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Topics - AngryWaffle

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Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Challenge?] Twisty Little Passages
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:12:31 »
I've recently gotten back into playing Knytt Stories after abandoning it in favor of silly real-life nonsense, and this time I thought I would try my hand at building a level or two.

Really, this level is mostly about level building for its own sake, but I do have a story rumbling around that will probably get played out before the level is finished (it's very standard: betrayal, ancient ruins, older ruins under those, and the disgruntled spirits of the dead). I'd like the level to be challenging without being frustrating just for the sake of being frustrating -- I'm not sure if I'm on the road to achieving that yet or not.

Anyway, screenshots are below (and more are available on my website / blog if you're interested):

#1 - A suitably grim opening
#2 - The obligatory lava area (or is this a magma area? it is underground)
#3 - Part of the road to the double jump (this screen needs polish; it's a little sparse at the moment)
#4 - What you don't see here is the devious jumping puzzle immediately before this room

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