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Messages - Polana

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Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 29, 2024, 23:23:49 »
Granted. It also means that if you damage your nails somehow it takes forever to heal.

I wish there was some good cheese in my fridge.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 27, 2024, 23:09:51 »
Granted. It's based on average income worldwide so it does very little for people in more developed countries and causes huge inflation in less developed ones.

I wish lobiani (baked goods popular in Georgia the country) were widely available in my country.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 19, 2024, 12:53:26 »
Granted. Because you don't remember it you do it again and again losing all your friends because of all that cringe.

I wish I didn't have massive headache every time I return home after being several days (or 2 weeks in this case) somewhere else.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: April 28, 2024, 21:00:45 »
Granted. Your friend's girlfriend Amy is actually super excited about your kiln-fired enamel and every time you're in the garage to do it she comes there and invites all her family, friends, neighbours and random people just walking around to watch you kiln-fired enameling stuff. It's so distracting you hardly do any kiln-fired enameling but you have space to do it, if just everyone went away for a while.

I wish the next pope was called Pius.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: April 24, 2024, 12:18:06 »
Granted. It turns out later that someone was blackmailing your teachers on your behalf. Even though you had nothing to do with it you are stripped of your good grades and expelled from the college.

I wish the ants in my bedroom would go away.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: April 17, 2024, 23:05:02 »
Granted. It's a pair of pink jeans for little girls so very cute but probably not what you need.

I wish I had a pair of fancy but light and comfortable shoes I could wear to an upcoming formal event.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: April 08, 2024, 22:45:20 »
Granted. Their wishes now lead to your untimely demise.

I wish my hay fever went away forever.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: April 07, 2024, 21:34:16 »
Granted. It's a great story, excellent writing and everything but you just can't get into it and quit watching it in the half not caring how it will end. It may have something to do with the animators deciding to draw everyone as Mr. Potato Head so you don't know which character is which.

I wish for a pair of sunglasses that would look good on me.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: March 30, 2024, 11:44:22 »
Granted. Because it's so fast you have no chance to regulate temperature of this magical shower substitute and it always feels either too cold or too hot.

I wish I had some raspberry ice cream in the freezer because the weather is unexpectedly warm for a March.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: March 28, 2024, 21:24:19 »
Granted. You are reincarnated as mayfly so your new life doesn't last too long.

I wish I could travel back in time to mid 2010s and have a stern talk with younger me about some of my dumb choices that affect me now.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: March 26, 2024, 00:33:29 »
Granted, you were ordered to do it so at least you can't blame yourself.

I wish the map in KS extended worked just like it's described in the instructions.

Lovely screenshots. Congratulations on new baby.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: March 14, 2024, 20:41:29 »
Granted. Everything you own is somehow turned into plushies.

I wish for a bowl of fresh ripe tomatoes.

Lovely level that is even better than the first Shalev, so I hope we'll get a few more Shalev levels. It has wodnerful atmosphere, great soundtrack and while it's a bit confusing on the first playthrough (although the map and advice given by the guide help a lot) it's the kind of level where getting lost is actually pleasant.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: March 09, 2024, 12:21:10 »
Granted. It get's warmer by 0.001°C and it stays that way forever.

I wish people took light pollution more seriously and stopped using too bright lights outside that are on all night.

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