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Topics - back seat astronaut

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FiNCK / Purchasing serial number
« on: May 25, 2010, 00:14:29 »
Does it matter if a serial number is used to register the game with a different name than the name used to purchase it?  Even though I got the game for free as a beta tester, I just purchased a serial number for a friend as a gift.  It will still work even if he registers with his name, right?  I just wanted to make sure.

If any of you have played Johnny Chthonic's level Paradise Last, then you have already played the section I made for it called The Forgotten Tower.  I've just gone and polished up a Standalone Edition of that section.

I've thought about doing this from time to time (this section/level was actually created about 2.5 years ago) partly because Johnny disappeared before ever officially finishing and releasing Paradise Last, and the last beta version he released had various graphical bugs in the Forgotten Tower (this was due to the fact that after we pasted the Tower into the main level, Johnny tweaked various things in it, and due to the complicated nature of the tilesets that created several SGEs.  I was going to go through and correct these when Johnny finished the level, but since he never did, I never got the chance.)

So basically, I've wanted to release this standalone version with the SGEs and other bugs fixed, and now I've finally gotten around to doing so.

Download:  The Forgotten Tower SE v1.1

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