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Messages - Evgenii Shiriaev

Pages: [1]
This level is so...pizdets...I mean very hard. I hope Don will make a speedrun.

Nice level.

I found 2 artifacts (and I now where the 3rd) and 1 golden creature (how many are there?). Good level. Thank you, Talps.

Good level. Thank you.
I only found 99 bonus collectibles out of 100. Are you sure there are 100 of them?
Аnd by the way I'm sure I've seen this level before. Only it was darker, and it seems to be a secret level inside another level. But I'm not sure.

Good level, but it's not very hard.

I can help.

I completed the level, and it was fun. Thanks to developers. I'm going to eat some tomatoes.

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