Trouble with magnet-bots

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Trouble with magnet-bots
« on: January 05, 2013, 00:23:38 »
So I've finished the game and I'm now going through and exploring, finishing all of the quests and getting achievements.

I'd say my general ability with this game is intermediate. I can make some good jumps, I'm reasonably accurate and I can work out most of the platforming / precision jump puzzles fairly quickly.

One game mechanic that I have a lot of trouble with is the magnet-bots. I feel like I should be able to hook onto one of these things and be able to control, with a basic degree of accuracy, the movement of the ball, however when I do I tend to oscillate wildly all over the place. I've been able to trial-and-error my way through most of the game, but I'm now trying to get a certain achievement and I'm having trouble getting past the second magnet-bot without driving into a kill-wall and dying.

Any hints or tips with how to better deal with the magnet-bots would be greatly appreciated; I feel like I'm missing something findamental here...


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Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 00:53:12 »
This part is the Figure given on your description. This is actually the most hard and insane part of the game. Its ment to be hard and Nifflas has added this secret for those who love challenges.

The only advice is: become better at it and at a certain time you will beat it.

Note that every movement is reinforced but you can steer while using the magnetic, so you can steer into the opposite direction before going past the magnet and it should allow you to just hover around in a controlled fashion. Note, I do suck at this myself due to the lack of control, but I've gotten better at it. Its just really hard, and by doing it a lot, you'll get better at it every time.
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Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 02:52:02 »
I may as well ask here: anyone else get the problem of the magnet bots suddenly deciding that holding the L button (or whatever the PC equivalent happens to be) is suddenly not a prerequisite for being magnetized? This seems to be a very on-and-off glitch for me, one that can get very frustrating in that it will turn difficult magnet challenges into bloody impossible messes, with the only thing left for me to be to keep dying until the game decides to play nice.

I haven't tried redownloading yet, I might have to try that first to see if it helps.

Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 05:28:51 »
I do know that on the Vita I had the devil's own time getting the magnets to behave themselves because I didn't realize that 'magnetize' was also mapped to 'touch the rear touchpad'. If you're on PC you might check if you have a similar unanticipated input?


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Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2013, 05:33:14 »
riamu79, note that left-right-up-down keys work while you're attached to a magnet bot. Often it's better to temporarily attach to them just when you need to get the right momentum.


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Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2013, 06:23:41 »
I've found the most controlled movement comes from delaying pressing the power-up/magnetise button until positioned as close to the robot as possible, then letting go fairly quickly and using the ball's arc to propel you to your destination.

Re: Trouble with magnet-bots
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2013, 16:20:52 »
I do know that on the Vita I had the devil's own time getting the magnets to behave themselves because I didn't realize that 'magnetize' was also mapped to 'touch the rear touchpad'. If you're on PC you might check if you have a similar unanticipated input?

Ah, this is probably exactly what was happening to me. Just played through the Figure while being very self-conscious about the placement of my hands, and never ran into the problem.