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Messages - karooble

Pages: [1] 2
Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:18:09 »
Finally finished my fanart! Saira on Haakon. :D

On dA here:

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: January 03, 2010, 01:50:42 »

How much time are you putting in these images? It looks like you drew them in 2 minutes each. Seriously, they look like crap. I understand that you want to post fan art, but its now taking up forumspace that I think could be used for other things better.

Please put some effort in them or refrain yourself from posting them.

I'm pretty sure he's just drawing them to be funny, and, if that's his intention, I've been enjoying them tremendously. Each one has given me a good laugh.  XD

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 20, 2009, 20:28:12 »
also wat you didn't know I was talented?? Have you never seen my deviantart page?? :P2

Hmm.. I might have forgotten. :(

Anyway, you totally stole all the attention. >(

She did?! I thought that was me!  X) Seriously, though, we're all getting our turns... your art is lovely, too, LightningEagle -- you have a hell of a lot better eye for backgrounds and single-point perspective than I do.  XD

Anybody have news regarding the formation of an unofficial fanart page? If nobody else wants to do something, I could set up a dA group (check them out here:

Saira / Re: Saira 1.1 is released!
« on: December 20, 2009, 19:17:23 »
Ouch, I wonder why I keep making these mistakes. I'm not paying attention to the stuff I do right now.

It's understandable! Take it easy, Nifflas. You've done great already. <3

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 19, 2009, 21:31:53 »
Spoiler: (unhyper version) (click to show/hide)
heyheyheyhey I made Saira fanart isn't it cool I used a photo of my sister as reference that's why Saira is wearing a scarf and a coat and a bag instead of a backpack but actually I'd say it's just that Saira changed from her parkour clothes to some more casual stuff because she's on vacation and admiring some creatures out of their natural habitat heh I guess the sandwalker is kinda cold there walking on the snow also the eye is kinda off but it's kinda off in the game too because it's so huge but whatever I can't shut up I'm sorry.
click the thumbnail it gets you to the fullsize picture isn't that great can I be part of the club now too?

ADORABLE!! I love the more "casual" Saira -- and I can definitely imagine her carrying a bag like that for all her camera-related paraphernalia. This is fantastic; the folds in the coat are lovely and I like the very festive, seasonal environment. :D My favorite detail: The snow edges around the feet of the sandwalker are just like the snow edges ingame on Sekkei.

Welcome to the club!  <3 I suppose we're now the Stylish Six? Skillful? Smart? Sententious?  X)

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 19, 2009, 17:30:24 »
Oh, I left one too. But you can't tell that it is me.

Are you Zo0x or SuperFinGuy? :D

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:26:38 »
Update! Here's the status of the painting as it is at the end of the video I posted.

By karooble

You can click through to see a larger version! :)

To LightningEagle, SiamJai, Beomene, and everybody: MOAR ART PLZ! Your pictures were fantastic and funny and I can't wait to see more of them.   :D

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 18, 2009, 21:38:39 »
I'm using

Sadly, that program is Mac only, and I'm a PC user, so I will have to dig up something else... time to get experimenting!  X) I'll let you know if/when I upload anything. :D Thanks for letting me know! *hug*

Edit: The first video of me painting Saira is now live! You can see it here: This is the first time I've ever done a screencast, so I hope you enjoy it!  ;)

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 18, 2009, 21:29:30 »
Thank you so much for your kindness!  <3 Replies to each of you follow.

Holy .... , That's extremely amazing. I'd never be able to do something like that.  :whoa:

What I wouldn't give to be able to watch over your shoulder as you did that piece.  :shocked:

You can! So much of art is just practice, practice, practice... it's all about how much time you invest, and not nearly so much about any inborn "skill" or "talent." If you work at it you can always get there. :)

On looking over my shoulder -- I'm investigating screencasting software at present so I can show you the painting process on YouTube. You'll be able to see that, at least!  :^^:

Wendy, that looks wonderful indeed! :)

Her face conveys nobility and strength; her eyes and lips show kindness, and the overall composition reminds me of that famous portrait of Nefertiti sans the crown.

Very much looking forward to the completed version! ;)

I'm so glad you picked up on the Nefertiti influence! After seeing Beomene's official art, I was strongly reminded of that bust -- it's one of the most elegant pieces of art I've ever seen, and I picture Saira as having a similar grace and poise.  Thanks for the kind words and lovely analysis!  C)

Absolutely gorgeous.
And for once, she has her cap taken off!
One hard thing when drawing Saira, for me,
was the fact that, yes, she is attractive in her own way...
But she doesn't pay it much mind and the cap is really her trademark.
I've actually taken her hat of in one or two of my drawings,
the excuse being she is washing her hair or have had the hat stolen and is hunting for it...
It is a beautiful rendering of Saira,
I'd love to see more.
Any photo as reference?
I wish Nifflas would've chosen someone for me to have as reference,
but, alas, he didn't.

One more thing, is that the outcome is very different when you have her skin the properly dark and the hair jet black. I felt there was always a tremendous differens when lineart was coloured,
One tip is that Nifflas has described her eyes as pitch black.
They might shine a lot, you know, catch a lot of light,
but there really is no colour or hue at all that visibly separates pupil from iris.
And its not really a braid as much as it is a ponytail, her hair.
And the last guideline I can recall atm is
that she is about 170 cm.

Thank you very much for the "official" details about her appearance, as well as for your kind words -- it means a lot coming from the official artist of Saira (and your work is so beautiful)! Those details are helpful, as I was just wondering what color to paint her eyes and what the "canon" hairstyle was (I may have made it curlier than was expected, but I LOVE CURLY HAIR <3). And yes, there's going to be a huge difference between painted and linework. :D

As for references, I looked at the aforementioned Nefertiti bust, and I GIS'ed a lot of different Indian models trying to get a feel for skin tones. I also looked at your artwork for a while. :) Out of curiosity, what do you use for screencasting? I'm going to try CamStudio and see how that goes, but I've never done this before.  :shocked:

Saira / Re: Secrets (Obvious Spoilers Ahoy!)
« on: December 18, 2009, 06:06:41 »
Sorry, the advert isn't for a game that is on the way, that was just a reference to the creation of the game itself.

I'm sure you need a break after getting this out the door!  C)p

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:30:12 »
To sum up: We love you, Nifflas! Your games are great, and we can't wait to see what you'll come up with next.  <3

Saira / Re: Saira Fan Art
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:44:27 »
Work in progress, here... Just wanted to show you how it's coming along! :)

By karooble

It'll probably be a full-length piece, but a lot of what's below the shoulders is still sketchy. Expect more later!  C)

Saira / Re: Anyone feel like I do?
« on: December 17, 2009, 06:38:51 »
To me the gameplay feels almost like Mirror's Edge in 2D.

Thirded. I think there's a really parkour-y feeling in Saira. Momentum is crucial, and once you build up speed, you can go really fast. I enjoyed both Saira and Knytt Stories tremendously, but they do have very different "feelings." Still, compared to many popular recent platformers, I think Saira feels much more responsive and natural (I'm looking at you, An Untitled Story!  :moody:).

Saira / Re: Bought it, thinking about it or refraining?
« on: December 17, 2009, 06:35:40 »
Is it something about Nifflas type of games (which is stemming out of his personality) that pull nice people together?
I'm starting to guess it is...

I think so -- his games focus so much more on peaceful ways to address dangerous situations than basically any other games I've played. Take Knytt Stories and Saira: sure, you encounter dangerous enemies, laser beams, etc. But you never destroy them with guns or bombs; there are no zombies, no blood-and-guts. Instead, you use your mind and your agility to outmaneuver these dangers. The resulting game attracts, I would guess, a much more peace-loving audience; we're not the people who spend our days playing Counterstrike and shouting obscenities into headset mics. ;)

Saira / Re: Spare key thread.
« on: December 16, 2009, 16:15:32 »
I swear, you guys are incredible -- by far the nicest group of people I've ever run into on a forum.  C) I LOVE YOU GUYS!  <3 The warm fuzzies are almost too much to take. :D

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