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Topics - googoogjoob

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About Nifflas' Website and Forum / goog leaves (a message)
« on: September 05, 2010, 20:57:09 »
man i didn't request to leave the staff i just deleted my account without saying anything (but of course no one authorized the deletion so it's still here)

i kickbanned myself from niffchat too

i wasn't active on the forum at all really
i haven't played a nifflas game in months
i just felt a massive apathy towards the forum and most of its users

there is just so much stupid crap and drama that i wanted out of
i already have enough shit to work through

also: was tired of getting reprimanded by higher-ups for calling bloxmaster a dumbass in niffchat

tl;dr this forum is dead and awful and i want no part of it anymore

also this post is totally going to get mod-edited just watch i'm not going to be allowed to use the words shit or dumbass so if you see this post before it gets censored savor it while you can

So like. You may remember this epic level I was working on starting circa December 2007 called Kill Kitler!. I've worked on it (very) sporadically since then, but without any sort of plan.

So: since I haven't touched it since April, I just now spent a good fifteen minutes slapping together some sort of ending, so it's just far enough along to be releasable, since I just want to get it out.

Get the desecrated remains of Kill Kitler! here.

At some point in the future I may decide to go back and make a proper ending etc. Probably not.


I have created a NIFFLAS-RELATED LIVEJOURNAL COMMUNITY. It is called KNYTTASTIC!. (Current member count: 3.)

I encourage those of you with Livejournals to join.

(This is for Nifflas fans who happen to have a Livejournal. Don't make a Livejournal just to join a community and then not actually use it that'd be pretty lame.)

Well and I have collaborated on a piece of music. It's pretty weird.

It's difficult to describe. You can get it HERE.

Composed by googoogjoob and Well
Arranged by googoogjoob
Piano solo by Well

Another collaboration between me and Well, this one probably much better and more accessible: A Problem.

Composed by Well
Produced by googoogjoob
Vocals, piano, synth, bongos by Well
Drums: googoogjoob

This is a bunch of "game" music I have made. It is crap awesmoe.

This is twelve-tone "game" music, which exists because it can.

Incidentally I do not typically like real game music.

This I think is neat but it's not "game" music so now the title of the topic is wrong. Oh well. No I edited the title.

EDIT: A compilation of awesmoe stuff that I've posted in this thread.

This other thing, which uses some of Nifflas's samples.

Quasiauthentic 8-bit music.

Fun stuff.

The Wedding Dress Song. (An arrangement of a traditional folk song.)

Fraudulent ambient music.


Fraudulent exotica.

I don't even know.


A fiddle solo.




Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Misc] [Easy] Capitalism!
« on: June 01, 2009, 19:01:35 »
My best level. I am reposting this from the old forum to avoid confusion. There are like three versions of this level on the archive. Tragically, version 2 appears higher on the list than version 2.1, meaning a potential player is likely to accidentally download the out-of-date version 2 without knowing that there is a newer, better version. Do not do this.

Anyway. To quote/paraphrase myself from the old forum (where this was originally posted February 27, 2008[!]), "A zen problem set in a capitalist civilization. Not very good, but it's not supposed to be."

Get the level here.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Misc] [Easy] The Dream
« on: May 26, 2009, 21:53:30 »
Juni learns what it means to follow one's dreams. (To say more would be spoilery.)


Other Free Games / [Puzzle/Platformer] Karoshi
« on: May 15, 2009, 21:42:19 »
These games have not been posted yet. They should be. (Yes, multiple games in one topic. But they are all very closely inter-related, and share a common concept, protagonist, and level structure.)

The Karoshi games are made by Jesse Venbrux. In them, you play as a nameless businessman. The object of each level is to kill yourself. Killing yourself is not always easy. There are puzzles, many of which require you to think laterally. They are very good games.

Three of the games are made with Game Maker (and thus Windows-only); the other two are Flash games.

Two days ago, the Karoshi games got a new website. Super Karoshi just came out today.

Incidentally, the order you play them in does not particularly matter. None of them is a direct prequel/sequel to any other.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Misc] Kill Kitler!
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:09:22 »
Yeah this isn't totally dead. (I'm not actively working on it, but every week or so I do a little bit.)

...anyway, to briefly summarize the post on the old forum, this level is about a time in the far future when Hitler is reincarnated as a cat. He proceeds to build a cat army and conquer the galaxy. Then, he methodically persecutes the Space Hobos, the only major group of people he has not been able to totally subjugate. Juni is a Space Hobo sent to assassinate Kitler, and thus save the galaxy.

I'm not sure what sort of level it's going to be. It started out, a year ago, as a challenge/puzzle thing, then it became a sort of environmental level, and now I just don't know. (This is, of course, because, as with most of my levels, I started with no coherent plans for the level; just a pile of loosely related concepts.)

Two screens are attached. The first shows Juni being briefed on her mission by the chief of her Space Hobo clan. The second shows a portion of the Katzi base's conveniently roomy and extensive ventilation system. (The fans move in-game.)

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