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Messages - theiza27

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sooo am i missing some sort of ks+ cheat that i am not aware of? or am i being dense?  :sigh:
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Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Spectrum by GamerJC21
« on: January 17, 2014, 19:44:22 »
im stuck in the red area
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what am i missing?

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Hard/Challenge/Small] Water Walk
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:40:14 »
can i get a small hint to where the blue key is?  :/
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Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: August 03, 2010, 21:37:04 »
granted. but now people have started up with the KPP and its become 10x more annoying.

i wish all the shoes in the world were free.

Forum Games / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: August 03, 2010, 21:31:59 »
out comes an accountant ready to audit you.

in goes a pink elephant.

Forum Games / Re: If this is the answer...
« on: August 03, 2010, 21:28:04 »
what can you make after you milk Google Chrome?

tighten it to the 3rd notch and then leave it til Thursday.

God I miss levels like this.

exactly how i feel :)

i'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this but there's a void the screen above the one i attached and to the left of that.

keep up the great levels!

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Challenge\Hard]Hippopotomus
« on: June 04, 2010, 06:44:51 »
ugh... i was so friggin frustrated at first... but man this level is now my official number 1 favorite! and i actually learned something ;) ha!

heh i figured it out ;) very good level! i like it very much!  :D

there may be a few others but this really bothered me... this plant on the ceiling is on the wrong layer so juni bumps into it when she has the high/double jump

but yes, all around good level... pretty confusing story lolz... and yeah i really think its more of a challenge/adventure... can't wait for more levels :)

okay great level so far :) first i gotta say that this is definitely more of a challenge than environmental or misc... there are a few tiles that aren't correct (i.e. aren't the edges or are the edges in a center area, etc.)

but for now, i'm stuck :(

here... am i missing something? a powerup perhaps?

Finally I have some time to spend playing other people's levels and criticizing them to death! X)

It's not a bad level. It has a few interesting challenges/puzzles and the plot is funny (and you didn't abuse trap/enemy objects, like many people do on their first levels :P ), but there are quite a few problems. The main issue is that, just as theiza said, the level lacks polish. There are several paths that you obviously didn't mean for the player to take, but they are reachable and lead to void screens/wall swims. Here you have a list of what I found:

Aside from this, here are a few suggestions for improving your level:

x1002y1002: If you put so many "Sign" objects, the text will start moving with you as you run through the screen. You should put only one "Sign" object and then fill the rest of the text area with "Sign area" objects.

x1011y1004: This is just a minor glitch, but the woman should have been placed on the floor. If you put her over that block, she'll start walking in the air :P

x999y1003: Instead of using so many shifts here, you could just put a Warp object (obj. #20 on bank 0) on x1000y1003 and then specify a "warp left" destination for that screen. This way, you can warp Juni to wherever you want as soon as she tries to go left on that screen.

x1001y1002: There's a visible shift spot floating in the air on this screen... but it looks like it doesn't have any purpose whatsoever.

I also agree with theiza on the starting power-ups. It would have been better if the player didn't have access to some of these powers until much later. Having the climb and high/double jump power-ups from the start makes most of the challenges too easy.

As for the level design... well, I'm not really the best person to give you advice on that, but I thought that some of the level's areas felt too empty and bland for a challenge level, specially the "white castle". Maybe you could add a few platforming challenges or make the castle more maze-like, adding multiple paths. You should also try to fill up those screens adding a ceiling and a more detailed background, instead of just using a plain green gradient.

Anyways, congrats on finishing your first level :D  I hope you find all this rambling useful and I apologize if I sounded too harsh.

yeah, that's what i meant to say  X-P

there's a lot of problems  :/

wall swims everywhere, voids, etc... i didn't even bother finishing it, sorry :(

you need to think more as the player... you gave us the climb power up so early that we can pretty much go anywhere... including over walls into areas where we're not supposed to be... like at 1 point i was just standing on top of the colored locks... on top of them... gotta think about the game play more

i'm sorry i can't link you but you should try reading the level making guide (somewhere in this forum, i'm sure someone will direct you to it) it really helped me with like signs and stuff like that

i do like your storyline tho, so maybe if you spiffy it up a bit i'll come back and finish :)

very nice :) reminds me of Harvest (by Farik)

Do you need KSA or something?

thats not it. works perfectly fine on KS.

i would say normal... and pretty small

not bad though... seems like a lot of story for such a small level... i do enjoy the hidden evils and the effects on powerups in certain areas... i'd love if u incorporated that in your larger level :)

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