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Messages - Ax

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NightSky / Re: prices in different regions
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:14:27 »
I purchased it for 7.2 rupees somehow...they transferred right out of my Link to the Past game save.  I'm amazed that your reach extends all the way to Hyrule, but I was even more amazed when Link whipped out a laptop and started playing the game himself.  I tried to get him to go off and fight the forces of evil, but he just gave me the finger and went off to fight the forces of angular momentum...

NightSky / Re: Having trouble downloading
« on: January 06, 2011, 21:22:00 »
That may be because there are millions and millions of people downloading at the same time. :P
Nifflas is now officially rich. xD

He'd better be rich!  He's more than earned it by now.  Can't wait for my download to actually finish so I can play this.  Feel like I've been waiting forever for it...

Pre-release topics / Re: Screen shot & short game info
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:08:33 »
A combination of my two favorite Nifflas games?!? My face is still stinging from all the times I just slapped myself.  Either I'm trapped in the best dream ever or the dreamworld has somehow bled out of my mind and invaded the real world creating some sort of bizarre fantasy realm.  One minute, I'm going to go fly off the top of a building...

...okay, so bad news.  Apparently this fantasy realm does not involve being able to fly.  I can NOT fly.  So don't try.  Unless you love having both your legs broken in fifteen places in which help.

Saira / Re: Saira for Best Game of 2009!
« on: January 16, 2010, 07:35:02 »
Braid's plot is shaped by Jonathan Blow's personal beliefs on narrative and its relation to game design, and it's important to understand them before simply dismissing the plot. (Incidentally, I do not agree with most of Blow's ideas.)

Saira has a simple, up-front plot that serves as framework for the gameplay, and motivation for the player (finding Bobo). Braid has multiple levels of plot- the simple, up-front plot which motivates the player to continue (finding the princess), and then other levels of plot which you can disregard entirely without sacrificing much.

Yup, I know.  I actually have a copy of a very interesting talk Blow did about narrative in games.  I've also read numerous analytical pieces about how the plot is supposed to work.

I just don't really think that it does work the way it should.  I should also say that I don't necessarily just dismiss the plot of Braid.  There are a lot of interesting things going on in it and TONS of symbolism.  I think Blow is a very smart person and he has a lot of interesting things to say about games, but he suffers from the problem of knowing that he's a genius.  Braid feels to me like a little kid jumping up and down going "I'm so smart!", "I'm so clever", "I'm so great".  And in many ways it is all of those things.  But in some ways it's also a murky mess of jumbled philosophy.  I think Blow's work will improve if he just relaxes a little bit and doesn't try so hard to be what he already is.

Nifflas' games capture narrative in the gameplay so smoothly.  He builds worlds that feel lived in and real.  Yes, the story is very simple and serves mainly just as motivation to continue...but the real story is the story created by the worlds that you travel through and by your actions in them.  His genius is the way he lets you explore these worlds and discover their secrets.  You almost feel like a real participant in how the game unfolds.

Saira / Re: Saira for Best Game of 2009!
« on: January 11, 2010, 21:59:38 »
I voted for Saira, no contest.  Look, Braid was certainly a landmark game...but the story is a mess that feels constantly like it's trying SOOOOO hard to be deep.  Saira on the other hand has a smart, simple, clear, and concise story.  These are traits that I think Blow could do well to remember in the future when he makes games.  There are also certain puzzles in Braid that just plain annoyed me and Blow's contention that 'no trail and error is necessary' to beat his game always struck me as bullshit (there's one puzzle that I'm thinking of in particular here).  The funny thing is I still love the game.  It's very fresh and a lot of the puzzles are beyond brilliant.

But, man, while playing Saira I just had a smile on my face from start to finish.  It made me happy and brought out a feeling of joy of exploration that Braid just can't touch. C)p

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 18, 2009, 22:07:29 »
Thanks everyone! It means a lot that you like what I do! Once I have relaxed a bit I'll get started on something new. Right now I feel like I want to focus on small productions for a while.

Small productions, eh?  Quark simulator CONFIRMED.  Live the life of everyone's favorite sub-atomic particle--Nifflas style.

Saira / Re: Tantrum. Feel free to join.
« on: December 18, 2009, 07:13:29 »
You know what...this game absolutely rocks!  I'm not kidding.  The visuals are stunning and beautiful (not to mention a fresh take on the classic Nifflas style).  The controls are slick and the character moves with an awesome sense of weight and momentum.  I know that it is this very thing that has led to many complaints, but I love it.  Most important of all the game lets me fly around in a space ship while playing pinball.

COME ON!  It does not get any better than that.  Even my girlfriend who has never gotten into your games before got drawn into some of the logic puzzles.

You knocked this one out of the park and my excitement for Nightsky has grown even greater than before.  Now quit moping and take over the world all ready.  I have an "All Hail Nifflas" banner all printed up and ready to hang out in front of my house.

P.S. More Saira episodes.  Make them...OR ELSE.  Actually I have no ending for that, since I could never hurt you, the great and mighty overlord of being awesome.

 I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Nifflas.  But in a completely heterosexual way.  I don't want you guys getting the wrong idea about me :crazy:

Help! I'm Stuck! / Re: Help on the furthest Planet!
« on: December 17, 2009, 00:34:19 »
I used the hint system very liberally on these puzzles.  They're brilliant, but they were making my head hurt.  Anyway, I just wanted to say that the hints provided by your PDA are a huge help.  They give you someplace to start.  If you work from there you should be able to figure out even the hardest of the puzzles.  What I like about the hints is that they don't solve the puzzle for you.  They just get you going.

Saira / Re: Misinformation
« on: December 16, 2009, 23:54:32 »
Lol, I just checked IGN.  They've updated the game page with Nifflas' press release and they've fixed most of the information, but for some strange reason they've decided that the recently closed Pandemic Studios are behind the game.  Bizarre.  Any of you with IGN memberships should get over there and rate the game.  A short reader review or two or three or a thousand couldn't hurt either.

Saira / Re: Anyone feel like I do?
« on: December 16, 2009, 23:48:46 »
To me the gameplay feels almost like Mirror's Edge in 2D.

Yeah, I think that's a really apt comparison.

Saira / Re: I bought Saira! ...But...
« on: December 16, 2009, 23:27:59 »
Unless the difficulty increases after the demo
It will, hehe...

Oh yes, oh yes it will... :nuts:

Saira / Re: Anyone feel like I do?
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:42:42 »
Weird...I've found the movement to be incredibly well done.  It's fluid and has a fantastic sense of momentum.  Usually I play platform games and find myself wishing that the designer spent some time playing Mario, because Mario games tend to have fantastic control and player movement.  But Saira I think hits it right on the head, in fact I think she moves even better than Mario does in New Super Mario Bros Wii.

The fluid motion reminds me a lot of the Prince of Persia games, especially when she's climbing and jumping from wall to wall.

Saira Level Editing Support / Re: Gathering Knowledge
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:28:26 »
I just wanted to add that you guys all rock.  I'm pretty sure I'll never make a custom level of my own, but I really appreciate all the work you're doing (and sharing) because it means some day I'll be playing even more Saira awesomeness.  I give you all virtual, not the browser kind, the tasty crunchy filled with imaginary chocolate chip kind.  Keep it up and I'll even bake you a virtual cake.  It's like normal cake only made completely of virtual awesomeness.

NightSky / Re: night game footage from GDC?
« on: April 10, 2009, 22:55:45 »
now i feel silly. X)

But are you sillier than a pink-poka-dotted Lion dancing on the moon in his underwear?  That is the question.  Actually, it's not a question that most would ask, but I make it my job to ask the hard questions in life.

NightSky / Re: IGN Interview + Awesome Trailer
« on: April 10, 2009, 22:53:48 »
I don't think there's any sort of conspiracy, but I think that Nicalis has acted analogously to a major game development company rather than an independent company. This isn't necessarily "wrong", but it's in sharp contrast to how most successful (artistically/critically, if not financially) indie game companies work: less focus on generating profit, and more focus on the artist relative to the product, and often an openness in terms of communication. With a big company like Nintendo, the focus is totally on profit, and if a game has a personality attached to it, it's going to be a very well-known name that's been around enough to be a selling point, and communication on an individual level is typically limited to standardized letters and e-mails sent to inquirers. (It's probably worth mentioning here that Tyrone Rodriguez used to be employed as a PR man for Nintendo.)

I think Nicalis has acted out more of the latter behaviors than the former. (For example, prohibiting the use of the protagonist of Cave Story in a freeware tribute game; making the decision to have NG be Wii-only without explaining why; buying the actual rights to games from their developers, rather than just distribution rights.) This isn't wrong, as I said, but it comes across as inappropriate if Nicalis wants to be well-regarded as an independent developer.

Cool.  I disagree with you, but it's your right to feel that way.  All I know is that this game looks awesome and I can't wait till I'm playing it.

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