WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?

  • 5 Replies
WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« on: August 28, 2010, 20:10:29 »
What are the names and abilities of all WaDF2 balls?


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Re: WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 03:37:32 »
If you want to know, go play it.


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Re: WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 18:14:09 »
If you want to know, go play it.

Although this is rudely stated, I would have to play the game myself in order to tell you. Playing the game yourself is the best way to find out. I'm not sure if the balls are actually named.
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Re: WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2010, 19:28:50 »
No, I didn't think the balls were named either. Off the top of my head I remember :w7: bounces to the same height on the screen no matter how large or small the drop,  :w0: points at things,  :w9: disappears when it goes fast enough,  :w8: shoots air at the ground to levitate, :w6: might be magnetic, but I think it just make sparks. I forgot. And that's all I remember.

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Re: WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2010, 22:00:01 »
:w1: Default ball. Control makes it bounce less.
:w2: Sticky ball. Control makes it stick to walls.
:w3: Magnetic ball. Control makes it attracted to magnets.
:w4: Opposite of ^. Control makes it fly away from nearby magnets.
:w5: Goes really fast and bounces really high. Control makes it go in slo-mo.
:w6: Activates electropads.
:w7: Has no terminal velocity and barely loses any speed at all when bouncing.
:w8: Control makes it float about 5 ball lengths above the ground.
:w9: Becomes more invisible the faster it goes. Cannot be seen in this state by select enemies.
:w0: Control makes it point at the level's pointer. Which does nothing, btw.
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Re: WaDF2 Ball names and abilities?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 18:22:45 »
Thankiez yous!