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Messages - RedMPlumber

Pages: [1]
Great level, fairly challenging but it is ok. The music and story put you in the right athmosphere. The puzzle at the end took me some time to figure out, but other than that, I hadn't any problems. The deaths with a cutscene would be better, if they lead to a "death room" which takes the part to send you back to the last safe point. I found one little wallswim if you go up on the right side of the hole in the room with the red key.

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Normal][Misc] Seek the Light
« on: November 10, 2009, 19:33:49 »
I just downloaded Knytt Stories again after a monthlong break and picked your level at random for a little game for the start, and I really liked it =). It was fun, not too challenging and stuff. I really liked that bit before the Angel of Courage where you had to dodge all those spikeblocks. For a first level really great.

Wow, just wow...

This is one of my favourite levels I have seen until now. Really atmospheric and yeah, cool.

But it still has some little things I didn't like:
  • A different ending, if you have gotten all the statues would have benn nice, but I understand it, that it would have made the development harder
  • It would be cool, if there would be some signs, like, some inner monolog for Juni or that NPCs tell you stuff, the only thing which talks (which I found ;]) was the alien.

But overall an awesome level  C)


I actually thought, I had checked avery pixel, but it seems, that that wasn't the case  :huh:. I liked the endings especially the second one :) both are kinda cute  :^^:

That was a fun little level. Some jumps are a bit very close and took me quite a few tries.
Also I maybe a bit slow, finding pathways, so it took me quite a while finding my way through.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Mfg RedMPlumber

Well, the level looks promising, but, I can't get to any of the two endings =(. I am probably dumb  :oops:. Has anybody some hints for me, where to look? :/

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