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I know it's a huge level, of great quality too, so I'm going to save it for my winter evenings ;-)
I want to take my time with it, I don't want too rush it but to savor fully
Thank you for this new update ;-)
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Challenge/Medium] [Normal] On the Treetops
« Last post by fabiche on September 19, 2024, 11:45:54 »
yes Comhon, I'm talking about "On the Treetop" ;-)
I haven't noticed any issues but I'm not an expert either
I felt very comfortable with the level and I will put it in my "feel good levels" and I will watch the rest very closely ;-)

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Challenge/Medium] The Legend of Knytteria
« Last post by Comhon on September 18, 2024, 21:36:59 »
It has been ages since I worked on a KS level. I had a story for one in a mind for a very long time, and made a few screens that time.

Recently (kinda) when there was a Gustav's competition, I tried to push myself a bit and wanted to use and extend those in a level. However, it did not "feel right" over time to use it in that way. I ditched that idea, but some new screenies is were created.

The progress it quite small so far, I have two small areas completed and recently I started working on another one. The original idea of a large scale level needs to be limited a bit, but I'll se where it goes.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Polana on September 18, 2024, 20:50:36 »
Granted. You now have one more peanut, potato crisp, cookie or whatever you've been snacking on lately.

I wish trains run on time.
Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Enviromental/Small] In the Hobbit town
« Last post by Comhon on September 18, 2024, 20:38:31 »
Since my old forum topic with levels has gone active, I decided to split those into separate topics.
Below is the original post for this level.

In the Hobbit town

It is about small hobbit. You can walk around all Hobbit Town. There is a cave, too. You can visit many houses (Press down to visit any house).

I made this level beacuse I like Imaddo tilesets.
It is small, It haven't end. No monsters.
There is a lots of conservations, too.

Categories are Easy, Playground, Enviromental and Small.

Download from Knytt Stories Level Archive (1.05 MB)
Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Playground/Medium] [Easy] Knytt Garden
« Last post by Comhon on September 18, 2024, 20:36:02 »
Since my old forum post with levels has gone active, I decided to split the level into separate topics. Below is the original release post for this level.

Knytt Garden

Knytt Garden is an environmental playground medium level. Juni can expore her world. The level has no end and no evil creatures (for Juni...) The world has about 139 scenes and lots of Nifflas' external music and lots of custom tilesets, so, sorry for big size)

Download from (14,1 MB)

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: On The Treetop | Knytt Garden | In the Hobbit town
« Last post by Comhon on September 18, 2024, 20:30:48 »
Hello Comhon

The level design is excellent, it's pretty, and as someone said previously "the difficulty is perfect for me"... for me too  ;)
Thanks for this great level ! not far from the perfect level for a good evening
I really enjoyed it, thank you
Looking forward to discovering the others  <3

Thank you! I suppose you are talking about the "On the Treetop" level. Or is it "Knytt Garden"?
I am thinking about polishing the level, improving the experience a bit (people on the latest stream noticed a few issues).
It has been ages since I worked on a KS level, so it might take some time.
But I am looking forward to working on it.

EDIT: Splitted this forum into separate topics for each level: Knytt Garden, In The Hobbit Town
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Purple Ink on September 17, 2024, 02:37:55 »
Granted. You find a really nice backpack that has everything you need. It's even available to purchase! Costs 1000000000 €.

I wish I had more snacks.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on September 17, 2024, 01:41:21 »
Granted, he will now make you scrambled eggs on toast whenever you want.

I wish to be able to find a backpack I really like available to buy.
Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: Tree of Life tilesets
« Last post by Purple Ink on September 15, 2024, 20:35:24 »
That's fine. I don't really care what you name them. :)
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