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Messages - ckool5000

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: round SIX
« on: October 30, 2009, 03:49:54 »
Type: Observance (standard, if neccesary)
Action: Take in all that is going on around me, and determine if there is any threats.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia 6.5 Main thread - Please post here!
« on: October 30, 2009, 03:47:54 »
Sorry for not....




I missed a lot.... didn't I?

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Round 6.5 CONFIRMATION
« on: October 28, 2009, 02:34:22 »
Oh, sorry.

Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: ROUND FOUR
« on: October 11, 2009, 17:59:03 »
Type: Standard
Action: Kick off Limelemon's arms to see if I can use them as my own.

Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: ROUND THREE
« on: October 10, 2009, 05:58:18 »
Action: Heal mah arm!

(Standard, if it needs a type.)

Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: ROUND TWO
« on: October 07, 2009, 03:56:01 »
Type: Saying something (Standard, if you think)

Action: Scream really loudly: "AUGH! I'M ALIVE!!!"

Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: it has begun!!
« on: October 06, 2009, 00:21:35 »
Yeah, but it's all pretty much one action, which is:

Dig myself out of the ground.

Standard, if it needs a type.

Forum Games / Re: DWYW - Part 2: Luck goes haywire: it has begun!!
« on: October 04, 2009, 05:21:48 »
Dig a pocket of air in front of my mouth to be able to breathe, then dig my way up through the dirt, until I reach the surface.

Forum Games / Re: 1000 Blank White Cards
« on: October 02, 2009, 04:22:32 »
Heh. Forget this game then. It.... Won't.... Work...

*reads rules*

Awesome! I'm in as myself.

Hmm... This game sounds very fun, but I'm not so sure how you play it...

Forum Games / Re: 1000 Blank White Cards
« on: October 01, 2009, 04:08:22 »
1. Pretty much.
2. You technically win by getting the most points, which is obtained by having a card "in front of you", making you win or lose points.
3. ?
4. Chuck Norris: 10,000 points. For each Chuck Norris joke you tell (up to five), you get an additional 1,000 points.

Forum Games / 1000 Blank White Cards
« on: September 30, 2009, 03:00:57 »
Hey there, I'm a friend of shawnachu.... *cough*.... Yeah, so... Here's the game, which I've actually played with real cards before, but that got kinda... card-like.

So, first, you all come up with... 5 cards each, I guess, which I'll put in the "deck" using I'll "deal" the cards out to each of you, telling you in a PM if you got any of the special cards and whatnot.

In just a random order, the players will either play the cards on themselves, their opponents, or the "center of the table", which makes it have an effect on anyone.

Now, if you have a blank card in your hand, just turn it into a regular card!   :P

A card is made as follows:

"[Title]:[Points]. [Effect]"  The points should be positive or negative, and between 1000 and 10000. Of course, for humour, which is pretty much what this game is all about, you may make the numbers smaller or bigger. For example, "Chuck Norris saves the world" should definitely be slightly bigger than 1000. Like maybe 1500 or something.

Technically, you win by having the most points at the end of the game, but this game is truly all about having fun. And if you make the best and funniest cards, then there's another, even BETTER way to win!!

So... Just join in!

Pages: [1]