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Messages - Dandelion

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Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: November 08, 2009, 02:54:32 »
I'm in. Can there be multiple entries?

Sure, that sounds fine.
I may do this, not sure. Oh, and to clarify, it's already started right? I could start making it now?

Yes, the competition has started, and will end on the 28Th of November. I hope to be able to judge all the entries by then, but I'm not sure if I'll quite have time. I'll do my best.

Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: November 05, 2009, 20:15:25 »
Hm, good idea. I should clarify as much as possible.
I can also be a judge, although I might participate once or twice, in which case I'd sit out on the judging for that round. :)
That would be great, but I don't have enough time to PM you right now. Not until this evening, when my brother gets off the computer.

Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: November 05, 2009, 20:02:56 »
I don't think that would really be necessary, but it's an interesting idea. If someone has too few savepoints I will tell them in the reveiw of their level. (I will be posting detailed reveiws for the levels,    I probably should have mentioned that.)

Knytt Stories / KS Level Competition
« on: November 05, 2009, 18:50:52 »
I like a little friendly competition sometimes, and I thought it would be fun to have a level competition. So I'm starting one. Every 3 weeks, I will choose a category and difficulty of level, as well as the minimum number of screens that level must be. Then I will pick the winner out of all the levels submitted.
There are some rules and guidelines that all entries should follow:

  • Your level must be started while the contest is going on. That means no entering levels you worked on for months before the competition but just now finished, levels you never released, or your levels from the old forum. Part of the challenge is that there is a time limit, and it wouldn't be fair to those who are making levels just for the competition if someone has 100 screens already done beforehand.
  • A win tile should be accessible in the map, unless the map is a playground, in which case a win tile should not be present. Also remember when making an environmental entry not to include challenges. Meanies in places the player can't reach are OK, as are easy jumps over water, but elements that are designed in the hope the player will die there are not. Puzzles and mazes are also unacceptable. Environmental levels should not contain anything that makes progressing or moving through the level a challenge.
  • If your level does not follow the guidelines, it won't be judged, but I will send you a PM and give you a chance to fix it so it can be in the competition.
  • Please, no levels with a huge filesize. Anything over 20 MB is pushing the limit for how much I want to download.

It would also be great to have more judges. If you would like to be a judge, PM me. I also have a certain rating scale I would like to use, which I will PM to you.

Anyway, the parameters for the levels this time are:
A Hard difficulty, Challenge category level that is at least 10 screens long. The current competition will end on the 28th of November.

If anyone has questions or thinks the rules should change, post here or PM me.

Happy Halloween! I made a level celebrating Halloween, since it's my favorite holiday. I had to rush it a little to release it on Halloween, But I'm happy with it nonetheless. Enjoy!

Knytt Stories / Re: KS online with OINC
« on: October 26, 2009, 19:27:39 »
Woah, this is probably awsome, but I haven't seen anyone else playing. I'm going to hang around in the blue forest in A Strange Dream for a while.

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Tileset Problem!
« on: September 15, 2009, 06:28:44 »
For the Ambiance: Are you making a sub-folder in the folder for your world called Ambiance and putting the ambiance there? Be sure you name your custom ambiance Ambi# (# is a number between 1 and 255.) I had the same problem.

Knytt Stories / Re: Fullscreen or small?
« on: September 14, 2009, 18:25:39 »
I almost always play fullscreen. It doesn't distort at all on my monitor.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« on: September 14, 2009, 18:19:32 »
I seem to have been trapped in your chapter two: lanterns. I just can't figure out what to do, (how to lit the lanterns.) and as you know, I can't leave the area. Have I missed something? Perhaps a powerup? (I have the two first ones.)

Press down on the lanterns.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Environmental/small/easy] Frozen Forest
« on: September 14, 2009, 09:15:27 »
This is a short little level, but I tried to make it a beautiful one. There are several custom music tracks, so that's why the filesize is so big. (8 MB For 18 screens...) KnyttLevels isn't letting me upload this so it's on MediaFire for now. Have fun!

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Tileset Problem!
« on: September 14, 2009, 09:02:33 »
Why do you assume she uses MS Paint when she have said nothing about which program she uses?

That's true. Londeea, please tell us what program you are using.

...Yeah, I guess I could do that...

It would kind of be a pain to remake the screens you already have, but I want to point out that if you don't you'll have to put savepoints (and monsters I think) in the air. Otherwise they'll be too far in the ground to save at, and the monsters will wallswim. :S

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Re: Tileset Problem!
« on: September 13, 2009, 23:31:33 »
Would everyone please stop hating on MS paint? If people want to use it that's their business, and Londeea didn't ask us what program we think she should use.

I already posted here, but you're always trying new levels!
Escape from juni's room has a strange charm for me. If you were to look at it in a critical way, you would probably dislike it, but it's just charming to me. It's one of the few levels I like to replay. Maybe it's because it was my first third party KS level, but I just love it.

I'll update this post when I remember more levels.

The lava caverns is a fun little challenge that I also love to replay.

Knytt Stories / Re: How do you justify Juni's respawning?
« on: September 13, 2009, 18:12:05 »
How about this: KS is a game. When you die, the game puts you back at the last save point that you saved.
Nah, nobody would by that.

It's fun to come up with bizarre theories! XD
I think that when a knytt dies, they just go back to the last save. It's simply a minor
(or major if the level creator didn't put many saves in) annoyance, as it is to us. The complex theories make my head hurt. :P2

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