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FiNCK / Ha, I love this game already [spoiler about secret]
« on: October 09, 2010, 22:43:04 »
I just started playing this game not even 15 minutes ago and I am already in love with it.  The secrets are really hard to reach!  I'm only in Area 2, and I already found a secret door that was very satisfying to reach.

Who else reached the
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
in Area 2?  You know, in the room with
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Of course, chances are probably that there's an easier way to reach this secret than the method I used...

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: The community is dead :(
« on: October 09, 2010, 21:13:54 »
What, I leave the forum for a bit half of a year and everybody thinks it's dead?  Did I really contribute that much?

Eh, like others have said, when it comes to forums for video games, a slower board generally has a better community.  When a new game comes out, you will see a spike in activity, but a decent amount of the newcomers will eventually lose interest, leaving behind a small number of devotees who share a lot of interests.  The only real problem I see with our tight-knytt community is that it constantly has to deal with groan-inducing puns that don't even work if you use the correct pronunciation of the title of the game.

Nano Pack / Let's Play Knytt Nano!
« on: April 17, 2010, 20:15:09 »
I've started doing Let's Plays recently.  It's hard to believe I would even bother trying such a thing (I type well, but I talk horribly... partly because there's no backspace key for talking :P), but I've been watching a lot of LPs lately and it has been making me want to become an LPer, so here I am.

Knytt Nano was my second LP.  It's a short one, just a single video.  I personally don't think it's very good, but I'll let you be the judge.

Other Free Games / Re: [Acton-Adventure/Platformer] Cave Story
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:08:37 »
Nifflas and Nurykabe are listed as "Score and Sound Design" in the WiiWare version credits.

I don't know about the rest of the WiiWare version (haven't gotten a chance to play it yet), but the music for it on the Channel screen made me smile.  And I've had a hard day.

It's just something about the bouncy chiptunes.  It makes me nostalgic not only of Cave Story but also of some older games from when I was growing up.

Unfortunately, I probably shouldn't play it now.  I'm trying to do my first LP - one of Iji.  That LP is the reason I've had such a hard day.  You'd understand why if you ever seen me in person.  But I said I'd go through with it, and I plan on doing it, and so I can't let myself get distracted with another game.

Quote from: LPChip
Environmental means:
  [. . .]
The definition of the Environmental tag has been discussed to the ground.  By this point, I don't think anybody in this topic is having trouble understanding its definition.  The problem is that we don't like the definition of the environmental tag.  Nifflas made this tag with a specific type of level in mind.  But for some of the community, when we see this tag, we yearn for something more versatile.

Quote from: LPChip
I still don't get it why people need to put Environmental and Challenge in the same level. Either its environmental or its a challenge.
I feel like say the question is more like "why wouldn't people", but I'll explain one mindset that I think is common: The mindset of "calling your level Environmental is how you say you focused on visuals."

One contributing factor is that the environmental tag exists.  There is a category that designates levels as pretty.  And because of this, a level author may feel that their pretty level needs to have a "pretty" category.
The other factor is that environmental tag is the only pretty category.  Together with the first reason, this is why people feel they need to put Environmental and Challenge in the same level.  Because they see a way - and only one way - to tag their level as aesthetic, they want to use it.

So when people can't use it, they feel like they're being told that their level is "too difficult to be called pretty."  This is why the environmental category causes such frustration.  The only pretty category is incompatible with other categories!  If there's going to be one and only one "eye candy" tag, it ought to be compatible with any other tag whose name isn't "Plain"!

To the Jack, I'll add what you're saying to my list.  Although I do think that an official category would be 100x more effective than the use of custom categories.  Of people browsing the archive and/or their installed levels, I see several cases:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
And of level authors, I see three types:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
All in all, even though we'll know about it, I doubt it would be very popular.

Aaaaand I got ninja'd by the Jack.

Usually, Adventure genre levels are just classified as "challenge." but I've always thought there should be an adventure category.

Anyways, asking LP to add a category to the archive isn't a viable option.  And this is not only because he isn't open to change.  You see, it's difficult to defy the logical reasoning in his current choice.  The category field in the archive is presumably currently read from the level itself, so the categories recognized by the archive should be the same as the categories recognized by the actual game.  So if you really want a Scenic or an Adventure category, your options are these:

  • We could ask Nifflas what he thinks about adding a new category filter to the next version of Knytt Stories.
  • (to preclude the need for a separate Scenic category) We could try to get the Environmental category redefined.
  • After a public beta of the Archive is released and LPChip is open to feedback, we could ask LPChip about implementing a category system that isn't read from the level. Plenty of possibilities for this have already been suggested, like ratings systems and user-defined categories.
  • As the Jack is suggesting (I think), reach a consensus on the name and definition of a new, custom category to use for this type of level.  Even if the game or the archive doesn't recognize it, we will.
  • ♪Don't worry, be happy.♪

I like option 3

...was that smb2 clone the new game?
HA! I so called that.

About part 1 of the video... I have to say, it feels like my life might end up playing out a lot like that.  I have this really big adventure game I've been working on for the last 8 months.  I devote so much thought to this game.  I have such big dreams for it.  I have documents full of random stuff that I'd like to incorporate into my game...
But do you know what I have to show for this after almost 8 months of development?  9 mugshots (3 of which are in my avatar), 8 songs, a placeholder sprite, a rushed 16-color generic grass and dirt tileset, and a game engine that doesn't even have all the necessities yet (like support for animated sprites, display of text, or even functional hit-detection).

Judging from your story and seeing where my game is right now, I'd say this is probably just going to be another failure, which is really depressing for me to think about given how much thought I've dedicated to it.  If I ever want to accomplish anything, I'm going to need to learn to start smaller, and I'm going to need to learn how to actually get stuff done.
The other parts of the video helped a lot in that aspect except for one thing:  Unlike Nifflas, I can't draw, and my pixel art skills are just barely sprouting, so placeholder graphics is about the best I am capable of.  I mean, I couldn't animate a sprite for my life.

Eh, enough about me.
Nifflas, that was very insightful to watch.  And now I finally know how to do a proper sound effect! :nuts:

Other Free Games / Re: [Arcade] Robot Unicorn Attack
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:27:29 »
If you don't know about this already you must have been living under a rock for the last month.
Great.  I've been likened to Patrick Star.

Well, I sure do love dem 'splosions.  But other than that... the music keeps making me picture Rick Astley in my head.  Not that that's a bad thing.

...of course it's a bad thing, I'm just being politically correct by not putting down masochists.

Sounds like a plan, then.  After all, the first public beta would never reach "completion" if the goals for it weren't set in stone.

About Nifflas' Website and Forum / Re: Original Forum domain
« on: March 08, 2010, 15:47:41 »
I personally like it on this server.  It doesn't spaz out like it did before.  Really, the only headache-inducing time was right after the move (which was inevitable, really).

But then again, since it looks like Nifflas is getting a new host (I'd imagine this time it'll be one that doesn't throttle CPU), it's probably going to be fine back at the old domain.

NightSky / Re: Newsfeed?
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:18:14 »
Wow, Cave Story is finally coming out.  I've been anticipating it ever since I've heard there would be a Wiimake.  Same deal with La-Mulana, which I just learned is also coming from Nicalis.  So I've been waiting for a total of three Wiiware releases from them.

It's good to see them finally making some progress visible to gamers.  The other two games hopefully aren't too far away.

Forum Games / Re: The Game of Destruction
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:28:11 »
A giant bird hits you down a cliff and you lose all your power-ups, just like at the beginning of almost every game (well, except for the bit about the bird and the cliff).

FiNCK / Re: speculation topic
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:14:21 »
Or maybe Nifflas isn't trying to replicate another game. :O

It's actually a re-imagination of a game I used to play and love as a child[...]

Nothing innovative in other words, but hopefully a very enjoyable game at least. [...]

But then again, maybe a "re-imagination" has more room for deviation than a remake/demake/clone.

FiNCK / Re: speculation topic
« on: February 25, 2010, 06:46:56 »
Here's what we've heard so far.
Ah, no, this is not Find Love. It's actually a re-imagination of a game I used to play and love as a child, so you'll get game mechanics similar to a game you have already played but with a completely different set of puzzles and approaches to solve them.

Nothing innovative in other words, but hopefully a very enjoyable game at least. [...]
It won't be Juni, she's too nice and harmless. To me, this game is a break I need from my seriousness and deeper meaning, so it has to be a character who have a personality that lets him/her run around and e.g. throw bombs at random creatures and enemies.

Any ideas?
[...]the character width/height relationship is 1:2 and can carry objects above his/her head.
As I alluded in the other thread, based on this stuff alone, I'd say Super Mario Bros. 2 (a.k.a. Doki Doki Panic).

But then there's this post...
I wouldn't call it violent [...]. The game is very harmless.

[...] I by some reason I feel like I have to do something small, silly, funny nonsense that doesn't really mean anything. [...] The gameplay mechanics are really neat, and unlike Knytt Stories, every object interact with each other in a different way, which means that quite complex puzzles can be accomplished with just a few objects. This should be perfect for level editing![...]
DDP/SMB2 hardly had any interesting or puzzle-suited interactions like that.  I can't really think of any game that fits everything that Nifflas has said.

Anyone have any more ideas?  Maybe it's a more obscure game?

FiNCK / Re: Estimated release date?
« on: February 24, 2010, 01:29:56 »
Hmm. How about an Arabian prince?
Well, of course, that would only be in the original Swedish version.  After all, since Nifflas Of America thought the (Sweden-only) Knytt Stories 2 was too difficult for American audiences, you might want to dress up the United States version with Knytt characters and call it Knytt Stories 2 as if the Swedish KS2 never happened.

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