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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1770 on: December 17, 2013, 02:37:41 »
Granted, but everyone else also gets the same ideas for corruptions as you.

I wish for the power to change the color/colour of objects

EDIT: That wish is too similar to an earlier one I made, so alternate wish time.

Alternate wish: I wish to be able to transform into any pokemon I want to, and to be able to transform back into human form.

[mod]Removed side discussion, as it is not a side discussion at all. There was no relevance to any of the posts whatsoever. That said, feel free to start a new topic and post your question there in the appropriate forum.[/mod]
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 12:47:50 by LPChip »


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1771 on: December 17, 2013, 10:18:26 »
You gain the power, but you're always level 1.

I wish for some really awesome Christmas presents.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1772 on: December 17, 2013, 15:12:46 »
You receive some pretty awesome presents. You are in awe of them; you had not imagined that mere humans could produce something in such atrocious taste, let alone several things that bad.

Alternate wish: I wish to be able to transform into any pokemon I want to, and to be able to transform back into human form.
You gain the power, but you're always level 1.

That's not much of a corruption. Level one Ho-Oh can produce Sacred Ash, which is a panacea. Turning into the legendary birds and dogs, the Hoenn weather trio and the Unova djinni allows weather control, so no more natural disasters, ever. Throw in a large number of telepaths and telekinetics and optimising human civilisation is going to be a lot easier (no more lying on matters of public interest ever again, for example, and no chance whatsoeever of an ICBM hitting its target). The Sinnoh dragons allow complete manipulation of spacetime and access to arbitrarily large amounts of antimatter, so we have effectively infinite energy and can colonise the universe. Arceus is is the creator god of the entire Pokemon universe. Yeah, sure, I'll take those powers at level 1!

Alternative corruption: you can turn into any Pokemon, but you're unable to use any of their abilities that can't be naturally used by another Earth lifeform. (You can still fly, burrow, breathe underwater, run really fast, lift elephants and survive extreme temperatures and pressures - wishing to turn into a Pokemon is too good for me to really cripple you.)

You have one; the first time you use it you accidentally cross paths with yourself, creating a paradox in which you and yourself are sucked through a tear in the fabric of reality and crushed into a singularity. The tear you made in the universe remains a source of strange events, so the military build a base over it, spawning an outbreak of area-51-esque conspiracy theories.

Also, I have no idea what MoR stands for; the Time Turner appears in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Ask Google; it's by far the best HPverse fan work and almost certainly the most famous. I specified a non-canon version because they don't work the same way (because the derivative work has characters who act realistically and intelligently, rather than to further the plot, and the canon version is horrendously abusable). That corruption completely violates the way that both versions work; the only problem with meeting yourself is that you are obliged to do anything you observe your future self doing.
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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1773 on: December 17, 2013, 16:57:20 »
Chrysophylax, you forgot to post a wish. Also, I still have no idea what HPMoR is. google did NOT tell me what it means. Hence, the PM I sent you.

Anyway, back to the game.

Talps wishes for really awesome christmas presents. Granted. Talps gets a private lesson in a Jet Fighter plane with a duration of 60 minutes where he may fly the plane all by himself. Of course, he first has to pass the several G trainings, but thats easy right? Well unfortunately not. Talps is unable to handle the g forces and thus won't be allowed (for his own safety) to be in the aircraft at all.

I wish to have wings in addition to what I already have, which will allow me to fly at will.
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"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1774 on: December 17, 2013, 17:28:18 »
Wish granted, but the wings are cursed to prevent any plants from growing within a mile of you.

Alternate Corruption: You don't get to see your wish get corrupted. (paradox?)

I wish for all computers that currently exist to be greatly upgraded, unless the owner of the computer chooses to not have their computer upgraded by the wish.

[mod]Removed side discussion, as it is not a side discussion at all. There was no relevance to any of the posts whatsoever. That said, feel free to start a new topic and post your question there in the appropriate forum.[/mod]

Okay. Can I get a guideline of what is and isn't a side discussion? Does it have to be about this game? I get now how my post might have been considered spam... Thanks for teaching me about the rules (not sarcastic).
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 17:37:08 by Caveflower »

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1775 on: December 17, 2013, 18:05:45 »
Granted. The new technology we get allows us to communicate with the Higgs boson, which gives every random idiot who chooses to get the upgrade the ability to mess with it all they want. This can only end well.

(Alternatively: Granted, but only the OS gets upgraded.)

(Alternatively: Granted. Do you want your computer to be upgraded? If you do, backflip. If you don't, blink.)

I wish i won the jackpot in Win For Life.
(Win For Life is a Belgian scratch lottery where the jackpot is getting 2000 euros every month for the rest of your life.)


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1776 on: December 17, 2013, 18:28:20 »
Granted. You won but you will live only a two hours.

I wish for autographs from all my favorite actors.
Finished levels:
(my first try)

“Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ~ Khalil Gibran


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1777 on: December 17, 2013, 21:23:41 »
Granted. You get an accident in which you lose your memory. You don't know who your favorite actors are, and on top of that, as a prank, people tell you that you are an actor. you are lucky that you have your own authograph.

I wish to see something so amazing that I will keep in awe for weeks or longer.

Okay. Can I get a guideline of what is and isn't a side discussion? Does it have to be about this game? I get now how my post might have been considered spam... Thanks for teaching me about the rules (not sarcastic).
Side-discussion indeed relates to anything said during the game, with the intent to just say something that you otherwise couldn't say. For example, you read my wish and that brigns you to one time you had this and you want to share that, that is side discussion. Its related.
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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1778 on: December 17, 2013, 23:17:58 »
You receive some pretty awesome presents. You are in awe of them; you had not imagined that mere humans could produce something in such atrocious taste, let alone several things that bad.

Alternate wish: I wish to be able to transform into any pokemon I want to, and to be able to transform back into human form.
You gain the power, but you're always level 1.

That's not much of a corruption. Level one Ho-Oh can produce Sacred Ash, which is a panacea. Turning into the legendary birds and dogs, the Hoenn weather trio and the Unova djinni allows weather control, so no more natural disasters, ever. Throw in a large number of telepaths and telekinetics and optimising human civilisation is going to be a lot easier (no more lying on matters of public interest ever again, for example, and no chance whatsoeever of an ICBM hitting its target). The Sinnoh dragons allow complete manipulation of spacetime and access to arbitrarily large amounts of antimatter, so we have effectively infinite energy and can colonise the universe. Arceus is is the creator god of the entire Pokemon universe. Yeah, sure, I'll take those powers at level 1!

Alternative corruption: you can turn into any Pokemon, but you're unable to use any of their abilities that can't be naturally used by another Earth lifeform. (You can still fly, burrow, breathe underwater, run really fast, lift elephants and survive extreme temperatures and pressures - wishing to turn into a Pokemon is too good for me to really cripple you.)

You have one; the first time you use it you accidentally cross paths with yourself, creating a paradox in which you and yourself are sucked through a tear in the fabric of reality and crushed into a singularity. The tear you made in the universe remains a source of strange events, so the military build a base over it, spawning an outbreak of area-51-esque conspiracy theories.

Also, I have no idea what MoR stands for; the Time Turner appears in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Ask Google; it's by far the best HPverse fan work and almost certainly the most famous. I specified a non-canon version because they don't work the same way (because the derivative work has characters who act realistically and intelligently, rather than to further the plot, and the canon version is horrendously abusable). That corruption completely violates the way that both versions work; the only problem with meeting yourself is that you are obliged to do anything you observe your future self doing.

You are taking this game too seriously.

You see a real life dragon! It's so amazing that you compose songs about it and spend weeks as its own private musician, singing its praises and glorifying it, until it gets bored of you, and kinda hungry.

I wish my job was exactly the same, only based in my home town so that I didn't have to commute so far every day.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1779 on: December 18, 2013, 02:22:49 »
Granted. Your job is now in your home town. You live somewhere else now. The commute is shorter, though! By ten seconds, on average.

I wish Purple Ink could finish Advena.
I've never meta pun I didn't like.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1780 on: December 18, 2013, 11:10:43 »
Granted.  Level itself is not hard but you will not able to reach the end for no obvious reason. You'll look at  the level in the editor, you'll ask other people at  forum for help, nothing will help you. It will make you feel like a fool and you won't like that level at all.
I wish I was able to finish WaDF.

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1781 on: December 18, 2013, 12:15:14 »
Granted. However, you didn't unlock any of the minigames.

I wish i had all the TF2 items you can get from Poker Night at the Inventory (and its sequel).

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1782 on: December 18, 2013, 14:09:46 »
Granted. You have them. What you don't have is a functional account.

I wish I were better at choosing Christmas presents.
I've never meta pun I didn't like.


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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1783 on: December 18, 2013, 17:32:34 »
Granted. You are sent to study with monks for 5 years to reach your deepest self. In this quest for yourself, you finally know what it is that you really want. So the next time its Christmas again, you know exactly what to ask for and so you do. Unfortunately, you are not getting those presents at all.

I wish there was a machine to wash clothes that does everything for you. You put the clothes in a bin, and at the end of the cycle you get them sorted on a pile ready to place in your closet.
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MODPlug Central Forum
"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Reply #1784 on: December 18, 2013, 18:38:50 »
Granted. There is such a machine. You can't afford one.

I wish importing things from abroad were quicker and cheaper without an increase in rates of loss and damage.
I've never meta pun I didn't like.