Knytt stories Round Robin

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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #255 on: October 13, 2010, 03:31:14 »
Yes, let's pause production and decide how to proceed. There are a lot of unexplained elements here. We should tie them together. Also we ought to focus on sealing up all the boundaries and finalizing any paths. I just played the latest version and came up with this list. I sure there's much more that can be added.
  • An opening sequence. Establish that Juni is after wood for a fire.
  • An ending sequence. Juni has built a fire.
  • A suggestion to find Wood in the labs.
  • A scene with Dr. Wood, and a payoff for finding him (Key?)
  • Insert all the keys, including the key card to Dr. Wood's big experiment.
  • Tie the Ancient tech in the ice caves to the research in the lab.
  • An "environmental" path through the "Falling Ice" cave, a way out, and a suggestion to go there.
  • Fix areas with messages like, "I don't have a sound card." and, "I ran out of time."
  • Add purpose to the underwater section. (There was a suggestion for this that I didn't play, an unofficial update. Maybe we could use that)
  • Add missing labs. (They can be small outposts. Possibly connected by teleport.)
  • Voids/SGEs

    This is a list of things that I think should be altered for the sake of cohesion.
  • Replace lab tech with ancient tech in ice caves
  • Make lab 3 either abandoned or occupied. It can't be both. (I lean to abandoned.)
  • Remove waterfalls from trees. (That whole screen needs replacing imo.)


Offline Headgrinder

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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #256 on: October 15, 2010, 13:22:58 »
So here is my thought, before we unpause the production, how do we feel about each person on our contributors list committing to one of the items on ego's list, or else suggest their own improvement, so long as it works toward tying the level together?  This would more or less guaranty that from here on out the level is being rapped up.


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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #257 on: October 16, 2010, 14:54:14 »
So here is my thought, before we unpause the production, how do we feel about each person on our contributors list committing to one of the items on ego's list, or else suggest their own improvement, so long as it works toward tying the level together?  This would more or less guaranty that from here on out the level is being rapped up.

I think this is an excellent idea.

Problem is that I'm really busy this week so I can't really do anything here, but if you want to implement these ideas, go right on ahead.

I don't think I'll be around for this week so if one of you guys could take charge of it for a while that would be excellent :)
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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #258 on: October 18, 2010, 00:56:23 »
One more concern... and I suppose I should take the initiative and do this since it is my concern.  

None of the previous contributors have thus far responded to these plans, so I think they ought to be PMed and told to take a look at this thread, and perhaps give their permission or opinions on the improvement process.  So... I guess I'll go do that.

EDIT: Ok, I think I included everyone, except for Bublapuck and Ego because they are already involved.


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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #259 on: October 18, 2010, 12:44:28 »
If you're accepting new contributors, I'd be interested in doing an environmental route through the ice cave after the other route is finished (it may already have been, it's been a while since I've checked this out).


Offline AClockworkLemon

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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #260 on: October 18, 2010, 13:18:32 »
Well, I'm happy to help with the second round :D
I don't have much time to be browsing through suggestions, so, if possible, could a refined list of improvements that need to be made be posted? Im busy as hell between homework and coding a new game :)

So yeah, happy to help, but i'll need something to work off   :^^:
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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #261 on: October 18, 2010, 16:54:33 »
I'd be up for helping out with another area. I don't have a specific one in mind, though.


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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #262 on: October 19, 2010, 07:07:21 »
I had an idea to add a story to TundraTrek, so I posted it to Headgrinder, but all of you may not see it, so here it is:
Juni lived in a small Knytt village. In the land, there was an endless spring. Every day, the Knytt people prayed to the Spring Goddess against the God of Winter.

But one day, the richest Knytts decided, that they don't must pray, because they have the power comparable/similar to the Gods. They didn't know, that this is hurting the Spring Goddess, and she have no power to beat the God of Winter on the way to Throne.

Hard times started to the Knytts - it was very cold winter, hard to survive! (this part is now the TT level).
They tried to create some type of weapon - or else - in their underground labs (this file was TOP SECRET).

One day, the Spring Goddess came to the Knytts' village. She said, that only the Chosen can give her the power in her sanctuary to beat the God of Winter. 

She looked around and saw Juni: "Yes, Juni is the Chosen!"

So Juni must travel through tundras and icelands to find the sanctuary to give the Spring Goddess the Chosens' power to beat the God of Winter.
Any opinions/suggestions?
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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #263 on: October 19, 2010, 11:53:52 »
Very nice story about the gods fighting, but why did they live in a village if they had so much advanced tech that they built 4 labs?

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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #264 on: October 19, 2010, 13:05:32 »
I'm not sure the story makes since as the CURRENT story, but maybe it has something to do with the back story of the statues, which WOULD be kinda cool.


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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #265 on: October 19, 2010, 14:26:26 »
Very nice story about the gods fighting, but why did they live in a village if they had so much advanced tech that they built 4 labs?

Because the labs were TOP SECRET and I think that it is about lying people - the most powerful knytts wanted to stop expanding knowledge of knytt people (or keep it secret). They might have the laboratories to make mighty weapons to rule the world (it could be one of the reasons of the Spring Goddess's throne-leaving), but they discovered/decided, that this is not good for the world and they used the weapons against the God of Winter (unsuccessfully)...

I'm not sure the story makes since as the CURRENT story, but maybe it has something to do with the back story of the statues, which WOULD be kinda cool.

I think that it explains the winter/ice atmosphere of the level.
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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #266 on: October 19, 2010, 23:57:01 »
So, my 2 cents is that we let the discussion go on (hopefully it will continue) until this Sunday, then we hit the unpause and start rolling.  So, please get your ideas out and look at ego's list asap.

And it seems like several people would like to help, but don't really care with what.  So, if you guys are looking for a project director of some sort, we can be figuring that out soon as well.

Also, I've been asking if anyone has objections to changing previous areas made by other contributors.  I would prefer to get individual permission to proceed just so no one gets their toes stomped on, but so far that hasn't happened.  So, if no one voices any major reasons why we shouldn't go ahead and modify existing areas, then I will be going ahead with my for-mentioned remodel of Lab 3 next week.

@AClockworkLemon, ego posted a list that I think is pretty complete yet short, so take a look at that.

@green.cookie, I'm trying to follow your story line, but your writing style is very clipped.  Here's what I'm getting.  I don't think it is quite what your saying, so I suppose I'm adding to it, but it makes a certain since to me:

Backstory:  There once was a land which was always kept in spring by a powerful Spring Goddess.  The people of her land, however, grew powerful and forgot the Spring Goddess.  This weakened her influence and the Winter God was able to plunge the land into eternal winter.

That is a nice myth perhaps explaining the statues and the climate.  I'm not sure it explains why the Goddess statues themselves are surrounded by ice.  Perhaps this is a region that, by all natural explanations, shouldn't be a tundra, which is why the Labs where set up.  They found the statues and found that somehow the climate was related.  I kinda like that.  Still, so far the modern tech areas seem to be about teleportation, so it would be interesting to tie that in.  Perhaps the "gods" are actually situated in another dimension and the statues link to that dimension?  And if all this is true, the goal might not be just to get wood, but Juni might get caught up in an ancient struggle between these two gods.  

So, enter Juni.  I like the idea that Juni came to this area rather than being a resident because I simply don't like the idea that she is just now exploring the labs for the 1st time, even though they are relatively close to her small home.  So, she may simply have come upon the cabin in one of her many adventures, run out of wood, and started looking for more.  Then she finds the labs, the backstory, etc.  Chosen one stuff is not my personal favorite either; it's just not very interesting.  An outsider stumbling in and "accidentally" solving the regions problems... I can deal with that much more.  :D


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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #267 on: October 21, 2010, 06:45:49 »
Yes, this story is SO MUCH BETTER!!! XD

And simply, they may (must) be two or more endings:
1) GOOD - the Spring Goddess came to throne and this was the end of the eternal winter
2) BAD - Juni cannot help the Spring Goddess and the eternal winter continues forever
3) COMPROMISE - Spring Goddess and Winter God are both on the throne in the different parts of the year
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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #268 on: October 21, 2010, 13:43:27 »
The interesting thing is I think the symbols I made for the lab tileset can fit this story perfectly.  There are 2 symbols of a + and - in balance, and 2 symbols where there is only either a + or -.  I would suggest that scientifically the Spring goddess is the + (adding of life force) and the winter god is the - (subtracting life).  

When I start my rebuild of lab 3 (assuming again, I get no complaints) I will be adding several labs which demonstrate these + and - forces, and will leave a lot of journals laying around to fill in back story.

This is shaping up nicely I think.

EDIT:  Hmm... perhaps the 4 symbols could be the 4 seasons...  Spring would be just the positive, life force rushing back into the world, followed by a balance of summer.  Then fall is a rushing back out of life followed by another equilibrium.  Maybe it make a little more since to have the high points be summer and winter?


Offline AClockworkLemon

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Re: Knytt stories Round Robin
« Reply #269 on: October 23, 2010, 04:13:46 »
The interesting thing is I think the symbols I made for the lab tileset can fit this story perfectly.  There are 2 symbols of a + and - in balance, and 2 symbols where there is only either a + or -.  I would suggest that scientifically the Spring goddess is the + (adding of life force) and the winter god is the - (subtracting life).  

When I start my rebuild of lab 3 (assuming again, I get no complaints) I will be adding several labs which demonstrate these + and - forces, and will leave a lot of journals laying around to fill in back story.

This is shaping up nicely I think.

EDIT:  Hmm... perhaps the 4 symbols could be the 4 seasons...  Spring would be just the positive, life force rushing back into the world, followed by a balance of summer.  Then fall is a rushing back out of life followed by another equilibrium.  Maybe it make a little more since to have the high points be summer and winter?

Sounds epic dude. i like the idea of the journals. reminds me of the MYST series :P

LOL, just gave myself in idea for a new KS level. NO COPYING XD
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