Me testing DiRT 2 on 2560x1440 resolution :D

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Me testing DiRT 2 on 2560x1440 resolution :D
« on: August 12, 2012, 13:20:20 »
I gave myself a little present in the size of a 27" monitor with resolution 2560x1440 because I need the monitor space for my music more and more.

I have a computer setup that can run games with this resolution easily so I figured, why not.

I immediately noticed that the graphics improved with this resolution change, something I didn't think would matter that much.

I was curious if I could also record a movie of it, and how youtube would handle a 2560x1440 video.

So with the reason: Just because I can, I did it. The results are here:

If you click the gear icon, and choose Original, you can see the video in the native resolution. Unfortunately for some shitty reason, the video won't play in gemrnay (or they ad advertisements next to it), because youtube thinks it has copyrighted material in it. I mean... its the background music, duh! So sorry for that. Already put in a claim.

Have fun watching. Note I can play better than this, but the recording did have an effect of my system, so I was playing at around 20 fps, while I'm used playing 150fps and up.

Luckily it doesn't show up that bad in the video itself though.

Also, found out that I have no editing software that can keep this native resolution. bummer... :P

So, Start watching the Youtube video
on the left, above my avatar.

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Re: Me testing DiRT 2 on 2560x1440 resolution :D
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 13:46:39 »
"just because you can" brag doesn't mean you should. also, I'm not sure there's many people who can even watch it in its native resolution, as that requires a monitor with specs that not many own, so it's kinda pointless as well. and even more, I doubt this is appropriate for a development showcase. showcasing what? your awesome, self-bought hardware? your massive gameplay skills?
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)


Offline LPChip

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Re: Me testing DiRT 2 on 2560x1440 resolution :D
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 14:55:42 »
Even if your resolution is not as high as mine, you can still check it.It'll downscale but you'll see a quality increase nontheless.

And the dev showcase says: made anything you want to showcase? Yeah, I made a video of me playing.

Edit: youtube is a bitch when it comes to copyright. Because the video has some background music in the second half of the video, it says my video is under violation. Due to the little response I got, I've decided to take off the video entirely.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 22:04:15 by LPChip »
on the left, above my avatar.

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"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex