometime.

]Haha, I guess people can see right through my early-and-not-very-elaborate message-scrambling scheme (or, at least, when the message mostly consists of 3-letter and 4-letter words).

Well, you know. If I can't read them frontwards, maybe if I read them BACKWARDS it'll work. Didn't worked for the second message, though. "The sooner you get the better", maybe?  :(

This looks pretty good. The screenshot with the cat looks spooky with the whole "TURN BACK OR YOU'LL DIE!" message, and the black and white screen looks almost serene, though I couldn't decipher the message on that one.

The open field looks awkward, though. I though the dude on the left was floating, but then I realized that the tileset that looks like a background WASN'T a background! Craaaaazy.

Collaborations / Re: Within a Deep Forest 2 (made with Game Maker)
« on: January 15, 2010, 20:35:06 »
Heh, whatever then. I was more than willing to get this up and running again, but with my main programmer out of the game, it's discouraging.

Whatever. It was fun while it lasted.

Collaborations / Re: Within a Deep Forest 2 (made with Game Maker)
« on: January 15, 2010, 18:22:54 »
Yet you have all those WaDF2 banners on your signature.

That says something.  :shifty:

Collaborations / Re: Within a Deep Forest 2 (made with Game Maker)
« on: January 15, 2010, 02:39:43 »
I wish I was here sooner. This could have been saved.

Or is it still going? It is a mistery.

Nevertheless, it looks like I'm not needed here. PYP has everything under control so tattle-doo.

Collaborations / Re: New... ball project... i guess.
« on: August 22, 2009, 03:19:36 »
Pick yer poison, a few days ago, my computer suffered heart attack. I can't stay in the flash more than a few seconds, and my computer has a nasty tendency to reboot at the most random times. Until I can get a major dust cleanoff and a complete format, I need you to keep the dream going. Don't let it die, man! Pierce the heavens!

As a status update, we have the training level finished. It needs serious polishment, though. The second level will have to be restarted from scratch, but rest assured I am still working on it. When me and PYP get a plot going, I'll be heading to the talented chaps at the voice acting club for a start/end narration of the story. Hopefully, this project WILL have production values. Whooray. \o/

Again, it might take a few days until I have everything sorted out. Thank you for your attention, that would be all.

Collaborations / Re: New... ball project... i guess.
« on: August 11, 2009, 20:50:34 »
You're welcome to jump on board! Right now, we decided to work on WaDF 2, then, if it works out, we'll steal Night Game from the wii and make a port called Afternoon Game to avoid copyright screw-ups.

I'm just finishing the training level. It'll be sent to Pick Yer Poison. Drop by on IRC if you're interested on helping!

Collaborations / Re: New... ball project... i guess.
« on: August 09, 2009, 02:20:51 »
Damn, pick yer poison. Curse you for keeping this going in my vanishment.  :^^:

Anyway, I had some problems to deal with. But it's all sorted out now. Can I check what you've made so far?

Collaborations / Re: New... ball project... i guess.
« on: June 15, 2009, 17:28:12 »
Hey OSad, can I take a look at the file you were testing my views idea on? For making multiple areas within a single room? I want to see if I can figure out what's going wrong.

The files are on ice cream (limo) until tomorrow. (i need to study for an important test today!)

Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Environmental] Outer Reaches
« on: June 14, 2009, 17:50:48 »
Yes, pond. I seem to have captured the brittish english perfectly, putting 'u's into every simple word.

But yeah. Don't just fill that hole with water. Make it overflow a little.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Environmental] Outer Reaches
« on: June 14, 2009, 04:31:06 »
You seem to have captured the essence of a dark, damp forest perfectly, so i suggest you add in some mushrooms, complete with a little pound close to that hole.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Environmental] Outer Reaches
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:26:32 »
...a forest. A big one.

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