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Messages - Azumarill

Pages: [1]
Collaborations / an art request! Pimp My Desktop
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:02:00 »
Hey, can someone put a top on this wallpaper?

a link to that image, just for kicks

This is the tileset used in it:


I was thinking something along the lines of "add tops to the trees, put some kind of sky in there".

This would be much appreciated! Using KS visuals recommended but not required!

Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [KSOnline] Online Lobby
« on: October 10, 2009, 15:10:33 »


Development Showcase / some photos?!
« on: September 11, 2009, 22:47:59 »
Click all of these for their respective pages @ Flickr. That of course leads to bigger size on the first two, as the third doesn't need it.

Some leaves!

Some grass!

A poem, in refrigerator magnets!

Special: * all my photos @ Flickr. *

Next! All the photos at my directory @ CMWP! Sadly they are all 1400 pixels wide/whatever tall, and I don't feel like uploading thumbnails, so:

Captain Planet! He's our hero AND a used cookie tin from 1990!

some trash!

a NES, a wireless router box, Myst III: Exile, some CD cases, Scrabble, a binder full of X-Men trading cards from 1995, and a box full of manga (Love Hina, mostly)

some more manga -- well, I guess you couldn't see it in the last pic. Negima, this time, volumes 1-18. I currently have through 22, this picture's rather old.

Break room at work: 1, 2, 3, 4.

A name badge!

My only attempt at photoshop, ever!

...I don't even know

if I mentioned centipedes, would you know what meme I was thinking of when I took this picture? [...]

....and that's it!  Everything moderately presentable, anyway. Feel free to mess with URLs in search of others, if you feel like it.

Pages: [1]