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Topics - MasterF

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Creativity Support / Knytt Stories Level Editor won't open!
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:44:28 »
It just won't!
The game app starts just fine,and I redownloaded the game,thinking maybe the mfa file was corrupted or something,but it still wont open.

Any ideas?

Knytt Stories Level Releases / [Misc/Short] Awesome
« on: July 20, 2013, 16:24:23 »
Ever wanted a really short experience that will mark you for the next 30 seconds of your life?
Do you seek a level with no challenge at all,with humor just like Knytt Museum,but worse?
A pointless and badly hidden secret?

Experience all that in my first level that I decided I should release just for your opinion.

Real talk:I've made another level after this,right here:

I didn't post this one before,because I thought it sucked.Looking back,it still is pointless,but very along the lines of my second level.I just want to know what you think of this as a first level.I am in the mood for some Knytting right now,having limited internet so I want to know which aspects you enjoy in a level.Tell me what's done right or wrong,and it may be implemented in my next level,which is most likely a challenge.

So I made this level and I want someone to play it.I used all my Knytt Stories knowledge to make it and I think I used it well.

It invlolves around Juni going to the museum that is locked.You have  to find the yellow key to go in,so the first part is a little Metroidvania level,and the latter is the museum that contains stuff into 3 categories:People + Knytt,Baddies and Other.
There are descriptions on each museum screen that add to a comedic value.After you exit the museum,it's suddenly night and you gotta go back to your house.I used Moonsong from Cave Story,expirementing with custom music.

If anyone plays this,please tell me if you liked the Metroidvania part because it might evolve into another level.

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Download here:

Have Fun. :D

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