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Messages - Vegetal Gibber

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First one is really great use of Headgrinders tileset, I've always liked that tileset but found it hard to use, but here it looks like something I want to jump in and play now ^^

I was just about to comment on this. I loved how this set looked in Headgrinder's Stone Tiers, but I always thought it is a pity I hardly ever see it used anywhere else (granted, it is a bit cumbersome to use as bulbapuck pointed out, which may be the reason why). It's great to see it in action again after all this time :D  Looking forward to the final product!

Thanks! Glad you like the stuff C) Feel free to use/mod anything you want from this thread.

Every time I start a new tileset, I also start building a test screen (the same ones I post here as samples) that I use to try out the new tiles as I draw them, and also to help me decide what else I should add to the set when I run out of ideas. Sometimes, this has the added benefit of giving me ideas for using my own tiles in ways different than I originally planned, which is actually what happened with those window frame thingies you see on the screenshot (at first, I simply intended for those to be placed on the ceiling as additional detail).

Once again, it's time to have this thread rise from its ashes. I bring you a new tileset in two different flavors: a retro-styled one using the good old EGA 16-color palette, and a more colorful (slightly less retro) remake.

Spoiler: Sample screenshots (click to show/hide)

As you can see, it is... well... very blue. If you are interested in an alternate set in any other color (red, green, purple...), let me know.

As everyone has been saying, you're making great use of the KS default tilesets. As a fellow designer with a (borderline unhealthy) fixation with busy backgrounds, I commend your efforts 8)

Best of luck!

Ambition overstretched reach and while this floated in the back of my mind for a good few years (as late as 2018 I was considering asking Vegetal Gibber if he wanted to make it as a collaboration), I never did more than tweak the script from time to time.

Oooh... for a moment, I was curious if "Deep Remembers" was the project that originally spawned our past collab attempt (the one with a silhouetted world acting as a hub, from where you could access several "bubbles", each one with a different setting and in full color), but it seems that "Remember me" is the one that is actually based around that concept...?  Nevertheless, thanks for releasing these levels! It's a shame that they were never completed but, at the same time, it's great to get a chance to sneak a peek even in their incomplete status.

I'm very tempted to do the same with a bunch of unfinished levels that I will probably never come back to... sometimes, you need more courage to finally let go of something than to hold on and persevere. Then again, me refusing to completely abandon past ideas is what eventually drove me to create Forgotten Realms, so... gah!

Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Environmental] Falling Water
« on: July 26, 2023, 13:13:38 »
It's such a nice surprise to see you're still working on this. Welcome back! :D

Not much for me to add to what has been already said in terms of feedback, just wanted to chime in to say this was a very enjoyable short level. Thanks for making this!

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: July 14, 2023, 23:42:44 »
Granted. A star begins emitting a weird radiation that causes the tomatoes in your garden to ripe at a rate x10000 faster than normal, so fast they all quickly overripe and rot. The radiation also causes them to become sentient, grumpy, and to start spewing dumb dialogue for some reason.

I wish someone would put a stop to the evil? deeds of Polana's rotten, sentient tomatoes.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: July 05, 2023, 22:20:37 »
Granted. The show is so unbelievably abysmal that people actually get sick watching it and is therefore declared a health hazard, with everything related to WaDF being outlawed out of fear.

I wish politicians would get instant, explosive diarrhea the moment they lie.

Forum Games / Re: Could you do me a favour?
« on: July 02, 2023, 12:58:03 »
I would, but it seems people find your increasingly meta ramblings way too amusing and I don't want to ruin their fun.

Could you do me a favour and go to the ATM to withdraw some cash for me? It's 44ºC out there :sick:

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: July 02, 2023, 12:45:25 »
Granted. However, the only sandwich recipe I know he knows is "raw onion & butter", and the long-winded explanation he provides is entirely in Spanish (plus not a very convincing one).

I wish I knew a great sandwich recipe.


Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: July 01, 2023, 16:10:32 »
Granted. The past is altered so that the rail system never existed in the first place, so it was never privatised. A (entirely public) network of catapults and haystacks has taken its place instead.

I wish you always landed on a haystack whenever you travel by catapult...

Glad you enjoyed it!  I actually intended to add a remark about the bonus collectibles in...

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

...but then I completely forgot and only remembered when I was already posting the level here X)  I think I'll add an extra screen to address this.

:O  We made it to the console market guys!

This is so cool, looking forward to see the end result!

Thanks for the comments everyone!

@ego: if you want a quick recap, you can go directly for the Red+Yellow key ending (or, alternatively, just check the contents of the "SecretEnding" folder), since that's the one this level is based on.

@pfrangip: every ending is canon if you believe it in your heart (especially when it's convenient for the spinoff you're making! :P2 )

@Polana: the idea for that OCO came from this picture made by ristos:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

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