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Topics - Santicol

Pages: [1]
Development Showcase / Some of my art.
« on: July 02, 2014, 19:42:06 »
I started a DeviantArt account around a week ago, and I've been posting some of my works.

I focus in minimalist, psychedelic, and abstract art, it seems to be what I can do best. There's already quite a few of my works in there (22 to be exact!) so, it'd be largely appreciated if you gave them a look.

Here's the page;

Well, 'later.

Development Showcase / So, I've started a blog.
« on: May 08, 2014, 01:20:44 »
Hello Nifflas' Support Forum! I thought the best place to post about this was of course, here, because everyone here is nice and friendly as we all know.

So, yes, some may remember me, I'm just a guy that used to lurk around the forum doing random stuff. I don't know, maybe not that many people will actually remember me.. Oh well.

Anyways, I've started a blog. In fact I did, a few weeks ago, haven't posted that much since I feel like no one has been reading my blogs (which is, in fact, true; all the views that my blog have gotten have either been me checking it or my girlfriend checking it, I know, it's sad.) but, you know, I do want to make my blog way bigger and I feel like that's possible, I just need to get an audience. 

Now, I'd be really glad if you gave it a look and told me your thoughts or just general comments about it here. I'll be glad to take advice, requests or whatever.

I'm sorry if this seems like advertising, you know, perhaps it might be considered that, but I just like the idea of a blog, so, yeah.

So, here's the actual link to the blog:

Again, there's nothing much there so far and what there is is kind of... I don't know, depressing. But I swear I'll write more stuff and all.

Well, that's all!


Knytt Stories / Having trouble with a bunch of levels
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:51:27 »
Hello Forums! I haven't posted anything in a while and I suppose this is a good thing to post about...

Does anyone know/remember this dump of 169 knytt stories levels?

I downloaded the torrent, used Utorrent and all of that... and then, I tried dumping all the levels at once on the worlds folder...
Opened knytt stories, and all the levels are voids!

What am I doing wrong?

Other Free Games / (Permadeath) (Simulation) The Aurora Wager
« on: April 07, 2013, 20:02:14 »
The Aurora Wager is basically a one life try in going to the north pole... on a hot air balloon... with wind... and complete catastrophe. The game was made in 7 days and it's very impressive. It's amazingly hard and actually feels like a realistic simulation. I have not beaten it, but I'm trying! The game gives you the hot air balloon, then it gives you the tools to get it going, it gives you a compass to see where north is, and the game actually has some slight exploration. Like stated on the game's website (a blog) the game is inspired by:
- Roguelikes
- Proteus
- Kerbal Space Program
- Dear Esther
- Last Exile
- Steamboy
- Minecraft
So basically it's pure awesome.
If you wanna give the game a try, and watch Mr. Dan (Nerdcubed) try to solve the game, go here:

And that's it.


Forum Games / Reviewing music
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:46:50 »
Well, it's pretty simple. You have to post a music video of any song. Then someone's gotta review it. The reviewer is gonna post another music video, and so it goes on...

Since sometimes children come across the forum (like me), songs gotta be appropriate, that means no swearing / sexual content / etc. etc...

Videos MUST be from Youtube.

No jokes / screamers / unrelated videos.

So with the rules done, LET'S START!

Reviews have to be descriptive.

Knytt Underground / Playing 15 minutes of the demo got my mind blown.
« on: December 22, 2012, 18:33:00 »
It's beautiful. Great job Nifflas and all of the others who helped. However, I'm (probably) gonna get the full game if it comes out on Steam. I voted "yes" for it of course.

Other Free Games / (Platformer) **HARD** I wanna be the Guy: Gaiden
« on: December 18, 2012, 23:21:05 »
I wanna be the Guy: Gaiden is a BRUTAL platformer. It's the sequel to I wanna be the Guy. Both games are as hard as heck.
Download Link:

Play this if for some reason you wanna rage. I'm serious.

IWBTG: Gaiden is extremely buggy for some reason. IN EVERY COMPUTER. I'm not joking. I'm gonna update my signature to show you the specs I have, they are fairly high, but the game just KEEPS BEING BUGGY.

Other Free Games / (Skating) (Open Roaming (?) ) Zineth BY ARCANE KIDS
« on: September 16, 2012, 23:24:54 »
Zineth is... well, it's hard to explain ... In Zineth you are this guy with a skating machine of sorts, and you work for this company that delivers a kind of newspapers called Zines. In the game you also have a phone, In the phone, there's Twitter, The game's settings, a minigame (which takes about 25% of the game) and some other stuff. There's missions to do in the game. You can also just roam around and parkour, and do other fun stuff. Graphics are kinda cartoon-ish. Oh, and I forgot to say, this game has features that I have found in two other games, one of them is... Going back on time (Like on the popular indie game Braid) and the other feature is... Making gravity stronger (Like on Quantum Conundrum).

One of the missions is, well, going to the moon, have fun doing that!  X) *It is actually possible though*

Link to download (which also contains a trailer of the game) :

Game by The Arcane Kids.

Play the game please, it is loads of fun. And of course, it's free. The game is for Windows and Mac, and the soundtrack is free.

**Note: The quality of the picture I added right there is really bad.  **
*** 2nd Note: The game is way to fun, by the time you stop, you will probably be looking at the clock like "What the heck! I forgot dinner!".  **

This is a message to all mods, y'all make a great job keeping the forum safe and everything. I my opinion, this is one of the best kept forums I have seen on my life! Keep with the GREAT job.


Other Free Games / (Racing) Tux Racer
« on: August 12, 2012, 21:01:36 »
Tux Racer is a racing game, now, there is no cars on this game, all you control is a penguin,  X)
You just go down snow hills, gain speed and blah, blah, blah.

This an old game, not so old but still old, it was created in 2000.

I cannot take pictures because my computer is almost full of data, so if I continue putting data, my computer is  no longer gonna have space. I can take you to a link for some pics though.

Pics: click here

(Sorry for such a long link, but it's all my Anti-virus fault, If you can't open the link then tell me)

I have been posting quite a bit lately, (I posted two free games before this  X) ) so.. yeah.

Link to game:

Hope you enjoy!

[mod]Made a really long link to a short one by using BBCode[/mod]

Other Free Games / (Tetris) (Fan-made) Not Tetris 2
« on: August 12, 2012, 20:50:35 »
Not Tetris 2 is a Tetris fan-made game, It was created by (Yeah, funny name for a website)
The game is pretty much the original Tetris... with physics.

I am sorry but I cannot post pics, that's because my computer is FULL of data, so if I take some pics I am gonna have less and less space for data on my computer. I can give you a link to a picture though.

Pic: Click here

(I know it's a long link, that's because I am using the AVG Anti-virus, tell me if you can't open the link)

Game: also created some other cool games such as Mari0 (Freaking Super Mario Bros with a Portal Gun  X) ) and some more games, if currently working on Mari0: Special Edition, they are also working on Not Pacman.

[mod]Made long url short by using bbcode.[/mod]

I can't believe this game hasn't been posted, I really can't believe it, so I am gonna post it.

The Powder Toy is sandbox, Falling Sands-like game, you can play around with materials and create quite cool stuff.

(Description from the Website): The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox game, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat!

Link to the Website:

The picture doesn't really show anything cool, just a pic I took to show how the game looks like.

Well, Hi people, I just begun to make a level. In it's full release it's gonna be like an environmental/playground kind of level. So... the thing is, I have a small Beta of the level that can be found on Knytt Levels. So, In Knytt Levels, look for Dark Enviroment (Beta)

(Yes, you have to spell "Environment" like "Enviroment")

Tell me if you like the Beta or not, also give me some Ideas for this level.

I do not have any pictures of the level since I can't really take pictures of my computer screen, (I do not know how to take pictures of my computer screen, so if you can help me with that, thanks) Enjoy the Beta!

Edit: Can anyone help me with the name of the level? I think Dark Environment isn't a good name.

Well, I made this topic because... um... I was curious.  X) Tell which game you like more, and why do you like it more. My favorite was Knytt, and that's because it was just exploration and there were not as much enemies like on KS.

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