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Topics - Dandelion

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Knytt Stories / KS Level Competition
« on: November 05, 2009, 18:50:52 »
I like a little friendly competition sometimes, and I thought it would be fun to have a level competition. So I'm starting one. Every 3 weeks, I will choose a category and difficulty of level, as well as the minimum number of screens that level must be. Then I will pick the winner out of all the levels submitted.
There are some rules and guidelines that all entries should follow:

  • Your level must be started while the contest is going on. That means no entering levels you worked on for months before the competition but just now finished, levels you never released, or your levels from the old forum. Part of the challenge is that there is a time limit, and it wouldn't be fair to those who are making levels just for the competition if someone has 100 screens already done beforehand.
  • A win tile should be accessible in the map, unless the map is a playground, in which case a win tile should not be present. Also remember when making an environmental entry not to include challenges. Meanies in places the player can't reach are OK, as are easy jumps over water, but elements that are designed in the hope the player will die there are not. Puzzles and mazes are also unacceptable. Environmental levels should not contain anything that makes progressing or moving through the level a challenge.
  • If your level does not follow the guidelines, it won't be judged, but I will send you a PM and give you a chance to fix it so it can be in the competition.
  • Please, no levels with a huge filesize. Anything over 20 MB is pushing the limit for how much I want to download.

It would also be great to have more judges. If you would like to be a judge, PM me. I also have a certain rating scale I would like to use, which I will PM to you.

Anyway, the parameters for the levels this time are:
A Hard difficulty, Challenge category level that is at least 10 screens long. The current competition will end on the 28th of November.

If anyone has questions or thinks the rules should change, post here or PM me.

Happy Halloween! I made a level celebrating Halloween, since it's my favorite holiday. I had to rush it a little to release it on Halloween, But I'm happy with it nonetheless. Enjoy!

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Environmental/small/easy] Frozen Forest
« on: September 14, 2009, 09:15:27 »
This is a short little level, but I tried to make it a beautiful one. There are several custom music tracks, so that's why the filesize is so big. (8 MB For 18 screens...) KnyttLevels isn't letting me upload this so it's on MediaFire for now. Have fun!

The topic title explains it. I would like to be able to create music, or at least try, but I don't want to spend money on a program because I'm afraid I won't like it or just won't get how to use it effectively. Does anyone know of any free programs I can create music in?

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Environmental] My first 3 levels
« on: August 01, 2009, 22:24:02 »
I find it fun to play other people's first levels, so I'm posting mine. Due to my very short attention span and many ideas, my first few levels are INSANELY short, so ill post my first 3. All are linear, story-based environmentals.

Moonlight woods
My first level ever. I fixed a void, but I kept the other bug in to show how much I still had to learn at that point.
Moonlight cove
My second level. I fixed a shift bug, but nothing else aside from that. You shoud walk at the start of this level, or you may miss some signs.
Juni's adventure
My third level. I fixed MANY voids that I was probably just too lazy to fix when I made it.

I tell the stories of these levels through signs, as I had no idea where to even find an image-editing program until later. One does have an ending though.

EDIT: Apparently it's against the rules to attach levels (why make .bin an allowed file type then? :huh:) so I put them on mediafire.

I want to use the girl from knytt nano in a level, and here's a version already animated in the sprites folder! And water too! But can I use it, or are the objects for KE only?

BlackM.1 posted a tileset on the old forum called midnight lum town, and there was a sunset variation as well. It is in his public tileset thread, but to use it you had to post a screenshot of you using the tileset to use it in a level. I haven't seen BlackM.1 on this forum, so I can't give him a screenshot, but I really want to make a halloween level with the tileset. can I use it, or not? It seems like a silly restriction to put on a tileset, (no offense) and I recall Nifflas saying that you can't have more restrictions then the ones he set on public tilesets.

Knytt Stories / How scary is "It waits?"
« on: July 08, 2009, 17:44:10 »
I heard that it waits is a good level, but I'm not sure if I want to play it. I don't want to be too scared. Are there any shock parts or "screamers" to look out for, and (in your opinion) is it any creepier then Pipe dream by Emeraldfire?
If so I don't think I'll play it.

PS: Sorry for kind of silly topic, I'm worried I'll be scared out of my wits. :S

I was using the manager to set my icon and my intro screen, and when I picked the images I wanted to use, they didn't show up. That happens with the manager, what with it being so horribly buggy and all, so I tried again. The images weren't there. Ive looked in all the folders for my world, and have come to the conclusion that the manager deleted them. Luckily they took me all of 5 minutes to make, but I still need to know how to set an icon and info screen without using the manager.

On a side note the manager recently stopped working for me when it comes to setting up tilesets, but it's never deleted them.

I'm trying to use the attached picture as an avatar, but I get an error saying "The avatar you have selected is too large, or not an avatar." I know it's not too large, so what's the issue? (Or maybe it is too large and i'll feel dumb.)

I have all the keys but the red one, and I would love a hint to it's location. Like what area it's in.
Sorry for making so many topics.

Convert the music to MP3 and put it on an MP3 player? Sorry for asking so many silly questions, better safe then sorry though.

Knytt Stories / Where do I download Afar?
« on: June 23, 2009, 20:09:02 »
Ive seen some people talking about Afar, and I'm curious to play it, but it's not on knyttlevels. Is it part of the third party pack? I already have some of the levels in it and I don't want all of them. Could someone provide me with a download link? Or am I missing some obvious place to download it?

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Tileset board?
« on: June 17, 2009, 23:47:40 »
Just a suggestion, but maybe the mods could add a temporary tileset board to the forum. Since several people already have posted tilesets in development showcase, it shows there are tileset creators still here and many level creators could use new tilesets for their levels. I know there's going to be something like this on the archive, and I know the archive will be "done when it's done," but it will likely take awhile for that to happen and it would be great to have something in the meantime.

Knytt Stories / Using ps3 controllers?
« on: June 08, 2009, 04:34:03 »
I want to use a ps3 controller for this, but I don't know how. Ive installed several apps that should make it work on my PC (vista) but I'm not noticing any changes. Ive rebooted. How do I get it to work?

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