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Topics - delii

Pages: [1]
Knytt Stories / A question about jumping and holding the up arrow..
« on: October 29, 2012, 15:39:08 »
So my problem is that when I hold the left arrow key and up arrow key, I can't jump. At all. Yet when I hold the right arrow key and up key I can just perfectly fine. This is driving me insane, trying to jump onto walls and such. Has anyone had this issue, and is there anyway to fix it?

Trying to quit cigarettes and playing hard levels with this damn jumping thing is very difficult  :moody:

You know when you put an animal that walks on the ground and it'll walk right into the air, well I always just use something like grass and just make it [3] so that it becomes a barrier. But it looks weird when juni gets stuck on a piece of grass. Is there any other way to block them in?

Sorry if this is confusing

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Playground, Misc] You Know
« on: December 25, 2010, 00:24:05 »
This level is my first knytt level. A while back on my now perished computer I had another level that I made, but it got lost when I chucked my computer in the trash. This level is not finished, not near finished, and when I finish it is very much unknown to me. Some days I spend hours on it, some times its days before I even think about it.

So. Storyline? Um, you're a knytt who is exploring the world. So creative, I know.

The environment changes frequently with little warning, so if you don't like that then this level is not for you. It is going to be big. Right now it's probably a good sized medium, but it's going to be large. There are MANY secrets, secret rooms, secret areas, secret worlds. If you go straight through it without looking you will miss about 80% of the level and will not be able to win. So.
There are some challenges, nothing above hard, and most of them aren't even that. It's not meant to be a challenge level.  
Also there a lot of different areas in this world, different lands too. Some are crucial to winning and some aren't. I haven't decided for sure if I'm making multiple endings, but I think I'm going to, maybe.
I'm hoping this will be a level where you can play many times and still find new areas/places/things.  

I love it to death and it's so much fun. But please, I welcome any and all criticism and I need some beta testers because I'm sure to miss something if I look over it by myself.  

I did not make ANY of the tilesets or backgrounds.
When I release this level I will credit all the creators.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / showing level screenshots?
« on: December 11, 2010, 17:01:06 »
It may have been answered before, but I really tried to find it and couldn't. I want to show some pictures of my level(not finished yet) and I was wondering how to go about doing that. Also when the time comes, how to upload it. I promise I tried looking for it so don't get all mad and tell me to go look it up.
[mod]put in more descriptive topic title[/mod]

Knytt Stories / How bad of an offense is this?
« on: December 02, 2010, 10:10:55 »
I'm working on a level, my first actually. But if I used tilesets from other peoples levels(custom ones), gave them credit, but didn't ask them, is that ok?

Knytt Stories / Need some new good levels
« on: November 04, 2010, 19:17:13 »
I am in desperate need of some really good knytt stories. Can anybody suggest a few, I have the classics I'm pretty sure, but are there any new ones?
thanks :)

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