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Messages - SavourySnack

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone!

This is the first post I've made on the forum, but I've been a fan of Nifflas's games for a long time now. Despite that, I only recently actually gave Knytt Stories a go, and boy was I missing out on a lot of damn fine gaming content right there. I've been binge-playing it for the past month but somehow I completely missed that this thread existed. I've given it my best shot to try and finish a level in time, but though I'm near the 300-screen requirement, the level I'm making still isn't finished. It's probably gonna end up being twice that amount. But I've honestly found the levels people have uploaded to be inspiring and awesome in ways I didn't even expect, so I'd like to participate in this challenge and give something back if I can.

So, Sergio, I'll do my best to get something done for that awesome collaboration idea! I look forward to seeing how everything unfolds and of course, to playing all the awesome levels that have already been submitted :-)

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