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Topics - Nintendork64

Pages: [1]
Knytt Stories Level Previews / The Floating Island [Challenge/Puzzle?]
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:03:37 »
Juni finds an island floating in the sky, and decides to explore it. You know, cause it's there.
Originally inspired by Sonic 3 & Knuckles' Angel Island, it started to take a life of it own.
It's a medium-sized level so far, but I'm hoping to expand it so it scrapes the "large" category. It's got grassy ruins, a windy desert, an icy cliff, and a vast interior with plenty of maze-like passages and clever puzzles. This is my second KS level, my first (titled Ghastly Sewers) was too crappy to post online :/. Though I did bring over a couple of the best parts from that level.
The screens you see here are not final. I'm planning to add more detail to them when I've finished the locations.






So how does it look so far?

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