[Challenge/Misc] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever (New Team Member 6/30/09)

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Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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[Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
" on: Saturday, November 15 2008 @ 16:55 "

Hello, and welcome to the official "Boot Stamping on a Knytt face Forever" topic! It took me awhile to carry it over from the old forum, mainly because I wanted to re-write it a bit. While collection information here and there it has become somewhat sloppy, and I wanted to group it up so it would be easier to digest. Every idea from the old topic, such and Level Design (LD) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc; are just as they were previously, only slightly revised to suit the new grouping, and I added a little more detail in areas that were pretty vague. Well, what are you waiting for? Behold the concept of the creation before you!


BSoaKFF's Topic Updates

Whenever I update this post, I will add "(New, 0/0/00)" to the title. (0/0/00 will be the date the update was made) To see what I updated about the topic, just check this section for a description of what I updated.

«  on: March 09, 2009, 00:07:43 »   This is a major update from the old post. All sections have been updated,
                                                         actually, considering all sections have been added. X)

«  on: March 18, 2009, 19:16:36  »  Farik's involvement in beta testing was confirmed, and now all beta tester seats
                                                         have been filled.

«  on: March 29, 2009, 02:24:39  »  Made a small update in the "Level Updates" section. Two new tilesets have
                                                         been made, so I updated the "Tilesets Made" from 10 to 12. Also, I added
                                                         "BSoaKFF" to the title to all subgroups in this topic. The "Level Design" section
                                                         looked odd being the only one with it.

«  on: April 05, 2009, 05:47:18   »   Three new screenshots have been released. They can be found in the screenshot
                                                         section of this topic.

«  on: May 16, 2009, 20:37:49    »   Beta testers section has been altered to BSoaKFF Production Team. List updated,
                                                        and additional production teams added. They aren't complete yet, though. I still
                                                        have to consult some of my existing team members for addition production jobs.

«  on: May 17, 2009, 18:04:11    »    Removed old screenshots. Added new, more official, ones.

«  on: June 24, 2009, 10:12:35   »    Added one new additional screenshot. This will be followed by another screenshot of it's alternate  
                                                          perspective in a few days.

«  on: June 30, 2009, 07:36:37    »   The last of the two Ex-testers has returned, therefore he has rejoined the
                                                          team, not only as a Beta tester, but as a Graphical Production member as well.

«  on: March 09, 2009, 00:07:43 »    Added New Screenshots and moved Farik from the Testers to Former Members


BSoaKFF's Level Design

There are several things that makes "Boot Stamping on a Knytt Face Forever" different from most other levels. Here are a few details to its design you will see throughout the level.

1. A complete library of tilesets, none of which come with the game, nor found on the forum at all. I decided to break away from default tilesets completely, and as of last year, made the decision to have absolutely all brand new tilesets.

2. This level will use all 256 tileset slots, all 256 gradient slots, all 255 Custom Object slots, all 256 music track slots, and all 256 ambiance track slots. BSoaKFF will quite literally be so custom that I can?t actually add anything new unless I use the source files and create my own Knytt Stories.

3. Every music and ambiance found in the game will be fully custom. The .bin file itself will include a music library much smaller then intended. This is so the file size isn't incredibly large, and because not everyone has a high speed connection. A music/ambiance expansion pack will be included as a .zip in the topic post. Simply download that file, delete the music/ambiance file found in BsoaKFF's world file, and replace them with the new ones. Those with slower bandwidth will still be able to enjoy an amazing level, and ones that can stand to download bigger files will have the opportunity to experience this level as I truly intended it to be experienced.

4. Aside from the game only having a very loose storyline with a level big enough that the main storyline is barely noticeable, and not actually necessary to have fun and enjoy the game, there will be multiple side quests, some of which are only capable once. So which side quests you choose depends on how the end of the game turns out and what powers you get.

5. Something I thought was intriguing and you might want to hear is, besides being full of side quests, there are...how would I say... Side, side quests with no actual point, no progression in the game, solely existing for having fun.

6. This game will involve a lot of cutscenes and shiftscenes(by shift scenes I mean where you talk to someone more than once by pressing down, using sticky, no jump, sign, and shift objects) for further progression. Think of it like this, games you play nowadays have two types of cutscenes. Ones that reveal something, moves you on to the next town, gives you a sneak peek of a boss you must fight later, etc. Theses cutscenes always have voiceovers, different camera angles than normal, stuff like that. Within these cutscenes, words will be set up two different ways. A conversation between two people with be done with the text box that signs make, and any soliloquies and narrations will have on-screen text. Then there are scenes where you must stop and talk to people as they have a lot of information to give to you, these cutscenes normally being text based and don't really changed the camera perspective too much. Also, there will be some cutscenes with a purpose, but some are just meant to make you smile, enjoy the detail, etc. You'll see what I mean later.

7. Due to the new ability to make Custom Objects, I have decided that for the most important cutscenes, I might actually make a full animated 240x600 screen on layer 7, and it will use the same concept as the shift scene. You will be stuck and can't move other then pressing down. Instead of seeing text though, you will see a fully animated cutscene. Of course these can be watched, or skipped. They will be hard to make though so in any case I probably won't have a ton of them. These are still a possibly, but not a definite.    

8. Smaller towns mostly won?t have this because they aren't really required, but in the cities, I plan to make them 3D in a sort. By this I mean you can literally map out the city by the street names and you could watch all the way around a building on all sides if you really wanted to.

9. The protagonist of this story is named Ariel.

10. The level will have a vast style of location, everything from man-made mind blowers to natural wonders. Man mad wise, there will be several small villages, several towns, and several big cities. The villages will have a more outdoorsy feeling, seeming integrated with nature.The towns will seem more commercial, more integrated with natural stuff. The cities will seem more commercial, even more so compared to towns. With huge buildings, etc. Besides skyscrapers and plazas, I will make monuments, dams, sewers, etc. Nature wise, their will be forests, deserts, plains, marshes, swamps, Volcanoes, caverns, ocean floors, even space? Yes, I'm touching all corners of human existence. ;)

BSoaKFF's Level Features

Level Features are concepts I am incorporating into the game that aren't really part of the game, but seem to be integrated with the system. Like additional items and things you normally won't see as part of the Knytt Stories.

1. When you past someone, you can have a conversation with them, but when you meet them again, they will say something else, give different tidbits of info, allow for different missions, etc.

2. Every house found in the game can be entered. No exceptions. Will they be open at all times? Probably not. Most nobody is home all day long. ;)
3. There will be no powerup objects found throughout the game. To get powerups you must complete certain tasks and be rewarded by someone to gain the power. For instance, after saving a bodybuilder's child from a well, he gives you permission to use his exercise room. After running on the treadmill, burning some calories on the bike, and giving you legs a workout on the weight bench, you gain the ability to jump higher.
4. Water depth is something that should be taken into consideration. People often use the waterfall top for ankle deep water, so I was thinking. Considering we know our protagonist can walk in ankle deep water, why can't see walk in waist deep water? Well with the use of Custom Objects, any water that doesn't go above Ariel's head will not kill her. So waist deep water is just as traversalable and ground, though you will move slower while in the water.   

5. For long distance communication, I plan to use cellphones. I will be creating a tileset for a giant cell tower which can be found in random locations, the first being outside of your town. Within the designated area you will be able to access your phone and make phone calls to people who give you the number.I will use cutscenes for the dialogue between the person you need to call, and after the cutscene it will take you to the next duplicate screen with the new mission. Of course you can call other people, but those cutscenes will just loop you back to a duplicate of the contacts list with the person you called blacked out. That would use complicated shift work though (Nothing more than what I'm already doing), but I might just make it so all the other numbers except the ones you need to call are blacked out.

6. I have also considered making an inventory for Ariel. I plan to have an traveler's pack/inventory section so you can store the items you pick up along your travel (the ones that aren't powerups). There will be places that you can access your inventory, though I haven't thought much into that one. The interface will look like a giant backpack in which Juni can climb around in. There will be a lot of gradient work in that situation though. ;)

7. A story that branches off into a Saira world? Possibly... it's something I've been thinking about lately.

Yes, this level will be massive, and the filesize will probably be HUGE :shocked: (definitely a mediafire upload) , but I hope it to be one of the most fun, detailed, enjoyable, replayable levels on the Knytt Stories forum.

BSoaKFF's Storyline Details

This section if for details and info on the storyline of the game, and anything related to the storyline.

"One morning Ariel wakes up to the sound of her mother's voice calling her. She got up from bed and went downstairs. Upon reaching the living room her mother asks her to run an errand for her while she takes a trip to the grocery store. She asks that Ariel travel across town to the post office and send a letter to her mother, which used to live in Ferdalgo, but now lives in Erdalgo, the sister town. She then tells Ariel she will have a surprise waiting for her when she gets back. After hugging her mom, who was walking out the door, she goes upstairs and gets dressed. Stepping outside to a warm, summer morning, Ariel looks around to hear birds chirping, see small creatures enjoying the sun, and the river running at a steady pace as always. She then starts walking.  As she travels across the town there is the occasional speak of some strange power that has taken over a small village, but most think its just a hoax to get more visitors. Continuing her short journey, she meets some strange new people from far outside her village, but are these newcomers dangerous, or friendly?"      

Due to changes in the level's design, the story has changed somewhat. This has the same main idea, only laid out differently.

BSoaKFF's Level Updates

This section is directly for updating the progress of the level before it's release. I will document what is being added to it, how far it is along, and other information related to it?s progress.
(Due to a decision to rework certain parts of the level, I have labeled most previous info as n/a until I am finished and settled on what with be what.)

I will update by the filesize.

Updated* As of Mar.8, 2009 6:33 P.m
n/a screens: n/a MBs

Estimated Release Date: n/a (If the release date were as I had posted previously, The level would be out in 8 days XD)

Tilesets made: 12/256
Tilesets in use at the moment: 8/10
Music chosen: 4/256
Music in use:4/4
Ambiances chosen: n/a
Ambiances in use: n/a
# of cutscenes: n/a
Icon chosen: n/a
Info screen chosen: n/a

BSoaKFF's Future Updates
This section is for information for additions for BsoaKFF's updates after it's initial release.

I would like to add that I plan two major level updates (not fixed bugs) that expand the game much... much more after its initial release.
Though there won't be much in this section until the initial release of BSoaKFF.

BSoaKFF's Production Team Info

I have handpicked a group of users for this team. Some users have joined the team for the sole purpose of beta testing, whereas some are also involved for other things, such as the creation of BSoaKFF exclusive music, tilesets, and so on. They are broken into teams below, separated by which teams they are involved in.

Beta Testers Team
The users in this team are for checking the overall quality of BSoaKFF. I haven't listed it at the moment yet, but I will soon and what fields of testing these users will be executing in the level.

1. EarthBound015
2. shawnachu
3. Dj Gopher
4. Emeraldfire7
6. Strange Darkness
7. B-Man
8. Elder
9. Utherdoul
10. Googoogjoob
11. J
12. Kasran
13. Yonowaaru
14. RunMan

Former Members

5. farik

Audio Production Team

These users are in charge of creating additional music for BSoaKFF. I have a large selection of music chosen, but I prefer to have a team for creating music if I can't find something to really fit what I'm looking for.

1. LPChip - Musical Advisor
2. Earthbound015 - Music Producer
3. Kasran - Music Producer

Graphical Production Team
My Graphical Production Team are enlisted for making tilesets and custom objects. I have made, and will continue making most of the custom tilesets for BSoaKFF, but occasionally I won't have time to make this or that. That is where these users come in.

1. Utherdoul - Tileset and Custom Object Producer
2. farik - Tileset Producer
3. B-Man - Tileset Producer
4. Emeraldfire7 - Tileset and Custom Object Producer
5. RunMan - Tileset Producer


BSoaKFF's Screenshots

As of now, four official screenshots have been released. New screenshots will have red names, instead of black. These are still subject to change, as I have a terrible habit of coming up with better things later on and re-editing stuff, and so far the only screenshots I have posted were short a few CO's like trees and whatnot.

Ariel's House

Switching Camera Perspectives?

Hillside Property

Julia Anderson's House

Julia Anderson's House From Switched Perspective

Ariel's Home Interior

Beta shot of Mt. Scott
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 20:25:05 by JC Grim the 'crete reaper »
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


Offline AmADizii

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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 00:12:28 »
Holy shkittles. This is hawt. I surusly can't wait for this to come out, I'm looking forward to it, it'll be MINT!!

This is god-like stuff here, making another world really. Wish I could test betas. but meh. So this'll be awesome!!!
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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 02:07:10 »
Holy shkittles.
I concur. Shkittles indeed. This would have to be well over 1,000 screens to actually use all 256 of everything. Oh, and there's only 255 CO slots, 'cause 0 is for deleting. ;)
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.

Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 03:42:49 »
This would have to be well over 1,000 screens to actually use all 256 of everything.
Actually, a minimum of 255.
Lurk more.


Offline Pumpkinbot

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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2009, 03:53:58 »
This would have to be well over 1,000 screens to actually use all 256 of everything.
Actually, a minimum of 255.
Well, 255 music, ambiance, and COs and 256 tilesets. <_<
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.

Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2009, 03:59:43 »
This would have to be well over 1,000 screens to actually use all 256 of everything.
Actually, a minimum of 255.
Well, 255 music, ambiance, and COs and 256 tilesets. <_<
256 tilesets/(2 tilesets per screen), 255 ambiance, 255 abiance, 255 COs < 256 screens :)
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Offline Pumpkinbot

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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2009, 04:15:03 »
This would have to be well over 1,000 screens to actually use all 256 of everything.
Actually, a minimum of 255.
Well, 255 music, ambiance, and COs and 256 tilesets. <_<
256 tilesets/(2 tilesets per screen), 255 ambiance, 255 abiance, 255 COs < 256 screens :)
*headdesk* You win. :moody:
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2009, 04:37:32 »
Holy shkittles.
Oh, and there's only 255 CO slots, 'cause 0 is for deleting. ;)

Oh, thank you for catching that. When you write a post that big your bound to stop paying attention and make a mistake somewhere. ;)
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell


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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2009, 19:27:11 »
When I first saw the title of this level, I thought of Mr. Boot in Teenhmifnoeafgil.

Anyway, this is what I was talking about (to somebody)! There needs to be more ambitious level-makers.
I admit I have my doubts about this one, but if it does get finished it will undoubtedly be an interesting experience. Based on my personal experiences and how long it takes/is taking for me to make a level (have you spent an hour and a half on one custom object yet?), I'm guessing this won't be done for a long time though.


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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2009, 20:07:44 »

I can't wait.

Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 21:51:49 »
Anyway, this is what I was talking about! There needs to be more ambitious level-makers.
I'm doing something like this too. *sigh*
Lurk more.


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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2009, 00:19:54 »
Hey, I just re-registered here, so don't forget to send me the beta-testing PM's when they become ready! :)

And good luck with this. ;)


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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2009, 01:20:51 »
(have you spent an hour and a half on one custom object yet?)
I have. ._.

EDIT: I guess I should put something actually relating to BSoaKFF, huh? Well, I actually wanted to say, how efficiently will you use the tilesets? Please don't say you're just gonna use a couple of them for one tile or so, 'cause, in my book, that's not "using" a tileset.
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.



Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2009, 17:22:41 »
(have you spent an hour and a half on one custom object yet?)
I have. ._.

EDIT: I guess I should put something actually relating to BSoaKFF, huh? Well, I actually wanted to say, how efficiently will you use the tilesets? Please don't say you're just gonna use a couple of them for one tile or so, 'cause, in my book, that's not "using" a tileset.

Are you talking about filling up the tiles in the tileset file or using the tilesets in the actual game?
Either way I agree though.


Offline JC Grim the 'crete reaper

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Re: [Challenge] Boot Stamping On A Knytt Face Forever
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2009, 22:12:12 »
When I first saw the title of this level, I thought of Mr. Boot in Teenhmifnoeafgil.

Anyway, this is what I was talking about (to somebody)! There needs to be more ambitious level-makers.
I admit I have my doubts about this one, but if it does get finished it will undoubtedly be an interesting experience. Based on my personal experiences and how long it takes/is taking for me to make a level (have you spent an hour and a half on one custom object yet?), I'm guessing this won't be done for a long time though.

Lol, no. It's in no relation to Teenhmifnoeafgil. "Boot Stamping on a Knytt Face Forever" is a play on a section of the George Orwell book, "Nineteen Eighty-four". Basically he said "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face... forever."
Most favorite quote ever.

And in reference to the tilesets, I am rarely, if ever short of ideas for tilesets, even if I end up using part of the tileset for something else. I max out all tilesets I make.

Anyway, this is what I was talking about! There needs to be more ambitious level-makers.
I'm doing something like this too. *sigh*

It's mainly because I started this way back in October, I've been making this level forever.
Shortly after I posted it, the concept of levels with every house enterable, etc. started popping up in other level previews. Plus my topic is very well uniformed and designed.

KG didn't mean anything by it. ;)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 20:01:40 by JC Grim the 'crete reaper »
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

- George Orwell