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Messages - bradf

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It is surprising to see my old level! I'm somewhat embarrassed that it is still being played!

GrayFace's edits are most likely a sensible addition, as I recall it was unnecessarily difficult. I got carried away by some of the enemy placement. It was originally intended to be an exploration level rather than a challenge level!

To be honest I think I actually left it unfinished. It's been a long time since i've looked at it but I remember there was going to be a purpose to that sky castle area, but it ended up being a pointless secret area.

Also I recall there were several hidden "bad" endings - one apocalyptic ending and a strange underground ending.

I am now overcome with tearful nostalgia and (unrelated) hunger pangs.

I'm glad people like it!

Sometimes I have to do things like this.

I previously had no idea that custom objects were implemented in the new level editor! It certainly opens up a barrel of potential for new KS levels.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Challenge, Small, Easy]THE RECKOMING
« on: November 16, 2010, 06:13:19 »
Hi there. I am bradf and I used to occasionally post in this forum a while back under the name Pale Imitation.
After reading that recent TIGsource article regarding recent Knytt Stories levels, I remembered how awesome KS was and the mystery of Nifflas' forum which seemed to only attract nice people.  Anyway, I was inspired to make this level.

This is a very short and simple level, with lots of custom stuff.

It tells the tale of Juni returning home after a voyage and making a new friend. I did my best to make the level as emotional as possible.

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