Musicians needed for 'Project Amethyst', a new kind of fan game.

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2010, 16:15:18 »
Here's the first one:

« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 22:13:43 by bumperpower64 »


Offline Dj Gopher

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2010, 07:22:11 »
Very very nice.
I'll send them over


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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2010, 10:07:05 »
I had an idea for the pokecenter song, but it appears I'm going to give it a different approach. X)

I'm now going to try playing the piece on my piano, and then play around it to create a rich song in the style of the original.
on the left, above my avatar.

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2010, 21:13:51 »
Sounds great, keep me posted!


Offline Yoeri

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2010, 22:53:12 »
Something different:



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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2010, 00:46:44 »
Something different:

That's very awesome!
Sound's like it could fit for the starting town/area.. or maybe a park?


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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2010, 16:20:51 »
Ok I've redone the third battle:


It ended up somewhat different than I thought but oh well...

Edit: download for the intro might be broken, I'll replace it if it is please tell me.
Edit 2: Aarg same might be for the route music!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 23:16:41 by bumperpower64 »


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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2010, 21:28:12 »
I haven't been responding because I've been waiting for the designer to respond, but it seems he is not really responding..
He said it would be easier to respond later since he doesn't have many current nitpicks,
that is with the route music, updated battle, and victory music. I haven't sent the newest track yet, but I do like it..
I have a slight nitpick, though.. It sounds somewhat like a remix of a r/b battle music.
I don't know if wichu will feel the same way..

Keep being awesome, :D



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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2010, 21:01:20 »
I have a slight nitpick, though.. It sounds somewhat like a remix of a r/b battle music.
I don't know if wichu will feel the same way..

Just noticed that myself, it sounds like the kanto trainer battle... whoops...
I've been playing to much soulsilver lately. :P


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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2010, 19:41:12 »

redone battle 2 (as promised):



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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2010, 16:48:37 »
DJ Gopher,

I know I've told you I was going to make a remix of the pokemon center tune, but I fail to get it done.

Feel free to let anyone make the song, and scrap me from the list. I just am too busy to take the time and do it or learn to play it right on the piano.
on the left, above my avatar.

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2010, 17:06:00 »
I am probably about to bite off more than I can chew here, but I'd be more than happy to provide a few tunes.  I'll probably have something done later today or tomorrow.
Indefinitely Held Off:
This Level Plays Itself!

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2010, 01:50:02 »
LPChip, thats fine :)
Ultigonio that's great to hear :)

For bumperpower and any future artists..

Quote from: wichu
I should probably provide some background about the game at this point.
The region of Shika consists of a large island, and part of the mainland to the north and east of the island.
The player starts in the southwest of the island, in a typical small starting town (currently named Hazelet Town). The west half of the island is heavily forested. The southwest has coniferous forests, while towards the northwest, the forests get more rainforest-like.
The second town, Rainglade Town, is at the edge of the island, near the sea; however, it rains a lot of the time there, helped by the rainforest to the north. This town has the junior trainer's school.
The third town, Lushade City, is at the very northwest of the island, sandwiched between the rainforest and the sea. It is home to the Science Institute of Shika, as well as the first Gym.

In several spots around the region, rare wild Pokémon wait. These are visible on the map, and are hidden away in hard-to-reach parts of routes. They aren't legendaries, but rarer Pokémon such as Heracross. It would be great if these could have a remixed version of the normal wild battle theme.

The 'evil team', the Necros Organisation, is more structured than previous bad guys. There are several types of subordinates, such as Thugs and Researchers, as well as the standard Grunts. The team has 3 commanders, each tasked with finding one of the legendary trio for the boss. The boss's goal is to use them to gain control of Fatablos (cover legend, representing life and death), and use its powers to achieve eternal life.
Music-wise, the admins should have different battle music to the grunts; like with Team Galactic, this could be a remix of the grunt music. Alternatively, the admins could have their own theme, with a different remix used for each one (to go with their personalities).
The boss should also have his own theme, different to the grunt/admin themes.

The rival in Amethyst is similar personality-wise to the one in D/P (i.e. enthusiastic and energetic). Like R/S, the rival is of the opposite gender to the player (the one you don't pick). His/her music should be quite upbeat but determined.

Hopefully, this information should provide some kind of guideline for the kinds of music I'm looking for. I can provide more information if anyone needs it.

Also, just to prove that the game is actually in progress, here's a screenshot of the engine on a test map:
The graphics aren't final; also, I haven't implemented the clothing customisation system yet. This is just to show that the game exists ;)
I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread this around, though; if my old fans on PokéCommunity catch wind of this, I'm going to get a lot of questions and pestering :P

Needs: (in no specific order)
3-4 more normal routes (similar)
2 cave routes (similar)
3-4 towns (not similar)
2 wild grass (similar)
Pokemart (remixed)
Pokecentre (remixed)
Rare pokemon battles (current wild battle remix)
rival battle
rival theme
team grunt battle
3 team admin battles
--1 (remixed grunt)
--2 (remixed grunt)
--3 (remixed grunt)
team leader battle (not a remixed grunt battle, slower and more dramatic)
Fatablos battle

Bumper power:
Wichu says that the most recent battle music (Redone battle music 2) is perfect and good for use, but he asked if it is possible to redo the intro. He says it doesn't seem to mix well with the rest of the music.. I disagree, but whatever :P
If you can, this would be the official battle music and any battle music remixes would be remixes of this track. :)
The route music is great and approved as well :D
He said the first non-synthlike battle music will probably be used as well..

updated post one with info.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 02:09:00 by Dj Gopher »


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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2010, 13:15:11 »
Ok I've redone the intro, hopefully he'll like this better.



Offline Dj Gopher

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Re: Need a team of musicians :)
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2010, 18:57:45 »
I'll send it :)

New update
(Note he doesn't expect this all to be done, but is just letting you know what is needed. :) )
Quote from: wichu
I've tried to think of all the music that will be needed for the game. This means the following list has a load of different tracks that will eventually need to be done. But there's no rush; I expect the game's going to take a very long time to make. In fact, if the world does end in 2012, a complete version may never see the light of day (just kidding). I will try to get a demo out once I have made some significant progress, though.

I've tried to think of an existing Pokémon track as an example of what I think would be suitable in each case. This is just to give a guideline; you don't have to abide by it if you have a better idea. Oh, and it doesn't mean 'remix this song'; I'd rather have a game with mostly original tunes.

Town themes:
-Starting town - peaceful, uses woodwind instruments for the melody (similar to pretty much every starting town theme ever). Will be used in the starting town only.
-Rainy town - should be quite cheerful and 'autumny' (style-wise, I'm thinking somewhere between Sandgem Town from D/P/Pt and Cherrygrove Town from HG/SS). Will be used in Rainglade Town.
-Busy forest city - should be quite energetic (like Oreburgh City from D/P/Pt). Will be used in Lushade City and Sharplate City; Sharplate is a city located on a rocky outcrop in the middle of a forest.
-Historical city - should be in a classical style, with string instruments and possibly piano (I'm quite fond of the Canalave City music in D/P/Pt). Will be used in Ostenwood City and Windrop City. Ostenwood is the central city on the island, based on a European town (cobblestone paths, open town square). A festival of sorts happens there, where representatives of the three districts of the city battle for the right to select a Gym Leader. Windrop City is on the mainland; as the name suggests, it is regularly buffeted by strong winds. It gets its power from wind turbines just outside the city. Like Canalave in D/P/Pt, it has a library documenting the history of the region.
-Proud city - should sound imposing and majestic, but not threatening (can't really think of examples from Pokémon; think castle themes from RPGs). Will be used in an as-yet-unnamed fortified city on a cliff overlooking the sea (like Carcassonne but next to the sea).
-Canyon town - should be dark, yet cosy. Will be used in Chasmine Town, a small settlement built into the side of a canyon. The narrow walls of the canyon block out the sun; the town is lit with both fire and electrical lighting.
-Desert city - should sound slightly mystical, but quite light. Will be used in Sabeglyph City and Longsands Town; Sabeglyph is a large, bustling port city on the edge of the desert, while Longsands Town is a small settlement at an oasis where travellers braving the desert stop to rest.
-Oriental town - should sound, well, oriental (similar to Ecruteak City in HG/SS). Will be used in an as-yet-unnamed town located in the snowy mountains on the northeast section of the mainland, famous for its eternally-blooming cherry trees.
-Beach resort city - should be calm and relaxed (like Vermillion City in HG/SS or Dewford Town in R/S/E). Will be used in an as-yet-unnamed seaside resort city.
-Ruined city - should sound forlorn, but hopeful (I'm thinking similar to the Abandoned Ship in R/S/E or Eterna Forest in D/P/Pt). Will be used in a city wrecked by a plot event.
-Pokémon League - not too sure about this one, whether to make it tense (FR/LG, HG/SS) or more soothing (R/S/E, D/P/Pt). Will be used (predictably) at the Pokémon League, at the end of Victory Road. Unlike the official games, the cave section will only be the first half; the second half will be a natural mountain path.

That's 11 town themes in total. As a comparison, R/S/E have 10 different town themes, D/P/Pt have 14, and HG/SS have 15 (including Pokémon League).

Route themes:
-Starting route - quite jolly and light-hearted (all official games have a unique track on the first couple of routes). Will be used in the route from the starting town to Rainglade City.
-Forest route - more subdued (similar atmosphere to Viridian Forest's HG/SS version). Will be used in the region between Rainglade City and Ostenwood City.
-Rainforest/jungle route - I think the track 'route music 1' I have received will work well for this.
-Field route - needs to be . If you can find the field theme from Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, that's the kind of feeling I'm looking for (especially the third section). I can't seem to find it on YouTube anywhere... Will be used in routes that have a lot of open space (rather than forests).
-Desert route - hard to describe what I'm looking for here. But something in the vein of R/S/E's desert route (Route 111) music. Will be used in a desert (of course).
-Snowy route - quiet, lonely (like the first 45 seconds of D/P/Pt's Route 216 or the first 40 seconds of HG/SS's Sinjoh Ruins). Will be used in the snowy mountainous region of the mainland.
-Victory path - should sound determined (like HG/SS's Route 26); should have a dramatic opening (as the first time the player hears it, they will have just exited the cave of Victory Road into the bright sunlight). Will be used in the outside section of Victory Road, a mountainous path with cliffs, waterfalls, and tough Trainers.
-Safari game - should be tense and 'wilderness-ish' (see the Safari Zone music from the official games). Will be used while the player is playing the safari game.

8 total route themes; that's a decent number. If anyone desperately wants to make more, some more forest and field route music would help spice up the game's several forest/field routes.

Cave themes:
-Dark cave - eerie and sinister (like D/P/Pt's Oreburgh Gate/Oreburgh Mine). Will be used in smaller caves around the region.
-Mysterious cave - should sound, well, mysterious :P (similar to HG/SS's Dark Cave music). It will be used in the larger, more expansive cave systems in the region, including an icy area; as such, it should be long and interesting enough so that players don't get bored of it while exploring.
-Desert ruins - should sound ancient and powerful. It will be used in a pyramid dungeon in the desert area.
-Legendary ruins - should sound somewhat mystical and mysterious (like the Regi caves in R/S/E). Will be used in the caves of the legendary trio.
-Crystal mountain - should be dramatic and 'epic' (like Mt. Coronet's theme from D/P/Pt). Will be used in Mount Thanos, the area where the legendary Fatablos is fought.
-Victory road cave - threatening and intimidating (in the vein of R/S/E's Victory Road). Shouldn't be repetitive (i.e. not like HG/SS's Victory Road). It will be used in the cave section of Victory Road.
-Ancient temple - should sound oriental (like HG/SS's Bell Tower). If possible, it would be nice if part of it could include a remix of the aforementioned Bell Tower music. Will be used for a dungeon containing an optional legendary Pokémon.

7 cave themes should be enough; I think it's similar to the number D/P/Pt have.

Battle themes:
-Wild battle - the track 'battle music 1' is good for this, although the version I have seems a little too fast.
-Wild battle 2 - a remix of the standard wild battle theme. Will be used for certain rare Pokémon.
-Shadow legendary battle - should be slow and sinister; doesn't have to be too long (like D/P/Pt's optional legendary theme). Will be used for battles against shadow forms of the legendary trio controlled by the Necros Organisation during the story.
-Fatablos battle - again, a sinister theme; however, it should be faster and more dramatic, fitting the 'final battle' theme (somewhat like Platinum's Giratina battle theme). If possible, two versions ('life' and 'death). Will be used for the final battle of the story against Fatablos.
-Legendary trio battles - 3 remixes of the same theme (paralleling the trio battle music in HG/SS). Each should represent two opposing concepts - freedom and oppression, peace and war, and health and disease. Will be used for the second battle with the legendary trio (once the main story has been completed).
-Legendary dragon battle - a more mystical theme, in the vein of Ho-Oh's HG/SS theme. Will be used for an optional legendary Pokémon based on a Chinese dragon.
-Mechanical legendary battle - should be intense, but mechanically regular. Will be used for a Steel-type legendary Pokémon created by humans long ago ('steampunk'-ish; themed around cogs and gears).
-Trainer battle - the standard trainer battle theme; should be upbeat, and quite long (like pretty much every trainer battle theme). Will be used for ordinary trainers.
-Rival battle - I think I described this one already; will be used against the rival.
-Gym Leader battle - should be exciting and dramatic; again, like every Gym Leader theme is :) Will be used for the Gym Leaders.
-Necros Grunt battle - should be malicious and sinister; the 'battle music 2' track works well for this (although it needs some touching up to make the loop seamless).
-Necros Admin battle - a heavier, more dramatic remix of the grunt battle (like how D/P/Pt's Galactic Commander battle music is a remix of the Galactic Grunt music). I don't whether to use a different remix for each admin or not; if anyone really wants to make 3 different versions, let me know.
-Necros Boss battle - a different theme to the grunts/admins; should be slower and more dramatic (think Cyrus's theme from D/P/Pt). Will be used for battles with the boss of the Necros Organisation at their HQ and before the final showdown with Fatablos.
-Elite Four battle - not sure whether to go with a remix of the Gym Leader battle (D/P/Pt) or a completely new theme (R/S/E). Either way, has to be intense and dramatic.
-Champion battle - yet more dramatic and intense, just like all the official Champion Battle tracks :P I'd like to see parts of the Pokémon main theme (the one from the games, not the anime) mixed in, similar to how HG/SS's one uses the intro from Red and Blue.

That's 18 battle themes; however, roughly a third of those are remixes. HG/SS have 14, and Platinum has 15.

Then, we have the staples:
-Title theme - not sure about the direction to go in here. With the evil-looking Fatablos on the title screen, the standard Pokémon theme might be out of place (D/P/Pt had non-traditional title screen music); however, a more sinister intro leading into a slightly darker version of the main theme could work.
-Intro theme - leave this one for later, until I have come up with a finalised intro sequence ;)
-Pokémon Center - remix of the good ol' Pokémon Center theme. Preferably the D/P/Pt version, as they added a new section.
-Pokémon Mart - remix of R/S/E's mart theme, as done by all the DS games.
-Pokémon Gym - remix of the Gym theme, preferably more along the lines of R/S/E's version than HG/SS's (I prefer the intro melody starting right away).
-Laboratory - this one isn't a remix, but it should be in the style of the official lab music. The lab, or more precisely, Science Institute, is a much larger place than those in the official games; there are multiple scientists working there. Also, like D/P/Pt, it's not the place where you receive your starter. As such, it should be less 'homely' than the official lab music.
-Trainer's School - it would be nice to have a remix of R/S/E's Trainer's School music for this.
-Contest Hall - a remix of R/S/E's contest theme, along the lines of D/P/Pt's Contest Hall music.
-Pokémon Contest - a more exciting remix of the contest theme, used during the appeals round of the contest.
-Bicycle - should be quite jolly, with a feeling of speed.
-Surfing - calm and relaxing. Maybe a slower remix of R/S/E's surfing theme?
-Credits - leave this one as well; I'd like it to eventually contain parts of the melody of other tracks in the game, to remind the player of what they've been through.
-Various victory themes - I have received the wild Pokémon victory theme already, but I still need victory themes for trainers, Necros Organisation members, the Necros boss, Gym Leaders, and the Champion.
-Various trainer encounter themes - different types of trainer have different music play when you catch their eye. These don't have to be very long, but should reflect the kind of trainer as much as possible. Each track will have a group of trainers associated with it; for example, the 'Youngster' group would include Youngsters, Bug Catchers and Campers. The rival and Necros grunts will need longer encounter music than most trainers, so it can be used as their themes.
-Various sound effects, such as Pokémon healing, getting an item, capturing a Pokémon, getting a TM/HM etc.

I think that's pretty much it, although I'm sure there must be something I've missed somewhere :P

Thanks for helping out; I look forward to hearing more songs in the future!