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Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Challenge][Normal][Medium] R-Model
« on: September 08, 2013, 00:35:42 »
I am making a level as a few of you know.
So in this thread, my progress I'll show.
It won't be a hard one, you'll soon come to see.
But the jumps and the traps are certainly not easy.
The filesize probably won't be low.

You see, it's full of Objects, both big and small.
I've got so many that it slows to a crawl.
So I broke past the threshold and put in some more.
The animations here are likely not a bore.
Compared to the others, Juni isn't too tall.

So look at my screens and what should it be?
The content is custom, most made by me.
But musical talent is something I lack,
So "borrowing" music is the right track.
Don't worry, it all was free.

I hear there is a way
To make my problems go away
I need the latest build
For my levels have been ill'd.
I'll explain, if I may.

The manager is broken
and has left me hopin'
that my warping screens
can exhibit the sheen
of a level that is copin'

So tell me then if you can
Where I may find this man
The latest build is what I need
of the manager that can read
the levels that I plan.

Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Bank Question
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:21:15 »
          ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´∀`) < Hello. I was wondering if putting a new folder called "Objects" in my level subfolder will
        /    |    \ make the bank sprites different. I have a lot of custom objects and it gets confusing, but
       /       .|     \ I do not want them to clash with other levels.
      / "⌒ヽ |.イ |            \________
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