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Topics - Yukabacera

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Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.

BACKGROUND INFO - This is a level I started working on in...I think it was 2009. Back then it was a purely environmental level. The next year it became a horror level. After I stopped going on the forum, I more or less abandoned it.

The thing with this level is that it's finished - it's just not implemented. While I was still working on it, I made up for all the time I didn't work on it by planning it - which means that everything is pretty much done, it just has to be turned into a KS level. And hopefully it will be happening this year!

In its final incarnation before I abandoned it, this level became a pseudo-comedy-"funny"-whatever-exercise-joke-selfpleasuring-thing, and it stayed that way. The info card is from the horror period - ignore it, it's not correct.

THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART - I won't reveal too much of the plot right now, but the basic gist of it is that Juni wants to visit her mother who lives just outside the city she (Juni) lives in. (Again, the intro card is from the horror period, and should be ignored.) In this preview, you can see a couple of areas and achieve one bad ending. There could be some wall swims or odd shifts here and there - it will all be fixed when the time comes. (It was even more broken when I left it, I only fixed it up today!)


Tell me what you think of part 0.0000000000000000000001 of my magnum opus and ask anything you like! It's nifty, no?

I'm not really even sure how to phrase this question, but I hope someone gets what I'm trying to say.

I'm trying to use a shift to just play a cutscene - that is, shift the player to the exact position they are already standing on but play a cutscene. Now, I've done this before and got it to work (I don't recall it being particularly hard to do), but now I'm screwing something up.

I have Absolute target, Invisible and Autosave game turned on for the shift, no sound effect. The cutscene I'm trying to get it to play just shows up as white when I activate the shift, even though I did insert the image. The image is the right size. The other two cutscenes I have (default Ending and Intro) work fine if I set them to play on this particular shift, but the new one doesn't. (I used the manager to make it, if that matters.) What could be causing this?

AaAaAaAaAaAaA! I'm the Nifflas forum homecoming queen!

Well, I just thought I'd make a sort of "intro" topic since I came back to the forum. That's allowed, right? Since 2011, I think I've only posted... once? Or maybe twice?

I realize that I wasn't exactly well-liked by some people here and would like to put that behind me. I look forward to participating in discussions here again and generally being a part of the community. I also look forward to playing Nifflas' newer games! (I last played KS in 2011!)

I've no idea if the people I used to hang out with are even here anymore... oh well!  :P2 Despite some less-than-pleasant moments, I still think this is one of the best forums I've ever been on and I've got lots of great recent-memories attached to it. So yeah. I'm glad to be back!

Knytt Stories - Custom Content / AlmightyZenTaco's city tilesets
« on: July 13, 2012, 12:35:39 »
I was just wondering whether the use of these tilesets is allowed, as long as I credit the author? (You know which ones I mean, the ones from googgoogjob's "Capitalism!")

Other Free Games / Scribble States [Edutainment/Quiz]
« on: March 17, 2011, 20:35:27 »

Scribble States is a fun little edutainment game that quizzes you about US states! You can set the difficulty by adjusting the timer, selecting the number of questions, types of questions you will be asked etc. etc. Basically, you get a connect-the-dots image, and after you connect them, you will be asked either what is the name of the state you just drew, its capital or its nickname! I know it sounds boring, but it's incredibly addicting and fun.

Here's my report card thingy, I got it on Slow Timer, State Names, Nicknames and Capitals, 10 Questions.

(Don't click on it, use the link I provided)

Yeah I suck :(

Post your own results!

Here's a screenshot:


About Nifflas' Website and Forum / My immature behavior
« on: March 16, 2011, 15:44:38 »
I was reading through some of my older posts today, and realized how stupidly I acted during that whole "I hatez0rz LPChip!!!!!11111one!!!111eleven" affair. I would like to publicly apologize to anyone and everyone I may have offended (and I'm sure it's more than a few people), and especially LPChip. I don't know what got into me, really.

I still don't quite agree with your policies, but all the stuff I said was incredibly immature and I just don't want anyone to think I still feel that way. I know a lot of time has passed, but it has been on my mind this whole time and I just need to get it out of my head. I'm really sorry about everything, and I hope my relationship with everyone will be good from now on.

So if you will accept my apology, thank you!


Development Showcase / A Test Card For a Fictional TV Network
« on: March 07, 2011, 23:42:11 »
I drew this test card because I was bored!

IMPORTANT WARNING: The time will not change, no matter how long you stare at the picture!

The NRTV-1 stands for "NiRnian TeleVision Network 1". If you've played my pathetic forum game, The Messville Chronicles, you'll know that Nirn is a fictional planet. If you haven't played it: Nirn is a fictional planet.

I was inspired by pretty much every test card ever, but this Bulgarian one is the one I drew the most inspiration from:

(Also, I didn't just grab a bunch of stuff from Google Images and paste it into MS Paint! I drew this by hand! Well, mouse.)

I intend to do a couple more of test cards, so please tell me if you like this one so I don't waste my time.

(Also, a certified source from 4chan's /tv/ board told me this test card is pretty realistic and has all the stuff you need to tune a TV, so there!)


Hey everyone! I'm making a comeback! And I really promise this one won't die because I've got the story laid out! Hurray!

This game is sort of a Hollywood Hacking simulator! With 16-color ANSI displays! If you're into that sort of thing!

"What is my mission?", you ask? Well, I'll tell you all about your mission! Your mission is to hack into every computer and delete everything hack into a mainframe and extract a highly confidential document whose contents are unknown! To you, at least! I like exclamation marks!

But first, I want you to fill out this form so I know what kind of battlestation are you using!


So just fill out that form, give us a couple of details about your character if you wish, and engage in some Rapid Fire Typing!

I may take some time to update because I'm not at home, but don't worry, unlike in my last forum game, I will be punctual!

=I= (can't find the pipe on this computer)

Other Free Games / [Exploration/Narrative] Looming
« on: October 16, 2010, 23:06:33 »
Looming is a game where you walk around an oppressive, monochrome world collecting forgotten personal effects of dead people. Holy sh*t what were they smoking?

Looming is a game about the eponymous world, and a man called September who regularly visits and explores it, and his lover, January (while the game does not mention this, we can assume he also regularly visits and explores January *wink wink nudge nudge*). Since I haven't actually finished the game yet (I'll get you, damn last tally bead! I got your pals, "sixteens" and "thirty-twos", and you will not continue to elude me, dammit!), I don't know what it's really supposed to be about and what message is it trying to convey. (get a 256-color monitor, new from Sparq Electronics? Who knows.)

Well, okay, explaining it would kinda ruin the whole mood. There's various artifacts scattered around the world, including tally beads, parts of a diagram, bones of a long-dead creature...stuff like that. There are several different endings (I believe the title screen tracks which ones you got), and to see them all you must fully explore the world, finding the aforementioned artifacts, hidden signposts, landmarks and such. As far as I see, there are no puzzles (except a potential puzzle involving some rotating lights) and the entirety of Looming is open to you from the start.

The controls are mentioned in the game, and there really isn't anything else you need to know. I'll get a walkthrough up here as soon as I finish this game.

Play it here:



Collaborations / Nifflas World of Text v2.0
« on: July 24, 2010, 23:14:11 »
Now let's try to keep this topic unlocked. Anyway.

Remember the once-glorious Nifforum World of Text? Remember the railways, the Nifflas Pond, the Clockwork Harbor, the large lake? Remember Nirn, remember the Niffmines...remember the trolls?

I'm sure most of you do. Sadly, that WoT got hit hard in a trolling attack. All that remains are memorials, silent testaments to the tragedy that happened there. But now, that's all gonna change.

Say hello to the Nifflas World of Text! This is a brand-new Nifflas-themed WoT, with a bunch of cool commands such as warping to coords, or linking to them, or actually linking to a website.

I have claimed ownership of this world. I hope there's no hard feelings about this. I'm not gonna be the stereotyped "evil admin who plays with users like they're puppets".

Anyway, this new WoT is also different in that non-members can see the WoT, but they cannot edit it. This should stop trolling attacks, unless a member of this forum deliberately trolls us. If they do, I will eat their intestines for breakfast. With salt.

The only thing you have to do is make an account on the YWoT site. (

Then, post here telling me you have made an account (if possible, use the same usernames as on this forum) and I will make you a member. Then, we can start to rebuild the once glorious nation the Nifforum WoT was.

The link is . Please, do enjoy this new WoT!

(I think I'm being a bit too dramatic in the intro. And the whole thing sounds like a Soviet propaganda speech. Blech.)


Creativity Support / Converting MIDI to .ogg?
« on: June 29, 2010, 19:10:50 »
Is it possible? If so, what software do I need to use to do so? Preferably of the non-money-costing variety.


Well, here it is.  Finally.

I assume everyone who was in SiaE is in here too. New players, feel free to sign up!

After an adventure involving an elevator, a pizza, and some AIs in which you got out of said elevator, you're happy that you're looking at the room which won The Most Crowded Room in Messville Award. And that would be Northbridge Tower's Employee Lounge.

But you don't have much time to soak it all in, because you're approached by a harried-looking woman. She says:

"And who are you, gentlemen? May I see your employee badges?"

Seeing no other way out of this situation, you confess that you don't have any badges.

"Then, I have to ask you to leave. This lounge is for employees only. The elevator is over there." She quickly pushes you into the elevator, presses the button for the lobby, and leaves the elevator.

You are treated to elevator music, the sound of the rocket thrusters and your own breathing before you arrive at the lobby.


You've been here thousands of times, and you can remember what the lobby looks at any time: the U-shaped desk, the glowing logo above it, the plastic plants, the uncomfortable seating, the coffee tables with outdated magazines on them. And it hasn't changed.

Andrea the receptionist is behind the desk.


This game uses custom commands a lot. There are no specific actions; you are free to do as you please. The commands should be kept simple, such as "go into the elevator", "read the magazines", "talk to Andrea", etc. etc.

Now post.


Forum Games / Stuck in an Elevator - Super-Giga-Mega CYOA Edition
« on: April 21, 2010, 19:45:57 »
Because LPChip locked the last thread, and said we need more rules, I decided to make this thing a CYOA because those things have ridiculous numbers of rules. Anyway, same backstory applies. The rulez0rz are:

Don't cyber.
Don't talk about /b/.
DO NOT talk about /b/.
Keep it clean.
Don't spam.
Don't insult people.
Don't post offensive images/videos/any other form of digital media.


THIS is a blank character form:
Age (opt.):
Class (opt.):
Backstory (please don't write novellas) (opt.):

(opt.) stands for optional, which means you can just give me a name and start playing.
You can make up your own class if you want. The currently available ones are:

Anyway, THIS is how you really play it:
I will post some choices, such as:

(1) Put on your robe and wizard hat.
(2) Board the Sprunkeldunkel1 train.

Then, people will say things such as:

"I want to put on my robe and wizard hat."
"yo homie I wanna board that friggin train"

After some time2, I decide what you're all forced to do, tell you what happens, and post moar  choices. And that's it I guess. Enjoy?

Okay so, the current choices are:

(1) Search the elevator cabin.
(2) Check what floor you're on.
(3) Bang on the door and scream for help.
(4) Listen to the elevator music.
(5) Put on your robe and wizard hat.

1 - Sprunkeldunkel is a very important word. You must know what it means to play this game.
2 - "Some time" can be anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 millennia (not really).


Forum Games / Stuck in an Elevator
« on: April 17, 2010, 13:57:53 »
Soo, this is a new forum game from the one and only Yukabacera. This one's got a backstory, even!


You thought this was going to be another boring day. You were already late for work, and quickly ran into the already-crowded elevator. The doors closed, and a voice announced: "Now playing Segment 2 of The Greatest Elevator Music of ME Elevators. Enjoy your-your-your-your...". "Not again!", you said for yourself, because the audio wasn't the only thing that was stuck; the elevator was too.


What an amazing backstory! It's worth all the five bucks, I'm telling you! Anyway, this is how you play it:

Jane Doe: I sit down, take a deck of playing cards out of my purse and start playing solitaire.

Anon Y. Mous: I steal Jane's cards, and eat them.

A.S.S.Y. : I punch Anon in the face, and rob him of all his belongings.

etc. etc. etc. Basically, you do something, and then another person does something. The next person can connect their action with yours; but that's not necessary, they can do something on their own.

Oh and, the elevator music still works. You can listen to all of it here:

I'll change which segment plays whenever I post. So, without further ado, I'll start:

I punch the elevator doors, screaming "I hate you!" very loudly.


I thought this would be the best place to post about a group like this. If the admins disagree, then move it.

Well, the subject says it all; this is a group for people who use the WaDF forum theme. If you use it, tell us why and join! If anyone wants to make userbars, as I suck at that, they're welcome to do so.

Anyway, I use the WaDF theme because I like blue. Yay.

Miss Paula
Purple Pineapple

Show off the WaDF theme goodness with userbars and Sloganizers:

Two userbars by Dataflashsabot, with a border and borderless.

A userbar that only looks good when viewed in the WaDF theme by smeagle!

A userbar by StraightFlame which helps us possess more souls get more people to use the WaDF theme!

A Sloganizer which only looks good when viewed in the WaDF theme,

and one that only looks good when viewed in the Knytt theme.

This is a handy little theme checker which helps us get more people to join by SecretGlitch!


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