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Messages - Nintendork64

Pages: [1]
"Please please please don't use 'Not Quote Dr. Cliche's Underwater Lab' or any variant of 'Flower Garden.'"

Damn, I love the underwater lab tileset. It the only one that has tile-wide pipes in it, and some of the puzzles involve re-routing water. Anyway, thanks for the information, but I doubt I'm dedicated enough to follow through on a lot of these. The gradient is actually slightly edited from it's original (sky is a "daytime blue" instead of an "early evening blue"). The three background layers might be hard to incorperate into the game without looked forced, simply because how the level is designed. I'll certainly look for music for the game, but ogg's are practically impossible to find...
I'm not sure I'll even have the motivation to finish the level, to be honest. Damn ADD.

Yep, I was gonna get around to that. I know the in-and-outs of the level designer, my problem is making environments engaging, like poster #2 mentioned. Any advice?

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:23:17 »
Granted, but in a way too alien for the human mind to comprehend, because nobody understands what the heck the wish was in the first place.

I wish Straightflame's posts were more straightforward.

Knytt Stories Level Previews / The Floating Island [Challenge/Puzzle?]
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:03:37 »
Juni finds an island floating in the sky, and decides to explore it. You know, cause it's there.
Originally inspired by Sonic 3 & Knuckles' Angel Island, it started to take a life of it own.
It's a medium-sized level so far, but I'm hoping to expand it so it scrapes the "large" category. It's got grassy ruins, a windy desert, an icy cliff, and a vast interior with plenty of maze-like passages and clever puzzles. This is my second KS level, my first (titled Ghastly Sewers) was too crappy to post online :/. Though I did bring over a couple of the best parts from that level.
The screens you see here are not final. I'm planning to add more detail to them when I've finished the locations.






So how does it look so far?

Out of the 10 or 12 I've played, I'm gonna say A Strange Dream. It had the perfect difficulty, a nice, large world, a more engaging and believeable environment then The Machine, and a couple of "A-HA!" moments, when you figure something out. It was perfectly balanced, and a ton of fun.
I think I'm gonna go replay it.

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