Weird "door" in the E zone

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Offline Shilag

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Weird "door" in the E zone
« on: January 07, 2020, 16:55:00 »
Not sure if anyone's active enough to see posts here anymore, but I've been playing Uurnog recently and loving it, but I've found something I can't make sense of.

There's a room inside the E zone that has a blocked up doorway that seemingly has no purpose, and yet it looks awfully suspicious.
I've tried everything I could think of, using the blue and red orbs (which on a side note I still haven't found any use for), using a bomb, exploding a heart with the heal gun, using the gold key.
Is there a way to open it, or is it just taunting scenery?


Offline Wibi

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Re: Weird "door" in the E zone
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2020, 05:54:32 »
Just keep progressing through the game, and eventually something in that room will change. You'll know when.
Spoiler: To be less vague... (click to show/hide)

Regarding the blue and red orbs, have you noticed them repeatedly flash and beep at times? (And have you noticed the red orb flicker green?)


Offline Shilag

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Re: Weird "door" in the E zone
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2020, 23:34:56 »
Just keep progressing through the game, and eventually something in that room will change. You'll know when.
Spoiler: To be less vague... (click to show/hide)

Regarding the blue and red orbs, have you noticed them repeatedly flash and beep at times? (And have you noticed the red orb flicker green?)

Yes, thank you very much. I actually just came here to update the thread because I figured all of those things out coincidentally. I had held off on the endings because I was trying to figure out as much as I could about the secrets and stuff beforehand, which turned out to not be very productive. And I did notice the green flashing of the Red Orb, which I couldn't make sense of at first, but now I found its use! Love uncovering things in this game.