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Messages - cheatfreak47

Pages: [1]
Nifflas' Sources / Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:37:48 »
wooooooooo, thanks ego. *gives :hiddenstar:*

Nifflas' Sources / Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:39:27 »
I don't think it's ever killed me in KS. I don't think I've ever survived it in KS+. Maybe in KS I'm able to drop out of the screen before any of them move into my line.

Well I just tried out your level with both double pass and single pass, and had no trouble beating it either way.
Spoiler: But then again, (click to show/hide)

Nifflas' Sources / Re: Knytt Stories Launcher
« on: September 11, 2014, 18:05:02 »
Updated: Added an exception handler for missing executables.
Spoiler: Exception (click to show/hide)
Clicking OK simply closes the dialog for the user to click on something else.

Nifflas' Sources / Re: Knytt Stories Launcher
« on: September 11, 2014, 16:40:52 »
Just one thing: Can you make it that the Launcher doesn't crash when you click on a button whose target doesn't exist? (For example: If I don't have KS+ and I click on it on the Launcher, it should give an error, like: "Knytt Stories Plus cannot be found", instead of crashing.

I could write a handler for that, but it'd be easier to just make a version without the KS+ buttons. Or even easier for you to get KS+.
I'll upload a build without certain buttons if you tell me which ones to remove.

That goes out to anyone, btw, just ask and I'll do it. In the meantime I guess I'll write a handle for missing files, been needing to do that anyway.

Nifflas' Sources / Re: Knytt Stories Launcher
« on: September 10, 2014, 15:30:55 »
I'm not gonna use this, but :hiddenstar: anyway because it's an awesome concept.

Also, small question: Why do you have Knytt in that folder in the image?

No real reason, I just dropped it in the same folder as knytt stories when I downloaded it and added it to my steam library. Forgot about it when took the screenshot I guess.

As in said in the op, I made this so I could launch any knytt stories exe without cluttering my steam library with multiple exes.
Theres probably a couple other uses, like if someone wanted to make a knytt stories flash drive with autoplay, it might be nice.
I really just posted it because I like to share anything software related that I do.

Nifflas' Sources / Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:27:02 »
Oddly, the issue isn't present in Knytt Stories Ex, not sure if that's worth mentioning or not. The source to KS ex is available on it's web page if that may help.

This is quite a nice level, the only thing that made me really scratch my head was the jump on the way back from collecting the crate.

It's the first level that made me realized Juni's double jump goes higher with the umbrella closed and actually made me use that to clear a gap.

Good job.

Nifflas' Sources / Knytt Stories Launcher
« on: September 09, 2014, 23:30:05 »
I made a launcher for Knytt Stories.

Each button does what it says it does, as long as your folder looks a bit like this.
It's based on the source to a binding of isaac launcher, which I've used several times to make launchers for other things.

Download | Source | KS+ | KS Ex | Steam Icon
I made this because I put all my games in steam, so I needed one executable which allows me to start everything, then I went overboard with it a bit.

I might take suggestions for things to add to it, so let me know if there's anything you think I should add in that I missed.
Note that I can always tweak the ui to fit more stuff, so don't hold back on suggestions.

(I posted it here because this seems to be relevant to the existing Knytt Stories mods, if it belongs somewhere else, mods move it plz)

Nifflas' Sources / Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« on: September 09, 2014, 17:42:51 »
It only happens about 50% of the time when I reset with F2. If I mash F2 again and again it goes away, but it's quite annoying, so I just figured it may be worth looking at. To me it seems like only the Y axis isn't getting scaled and the X axis is always getting scaled, but like I said it's only a problem about 50% of the time.

My screen can only handle 1x or 2x, as my max resolution is 1366x768 (I have a laptop)

Off topic, amazing job on the mod, this is worth having for the key remapping alone, and all the scripting and new game design options makes it even more worth having.

Nifflas' Sources / Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« on: September 08, 2014, 21:29:21 »
I think I found a bug, not sure if it's been reported before, but I don't have 2 hours to read through a 45 page topic.

About 50% of the time, resetting with the F2 key while in Zoom mode causes this to happen.

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