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Messages - Zackarii

Pages: [1]
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« on: August 29, 2011, 06:21:04 »
Not really a bug. Ijust don't know how to describe it. Not to criticize or anything but I just thought it would work if the tiles were put 1 space to the right.

Knytt Stories / Re: Bad level design
« on: August 28, 2011, 08:25:24 »
I remembered reading about solid scenery on this thread and just remembered playing a level where the author was new to making levels and everything was scenery. So there was no floor or anything. You just fell. This took a while to fix in Level Editor.

Theres alot of levels on the list I liked. I liked levels like 'Harvest', 'Kyntt on the Moon', and 'Ship Wrecked' for example.

I really enjoyed 'Weird 2' and 'Don't Eat the Mushrooms' because of just the strange things that would happen.

Knytt Stories / Re: Bad level design
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:40:00 »
I am guilty of the 'starting the level without the Run power-up'. If I were to make a level, I would set Juni off with no power-ups. (I like the idea of just leting Juni collect her stuff naturally.) However, I would plan on making it very easy to obtain and would make it either on the starting screen or one screen next to the starting screen.

I agree with the pateince testing as I tend to get iffy if I'm being spoiled by how fast I can go in games (I used to even roll everywhere in Zelda games just because it was faster to get around). In video games if I can go drive in a car with quick speed one moment to where travel is quick, then go back to the Hub World and go about 1/4 of the speed I was driving before, I tend to get agitated. That being said, it would test my patience if I had to wait at least 5 screens without running. Maybe its just me and I'm being weird and I even admit I don't like this about myself and I am glad I at least stopped rolling around everywhere in Zelda.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« on: August 25, 2011, 21:51:35 »
I thougth the level was fun. I don't have too much to complain about, althought the spikes did kinda give me a hard time sometimes.

And... I don't know if anyone else has noticed, and sorry if I am just posting dsomething obvious, but I noticed there is one tree with a couple tiles placed off. I just wanted to share... Mostly because I'm usually the last to find out about an error and I kinda was excited I didn't see any posting regarding this error. Then again I am most likely mistaken...

I wasn't trying to comment saying it was supposed to be around the time but I just thought it was interesting, ironic, or humorous, or maybe all three, how it was posted around Harold Camping's predictions.  :P

And I've been playing the lever and I like it so far.  :^^:

Sounds interesting, not to mention somewhat ironic (or humoroustiming) considering all this rapture/end of the world/Judgement Day claims.

And I've never played a lunatic level that I know of, but I'll give it a try. I don't know if I'd be that good at it. I'm not a Noob. I've played Knytt Stories for a while. A few years ago I played it and was making a level on it too, but I don't have the level anymore as my comp had to be erased of everything cuz of a virus x.x

But the point is I'd be happy to give it a try!

Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: lotsa tilesets :D
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:55:26 »
I like all these tilesets ^^

And just curious but I wanted to ask.
Stupid question... I know. But I just want to be safe. But are we allowed to use these? And is there any we can't use?

Knytt Stories / Re: Your texts for my level, please?
« on: May 19, 2011, 13:13:47 »
This sounds like a fun idea. I'll try to create a story when I'm at school today. Shouldn't be too hard. If i'm not too distracted and if I stay focus I can get it done in the afternoon when I have no afternoon classes.

Pre-release topics / Re: Knytt powers? (concluded)
« on: January 06, 2011, 22:02:07 »
I bet I'm far too late, but I just wanted to share my idea.

In one of the very early posts, there was a suggestion about digging. I think its a good idea, but as someone said, it could be used to skip through things and fall into voids. Well I thought of something that could be added to help with the digger. In the Knytt Stories level editing program, there are things to make where you can walk through walls if you have the eye (I think so at least. Its either that or the lines you can see with the eye can be used as a hint), where you can give off a teal colour with the Detector, and something that prevents climbing walls.

Well my idea is having one of those things, but instead of a space where you can't climb, it makes you able to dig through walls, terrain, ect. So it would be like the No Climb/No Jump/Sticky.ect squares in the banks in the level editor

I hope I'm making sense. It seems to make sense to me. If someone already put something like this, I'm sorry, as I hadn't seen any with this idea, so if there is a post like this, I must have accidently missed it.

I really enjoyed achange of things. A psyco, bad guy Juni was something I've never seen before and it was interesting. I am both for and agaisnt the length. On one hand it WAS short but because of its shortness, I am excited to see what else will happen and I am eager to play the next to parts and can't wait to play them when they come out.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Community] Nifftown re-post!
« on: January 01, 2011, 20:22:38 »
~I am making a tileset at the moment and I'm hoping I can build a level for the treetop. Although I'm confused because I don't know which one is the latest one. I don't know if its the link Shreep posted, the one Saml put at the beggining, or the link from Grayface's post, so I'd appreciate it I could get that cleared up so I can figure out which is the official Nifftown.
~Theres also something I would like to ask. Eventually going to Johnny's house you can jump down to see more after I saw everything to see past the house, I found kinda difficult to climb back up above his house because of the length of the ledge. Is there supposed to be a different way to get back up that was connected with Johnny's house or if your just supposed to get up using tricky jumps?

And by the way.

I do remember your level, it had a secret with a key..... (I think it was blue...)

It was either blue or red.

If you wanted to know...
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

This looks cool so far and can't wait to see more.  C)

And I hope you did well on your exams.  C)

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