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Messages - saba

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Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Misc] Bitter Liver
« on: June 07, 2011, 02:41:01 »
Hey there.

For several reasons I'm not able to knytt anymore and my level 'Bitter Liver' has been unfinished for many months. I just thought of it, played through it again, and realised that it will never get finished. I just don't have the time anymore and I'm busy with many other things.

But since I did work quite hard on it for a while, I decided to release what I got. So unfortunately it will just end abruptly. Some of you might know the part at the end. I already released that as part of a leveling competition at some point. It was called 'Melanchoholia'.

Some people didn't like how the path wasn't always clear. If you are one of those then be warned, because there's more of that here  :^^:. Keep in mind that this is quite an abstract level, consisting of several sections.  The objective always is to find the grammophone to reach or unlock the door, which leads to the next section. Also there are some placeholder graphics. I never quite figured out how to make them better  X).

Sound is very important. The story is told without words. Also there's some World War I era music. No copyright needed  C).

Take a look at the screenshots from the preview thread.

                                     Get it here.

Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: January 08, 2011, 14:39:48 »
Congratulations.  :)

Also, nice theme, but since I just made a city, I think I'll pass this time  :^^:

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Normal/Hard], [Misc] - Oriante
« on: January 03, 2011, 13:55:23 »
I thought it was quite nice. I like the whole aesthetic with the pipes and the blue and the red, especially when you walk behind the pipes (which I could never figure out how to do myself :shifty:). At first I thought the whole spike area would be really annoying, but it turned out to be just hard enough.

Good level. I would have liked for it to be longer.  :)

Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: January 03, 2011, 13:51:10 »
I'm entering! It's called Melanchoholia.

By the way, the theme is Isolation and the original deadline is January 5th. :^^:

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Environmental, small] Melanchoholia
« on: January 03, 2011, 13:48:23 »
Okaaay, so after I declared in the preview thread for Bitter Liver that I wouldn't enter the current level competition, I've decided to anyway.
It's one sequence of the bigger level and I thought it would work quite well on its own, even though it isn't very big.

It's like a preview, but it is a level in itself.  :^^:

Grab it.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Miscellaneous?] Bitter Liver
« on: December 25, 2010, 14:03:28 »
There's also sepia  :^^:

I have decided not to enter the competition with this. I really want to expand it and it needs more work.

I updated my original post with a sepia screenshot.

That tileset is really cool. You really should build a bigger level with this  :^^:

I like the concept, but it is kind of flawed. There were way too many challenges that relied on the retractable spikes for my taste. It isn't fun for me when I run along somewhere and all of a sudden I'm killed by spikes without any warning. You just can't know that they're there.

The hedge maze was also pretty cruel, to be honest I cheated my way out of there. When I tried to retrace to find out what the right way was supposed to be, I found a solid wall (?). So I really have no idea how to escape that maze, but that could be because I just lack skill.

Actually I cheated a lot in this level, but not because the challenges were so hard, but because again and again I found myself killed by instant spikes somewhere when the last save point was a long time ago. I liked the challenges where there were no spikes or other death traps.

I think the waterfall area was the best out of them all.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Miscellaneous?] Bitter Liver
« on: December 18, 2010, 16:38:54 »
Originally this level was going to be for the current level competition. I'm not so sure anymore if it will fit. Maybe it will. Maybe it won't.  :^^:

Basically this level will be like a dream world or a distant memory.  It will consist of several segments. The story is told through cutscenes and sounds which is why the music is very important.

There will be something like a maze and puzzles, though I don't think this level can be classified as either.

It will be mostly in black and white.

Whew! What a level! Everything, of course, is meticulously and skillfully done, there are so many amazing custom objects. I especially liked the Knytt with the green hat  :^^:.

But wow, it is so very frustrating. I also got lost at the same red place and found myself struggling to climb walls and paying close attention to what kills and what doesn't. The blue maze is very demanding as well
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

For now I'm giving up at the
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

I'm looking forward to finishing this (if I can).

Have you played this before you uploaded it? The way it is right now is unplayable.

Right from the start there's a cutscene, but when it ends, it puts you right back to the start. I cheated to get further, and then I jumped to the platforms in the second screen, which brought me to the end.

There are so many enemies everywhere. Everything is all over the place.

Could not finish.  :(

I never finished either. I felt it had a serious lack of save points. Usually there would be five or six very challenging screens after another without any saves and it just became so frustrating having to go through the same things again and again. There were a lot of these flowers, making it kind of random if you got through or not. Also, I got stuck at the mountain at some point and couldn't get out. Is that the dead end area you were talking about? Because I did have to cheat to get out.

Knytt Stories / Re: Stuck in Si - Revelation
« on: November 25, 2010, 23:35:46 »
You have to get to the platform above you. Just look around a little and you will find how to get up there. Then you can umbrella jump to the platform with the high jump on it  C)

The Great Work / Re: The Great Work (the game) - Trailer
« on: November 23, 2010, 22:47:55 »
Ah, so I saw that trailer and assumed it was for Knyttwadf. I wondered where the ball was.  :^^:

Knytt Stories / Re: KS Level Competition
« on: November 22, 2010, 16:04:18 »
I love this theme so I'm going to participate in this for the first time  C)

Editing for one quick question: Is it okay if it is neither challenge nor puzzle? I think what I'm planning will be categorized as miscellaneous.

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