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Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Lucinda on April 26, 2024, 07:03:43 »
What a lovely fictional epic you've written, Talps.

Granted about the breakfast. You eat a delightful breakfast with toast, potatoes, fruit, sausage, and a glass of orange juice. However then you have to go on a car trip the next morning and the only breakfast you're able to get on the road is a lukewarm, slightly soggy breakfast sandwich.

I wish my friend's girlfriend Amy would let me use her garage to do kiln-fired enamel in.
You do realize that the text box in the last screenshot has too much text in it to display properly, right?
It fits with everything else in that screenshot and the general vibe I get from the level.

Looking forward to it!
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on April 25, 2024, 09:48:25 »
Hoooooh boy, I don't wanna corrupt this one. Why did you have to wish for something so important in a place where wishes inevitably turn out for the worse?



A certain populist political figure incites his followers with (more) claims of election fraud. This once more triggers riots, not just in Washington but all across the country. The situation escalates and becomes entangled with more and more of America's (and indeed the world's) hot points - gun control, racism, abortion law, climate change, elitism, rightism, health care reform... It escalates and escalates and the world watches in shock, disparate voices barking in every direction, many calling it a second American Civil War.

Without the USA's support, and with Europe thoroughly distracted, Ukraine begins losing more and more territory to Russia. Russia captures Kiev. Europe rallies. Putin throws out more threats  of nuclear escalation even as he presses further and further west.

Violence and conflict escalate in the Middle East and North Africa. North Korea is waving its flag. The UK collapses under the burden of rising poverty caused by a sad morass political incompetence. Powerful nations are look to press their advantages. Eventually the whole horrible situation ends with the Doomsday Clock ticking over to midnight and human society ends.


I wish for something nice for breakfast?
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Lucinda on April 24, 2024, 23:10:26 »
Granted. There are no more ants in the world and the ecosystem suffers and there is an apocalypse.

I wish Democrats would win big in the 2024 election in America.
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« Last post by kilicool64 on April 24, 2024, 16:17:03 »
I don't have much hope that this will be resolved, but after successfully playing through the latest version of this level, I thought I'd check out the previous version to see what it was like when it was made for KS Ex. Specifically, I picked this one:

Unfortunately, it seems to be broken. It worked fine until I got to the Night Park. There's a point there where a shift is apparently supposed to transform you into a ball. I've seen that happen in a YouTube video. But for me, all that shift does is move me a bit to the right. A bit later, there's a part that Juni can't possibly squeeze through, so any further progress is impossible. I took at look at the level in the editor, and this looks like a completely standard shift that does nothing except reposition you. And the Lua script doesn't seem to do anything with it either. So what went wrong here? I'm using KS Ex 1.5.9.
you need run it in KS+
I wasn't referring to the latest version. I know that one needs KS+. And I already played it. I just thought I'd check out the version before that to see how this level used to utilize KS Ex's features. But while version 5b is indeed rather different (and definitely has some KS Ex features), it also has a progress-halting bug in the Night Park. There's a shift there that I know from video footage ( is supposed to turn you into a ball, but it simply doesn't. The Lua script doesn't mention this screen or ball transformations anywhere.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Polana on April 24, 2024, 12:18:06 »
Granted. It turns out later that someone was blackmailing your teachers on your behalf. Even though you had nothing to do with it you are stripped of your good grades and expelled from the college.

I wish the ants in my bedroom would go away.
Knytt Stories Level Previews / [Challenge][Very Hard][Large][KS+] Kismet
« Last post by Lucinda on April 24, 2024, 09:33:46 »
A few months ago I ran into the word "kismet" somewhere. I thought: "That's it! That's my next level title!" It's a word that means "destiny."

I spent a while making a sequel to Shalev to thank a user here for adoring Shalev, which truly has moved me and pushed me to bold creative heights. That level was called Shamira. And that user? Rosa Parks. No actually, play the level and find out, I thank them at the end.

So what do you do after you make a level that was basically a super emotional thank-you? You make a really random epic level, I guess.

Kismet will be my most epic yet, hopefully coming at at least 500 screens but we'll see. Because I always struggle to choose which powerup order to use in my levels, I decided to make a level with a randomized powerup order. I shuffled and drew pieces of paper to determine the order, and if this gives you any idea of just how random it is: the first three powerups are red key, eye, and yellow key. Yeah. It will take a little while to get run, but just imagine how good it will feel when you get it!

Random powerup order=random ideas. So far I've made a spooky graveyard, a medieval kingdom where everyone speaks in "Shakespearean English," surreal and brutal death scenes, a record store, an area based on the US state of Colorado, and more!

Oh, and there will be lots of challenges to please the ChallengeBoys(tm).

The actual plot is this: when knytts turn 23, they go on a quest to find their destiny. Juni is on her quest, and she can get five or so good endings and some bad ones too.

I am really, really inspired by the Clash album known as Sandinista. It's one of my all-time favorite albums and it represents pure all-out creativity--four guys and like 30 session musicians trying everything they can think of and then releasing a triple LP of it all. Go listen to it! It's way better than London Calling (says like 5% of Clash fans including me).

Hopefully Kismet will be out this year!
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« Last post by Drakkan on April 23, 2024, 21:42:22 »
I don't have much hope that this will be resolved, but after successfully playing through the latest version of this level, I thought I'd check out the previous version to see what it was like when it was made for KS Ex. Specifically, I picked this one:

Unfortunately, it seems to be broken. It worked fine until I got to the Night Park. There's a point there where a shift is apparently supposed to transform you into a ball. I've seen that happen in a YouTube video. But for me, all that shift does is move me a bit to the right. A bit later, there's a part that Juni can't possibly squeeze through, so any further progress is impossible. I took at look at the level in the editor, and this looks like a completely standard shift that does nothing except reposition you. And the Lua script doesn't seem to do anything with it either. So what went wrong here? I'm using KS Ex 1.5.9.
you need run it in KS+
Knytt Experiment / Re: Database availability
« Last post by kilicool64 on April 23, 2024, 19:56:40 »
I have a more recent copy than Sergio Cornaga's. Posted a link at the Nifflas Discord two days ago. But I just realized that I should probably share it somewhere else as well so that once future historians weep for all the things that were lost with the demise of Discord, they at least won't have to weep for this:
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: Frozen Mountain 2 - The Return
« Last post by kilicool64 on April 22, 2024, 23:12:45 »
I don't have much hope that this will be resolved, but after successfully playing through the latest version of this level, I thought I'd check out the previous version to see what it was like when it was made for KS Ex. Specifically, I picked this one:

Unfortunately, it seems to be broken. It worked fine until I got to the Night Park. There's a point there where a shift is apparently supposed to transform you into a ball. I've seen that happen in a YouTube video. But for me, all that shift does is move me a bit to the right. A bit later, there's a part that Juni can't possibly squeeze through, so any further progress is impossible. I took at look at the level in the editor, and this looks like a completely standard shift that does nothing except reposition you. And the Lua script doesn't seem to do anything with it either. So what went wrong here? I'm using KS Ex 1.5.9.
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